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Woldhek krijgt Inktspotprijs 2011 voor staatsieportret Henk Bleker

“Een prachtig getekend portret, dat op sublieme wijze een mengeling van sluwheid, onverzettelijkheid en machtsbelustheid uitdrukt, Impliciet en zonder tekst.” Dat zegt de jury van de Inktspotprijs over de tekening die Sigfried Woldhek maakte voor de NRC van 30 maart 2011. Afgebeeld is Henk Bleker, voormalig kandidaat-partijleider van het CDA en staatssecretaris van vroegere natuur. Woldhek, die al sinds 1976… 

The Broadway visitor: lily-white, woman, loyal and well above the Balkenende norm

These are data that somehow do not make the press here, because they are about America, which is not in the Netherlands. Still, it is interesting to take a closer look at the composition of the audience on Broadway. After all, that is where, in the wet dreams of VVD/PVV celebrities like Bart @deliefde and @halbezijlstra, the future of... 

Not two, but only one cultural major in 2010, and none in 2011

That was a bit of a shock for culture lovers in Utrecht and beyond. the dear youth theatre house Het Lab turned out to have an artistic director with an annual salary of 214,975 euros. A salary that made him equal to the dozens of air traffic controllers, medical specialists and broadcasting staff who all earn far more than the Balkenende norm (193,000 euros a year, including pension). But no. The ever amiable... 

Door Chinese groei verandert de kunstmarkt sneller en ingrijpender dan we beseffen

Ze maakten de betere Bordeaux-wijnen onbetaalbaar en in Zuidoost Azië worden dagelijks recordbedragen neergeteld voor westerse moderne en antieke kunst. Chinese verzamelaars en speculanten bepalen inmiddels wat telt en wat niet in de kunstwereld. Nieuwste ontwikkeling: ze ontdekken hun eigen kunstenaars. Inmiddels wordt voor een schilderij als ‘Adelaar staand op een dennenboom’ uit 1946 van de autodidact Qi Bashi meer… 

WWIK transitional regime until 1 July 2012: The grinding of De Kroms teeth echoes to the smallest municipality

The art sector's victory over government policy will last until 1 July 2012. Until then, a transitional scheme applies to artists who were eligible for WWIK benefits until 1 January 2012. This is because this highly successful scheme, which gives artists a chance to build a profitable professional practice at an amount of 70% of the welfare level, had been abolished by... 

We gaan de schrijvers van de wereld volgen tot in hun hotelkamer

Writers Unlimited De Dodo komt weer tot leven. Op 19 januari alweer. Dan storten we ons in het Haagse schrijversleven. Het vierdaagse festival Writers Unlimited, voorheen bekend als Winternachten, maar vanwege het weer dus van naam veranderd (niet, maar leuk grapje) krijgt een echte dodo, maar dan weer anders. We gaan LIVE BLOGGEN. Dat wil zeggen dat we erbij zijn… 

Gedonder of een kleine storm in de Goudse Glazen? U mag het zeggen

We kregen een tijdje geleden een brief op poten van Wim de Groot. Nu krijgen we wel vaker brieven op poten, maar hier leek wel wat aan de hand. Probleem natuurlijk want uitzoeken kost tijd en geld en dat was er even niet. (let u op de donateursactie die we binnenkort gaan starten) Maar toch. Wat scheelt eraan? Wim de… 

Theaterfotografie in het zonnetje in kleine Amsterdamse galerie

Theaterfoto’s zijn een vak apart. Uit een toch al in scene gezet onderwerp kiest de beroepsfotograaf het pakkendste beeld. Er zijn mensen die er daarom op neerkijken, er zijn mensen die de theaterfotograaf juist daarom bewonderen. Wij zijn uiteraard meer geneigd tot het laatste. Maar het vak staat onder druk. Van smartphones, van afnemers die geen plek en geen geld… 

Austerity year review 2011. Or how the PVV cry 'Arts subsidies we abolish' was widely heard

While 2010 was still the year of PVV positions on culture that were suddenly shared by other parties ("we are abolishing art subsidies"), the year 2011 fell under their implementation. What was striking was the ease with which regional and local administrators also wielded this same machete, as PVV spokesperson Bosma did not fail to testify. For instance, in the municipality of Almelo, 30 % went àff from... 

Small selection of great suffering for Christmas week

There will definitely be no investigation into a corporatisation of the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. According to the proposal, a council majority wants to have the opportunities to earn more money and save on expenses investigated. A political party earlier suggested that many more visitors and revenue could be brought in with a less elitist programme. At the Money Museum in Utrecht 

Culture in the Christmas package, Orientalis stops and all of Nijmegen-West without a library

Delightful news from the world of Christmas packages. 1/3 of interviewees said they did want to find a cultural experience in the Christmas package, as they visited a cultural actvity less often than they would like: 43% because of the crisis and 35% because of lack of time. Respondents said they would go more often if they got a discount. The proposed merger of... 

Krabbendijke loses library, North Holland 'saves' youth theatre, while Brabant 30% cuts further on arts

The cut-away Metropole Orchestra is getting some air from the minister. She is willing to use the necessary friction costs to support the transition over the next four years from the Media Budget, provided it stays there. That is, the orchestra may use its own severance payments to be independently 'on the market' from 2017. As much as it shows... 

"The city's leading free spirits have discovered and embraced classical music, but on their own terms"

An alternative scene for classical events outside the ice palaces of classical music is growing. Last month you could 'classical clubbing' at the Yellow Lounge at the Westergasfabriek venue. The club was sold out, indeed with a large

Investing in culture is economically valuable, but not with us ...

A Belgian professor was good enough to compare the own revenues by venues from the US, the UK and Belgium; in all three countries, the companies raise about 42% of their budgets themselves. The innovation professor also reiterated that research shows that investing in culture contributes to economic prosperity ... a wisdom that ... 

Secretary of State excels in inanity as cultural cuts rumble on

On radio, the State Secretary for Culture and Education once again reiterated his position that when making cuts, it is good not to know one's field of activity . As an example, he did not know who the painter of "The Scream" is (Edvard Munch) and brought up a definition of culture as a "grab bag": "The beauty of culture is, that... 

News from the national culture front

Positive news to start with: in The Hague, the municipality is doubling photographer/filmmaker Anton Corbijn's contribution to his youth culture fund Haagse Bluf by €75,000. Corbijn explicitly instructed the fund not to interfere in the subsidised cultural sector. So compensation for the cuts need not be expected. In Arnhem, the alderman is satisfied with the... 

Enterprising young theatre makers, Meermanno meets revenue standard, Eindhoven accepts collection, Amsterdam supports cultural education, et al.

Entrepreneurship is in young theatre-makers' blood (...) A new theatre circuit seems to have emerged in recent years. More and more young groups, such as Stichting Nieuwe Helden, PSTheater and Circus Treurdier, work relatively independently of subsidies and almost always outside the theatre building. They seek out their audiences anywhere, whether on the street, by a canal or in a... 

Benefit Giving Act, cultural budgets, Brabant, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Eindhoven, Goes, Utrecht et al.

Tax benefits to be gained this year (...) With effect from 2012, under the new Giving Act, there is an additional tax facility for donations (incidental or via periodic donations) to charitable institutions (non-profit organisations) designated as cultural institutions. Those cultural donations may be multiplied by a factor of 125 per cent for the gift deduction. This... 

Slack start to art lottery, production houses don't fire, Krabbedans, Rivierenland Library, MuZIEum et al.

Poor economy hinders new art lottery The business market is not yet warming up to the National Art Lottery launched in July. The organisation is looking for sponsors, but the poor economic climate is playing tricks on the lottery. (...) The number of cultural organisations that applied to supply lottery tickets actually exceeded expectations (...) Only when there are enough sponsors will the... 

A'dam: big loss of art subsidies, fact-free politics at art colleges, sacred museum collections, N-H halts small cultural education, culture in abandoned railway station

'Amsterdam loses 127 million arts subsidy' (...) The 127.1 million euros is a sum of cuts from the state (70 million), the increase in VAT to 19% (45.6 million) and the announced municipal cuts to the 2013-2016 Arts Plan of 8 million annually. In addition, the so-called ID jobs (subsidised jobs) are being phased out more quickly. This will give Amsterdam's arts and cultural institutions another... 

Museums, Boxmeer theatre, IKON, ANP, regional broadcasters, impoverished library

MuseumgoudA not expelled MuseumgoudA may still remain a member of the Dutch Museum Association (NMV). A majority of the members were still of the opinion in September that the museum should be expelled because it had auctioned Marlene Dumas' The Schoolboys at the end of June without consulting other museums. That is against the NMV's rules. It did, however, decide to change the rules for the... 

Library not culture, EU money for visual culture, Corbijn in The Hague, VAT implications in Maastricht

Tropenmuseum a bit exotic due to international contacts (...) "The Tropenmuseum still seems to be an issue for political The Hague, but I don't hear anything about the library service and the theatre." There seems to be no question of transfer to subsidy by the Ministry of OCW. Heemskerk also wonders whether state secretary Knapen has sufficient insight into the importance of the library. "The library service... 

US states: dancer gets $150 for performing with tickets up to $100,000 and rebels

Her name is Sara Wookey and she is well known in the international dance world. When this choreographer and dancer with 16 years of experience was offered a chance to audition to perform in a renowned performance by world-renowned artist Marina Abramovich, she naturally seized it. She auditioned and passed the audition with six others, but not then... 

Friday the 25th. Bergen puts extra money into art, while new disasters emerge for the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Amsterdam - Mayor finds cuts to Rijksakademie "beyond comprehension" During the official opening of RijksakademieOPEN 2011, Mayor of Amsterdam Eberhard van der Laan expressed his concerns about the government's severe cuts to the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten. "Cutbacks are necessary. Capitulating is not necessary. There are limits." The mayor stressed that a healthy art climate is important for... 

Culture day: not a penny for Oriëntalis, no brake on Amsterdam cutbacks and Vlissinger library unsaleable

State secretary does not give museum park Orientalis a cent (...) Interim director Peter Berns had asked Zijlstra, state secretary for Education, Culture and Science, for a one-off subsidy of six million euros. The province of Gelderland is willing to make a one-off contribution, if necessary, but only if the government also comes over the bridge. So that is not the case now, confirms a disappointed Berns. Source:... 

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