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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.

Their carnival is already more fun, too. Brazilian arts budget grows by 10% a year.

Brazil has 10% more every year for arts, sports and entertainment, plus an extra 600 million this year. If we in the Netherlands ever start growing the economy again, we can choose between the Chinese and Brazilian models. In China, growth goes mainly to puissant wealthy entrepreneurs, and wealthier citizens buy mass-produced luxury goods. For... 

'Theatre club' from US takes to the web.

 In fact, after 1 click, you're totally in. The latest project from Philadelphia-based New Paradise Laboratories (NPL) (USA) takes the internet experience to a new level. The creators don't just do anything with a website, but create a virtual existence, which they sustain for at least a year. In their latest project Extremely Public Displays of Privacy,... 

Tjitske Reidinga launched as star of new summer programming Amsterdam Delamartheater

The general public knows her as the rock-hard lawyer Claire from Gooise Vrouwen. Tone lovers have known her longer as that actress with the striking voice. A diplomat's daughter, born in Africa, later raised in Bussum. Tjitske Reidinga now dares to come forward:

Zijlstra investigates 'taking root' foreign art students

Many students studying at Dutch art schools are not from the Netherlands. At the request of PVV, supported by the government parties VVD and CDA, State Secretary for Culture Zijlstra is now investigating whether enough of these students also go to work in the Netherlands after their studies. Halbe Zijlstra made this commitment during a general consultation on the sector plan for professional arts education,... 

Arts colleges hopelessly divided

It was a 'roundtable discussion', so that is extremely informal. Lower house members of the ministry of OCW's 'lead committee' listen to people from the field. In this case, all people who are involved in, or lead, arts education. It was an awkward meeting.

Horror story of theatre show Coast overwhelms its narrators

Exactly how Little Red Riding Hood was eaten by the wicked wolf, the fairy tale does not tell. Fairy-tale-telling parents limit themselves to the before and after. And that the evil wolf is cut open by the hunter, freed from Little Red Riding Hood and filled with stones eventually ends up in a well to die is part of the winding down of the happy ending. Enough... 

Liverpool GGD saves millions on antidepressants thanks to local philharmonic

It saves Liverpool's GGD millions on dispensing antidepressants. And it only costs them a tonne and a half. They spend that much hiring Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra musicians for workshops in addiction clinics. So, no idealistic preaching, as in the countless columns and reactions to Halbes culture cut, but hard pecunia and proven effects. In England,... 

What exactly is going on at Stage Entertainment?

Last month, it was announced that Erwin van Lambaart, once brought in as heir apparent to his company Stage Entertainment by Joop van den Ende, is leaving as CCO 'to spend more time with his family'. Last week, a press release appeared in which the group reported that it had signed a so-called €75 million club deal with ABN-AMRO and ING.

Fact-free journalism plunges into arts sector.

    According to the Volkskrant, Rick van der Ploeg was state secretary of culture in the early 1990s (in reality, he was at the end of those years), and in Het Parool columnist Gerard Mulder claims that the fact that he "thankfully knows nothing about art subsidies" need not deter him from some wild speculations... 

Versatile and elusive Writers Unlimited closes with tribute to Hella S Haasse and rain of awards

It is remarkable how a writer's sentences, once highlighted, can be given echoing interpretations after his death. Gustaaf Peek in particular, if he really wants to do justice to Haasse, must do something about his rather chest-thumping piety, but even a seasoned artist like Kees 't Hart may moderate the tone while quoting.

Writers Unlimited showcases a new generation of African authors #wu12

There is something special about Africa. The new generation of writers from Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa walking around Writers Unlimited is different from their parents in the world. Or, indeed, the fact that they interact with it in a completely different way, with those ancestors, defines them as something completely new. They present themselves as confident, modern global citizens.

Big plus for the writer who can also narrate #wu12

His voice is low, and when he talks, he does so calmly and thoughtfully. He regards his humour - very British - as a side effect that is more accidental than intended. This makes Helon Habila a perfect guest for the opening night of Writers Unlimited, the Hague literature festival better known as 'Winternachten'. The Nigerian can tell stories, but... 

Huge growth of Chinese art market raises fears of loss of quality (follow-up)

We reported last week on China's huge art market, which is growing so fast that insiders say it is a bursting bubble. But, before the market collapses because rich investors come up with another hobby, it could collapse even faster as the art loses quality. This is particularly likely to happen to the works of the... 

This Cherry Garden by theatre group Keesen&Co is even much better than it looks anyway

The good man himself lived to be barely 44. But on his deathbed, he thus wrote a play for which you have to be at least well over 50 and have experienced a lot if you want to do it justice as a director. So we are talking about Anton Chekhov and The Cherry Garden. And about Willlibrord Keesen, who in his now third... 

There is no Facebooking about taste. Harvard: only classical music and jazz preferences are transferable in social networks

For some, social media seemed to be the solution for how companies could market their wares. You sell something to one person, and that person passes on their good experiences to their social network. That way, you could influence a lot of people with relatively little effort. Not so. Friend networks on facebook are hardly interested in each other's tastes.... 

One hundred and thirty thousand visitors for the Cultural Press Office in 2011. The bar for 2012 is high.

That frightens us quite a bit ourselves. We knew that the Cultural Press Agency was doing pretty well, but we didn't really think a reach of more than 100,000 people was possible. After all, we had done nothing in the way of marketing. Just posting content and not giving away free tickets. And only once something with a bare female breast in it. Enfin.... 

'Cultural Diversity' disappeared into the dustbin faster than drafters could write 'Code'

Thursday 15 December saw a conference in The Hague. A festive intended gathering with workshops celebrated the creation of the 'Code of Cultural Diversity'. In the final debate, the same code was openly buried. View the story "'Cultural Diversity' disappeared into the dustbin faster than drafters 'Code' could write" on Storify] The code can be found here:

Europe wants to invest in culture. If it is allowed by the Netherlands.

It was Europe Day in cultural Amsterdam on Monday 12 December. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science officially opened the application procedure for cities wishing to become Europe's cultural capital in 2018. And the European commission presented and plan of 1.8 billion for culture. We reported via Twitter. And collected the results on 'storify'. View the story "Europe wants to invest in culture.... 

State Secretary de Krom (Social Affairs) urges 1st chamber to speed up approval of WWIK repeal

That this cabinet does not like the creators of art is by now well enough known. That this klabinet also wants to get rid of complaining artists as soon as possible, too. That is why the cabinet is rushing to end laws that give artists a helping hand, such as the Work and Income for Artists Act (WWIK). That law now regulates that professional artists for... 

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