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Bewegend beeld. Te zien op tv, in een museum, in een bioscoop. Op een iphone.

De scene die filmgeschiedenis schreef

Vanochtend is Anita Ekberg gestorven in een ziekenhuis in Italië. Ze is 83 jaar geworden. Maar voor ons is ze eigenlijk altijd 28 gebleven en stond ze eeuwig in de Trevifontein. Ekberg begon haar carriëre als Miss Zweden en is gewapend met die titel naar de VS vertrokken. Daar heeft ze een aantal kleine filmrollen gespeeld waarin ze voornamelijk mooi… 

Gooische Vrouwen beat Hobbit. Cinematic year 2014, eerily stable, with five caveats

Stable, stable, stable. That refrain sounded again and again at the announcement of the cinema industry's annual figures at the New Year meeting in Tuschinski. Hajo Binsbergen, vice-chairman of the Netherlands Association of Film Distributors, informed that in 2014, with the high number of 30.8 million visitors, the passage to the cinema was almost the same as 2013. The Dutch market share was with again... 

Director Wolfson bids farewell to Film Festival Rotterdam - three puzzles in advance for successor

Today, the International Film Festival Rotterdam announced that director Rutger Wolfson is handing over the baton after the 2015 edition. About his decision, Wolfson says in the press release: "Eight years is a long time to lead an important film festival and with the 44th edition, which is going to be very strong, I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve. Together with my family, I have... 

They are going to pay. Cable operators on their knees for screenwriters

Tonight many drunk screenwriters on the streets, and in Leiden a few very happy older journalists. Lira, the organisation that has to collect money for them from the big, wealthy, and non-paying guys, has won twice. They already had, of course, but the cable companies didn't want to get rid of the gold plating on their luxury yachts. So they ignored the judge's ruling and... 

Klucht rond The Interview wordt thriller – Sony zwicht voor dreigement uit onbekende bron

Het wordt steeds gekker met The Interview, de Amerikaanse komedie waarin de CIA twee televisiejournalisten wil inschakelen bij een moordaanslag op de leider van Noord-Korea.

Je zou bijna zeggen dat film weer eens door de werkelijkheid is ingehaald.

Thumbs up for Morgan Knibbe - Those Who Feel the Fire Burning nominated at IDFA

Dat doet Morgan Knibbe helemaal niet slecht. Twee jaar geleden afgestudeerd aan de Filmacademie, nu op IDFA al op gelijke voet met ’s werelds beste documentairemakers. Those Who Feel the Fire Burning is zijn onconventionele verbeelding van de wereld van vluchtelingen die de oversteek naar Europa waagden. Nu genomineerd voor de hoofdprijs van IDFA, de prijs voor beste lange documentaire. Het… 

IDFA 2014: Do women look at the world differently? 9 sides of a documentary puzzle

Film-making used to be a man's business. Men made films about men watching women - something like that. In 1975, film scholar Laura Mulvey launched the famous notion of 'The Male Gaze'. Last year, it resurfaced in the heated debate surrounding La vie d'Adèle, that wonderful film by Abdellatif Kechiche (male) about a lesbian love affair. So how about before? This year, IDFA has... 

'Immersive reality' shows fierce future for visual journalism on #IDFA

So I spent five minutes in singer-songwriter Patrick Watson's studio. He played a bit. Put his phone in the ashtray. Said something to his labrador. And I could look around quietly while he played. Behind me, in front of me. Below and above. Nothing like sitting at an artist's home while he plays. And he wasn't bothered... 

All feature films of Theo van Gogh (1957 - 2004) at EYE, tribute to a free spirit with a big heart

"Theo van Gogh tried so hard to be an enfant terrible that we almost forgot that he was one of the Netherlands' most creative and productive filmmakers." I wrote this for the GPD papers on 2 November 2004, after an editor called me with the terrible news of the filmmaker's violent death. Soon, that murder was exactly ten... 

Rowwen Heze was not among them. The funniest tweets about the calves in a row

There was, of course, that ceremony on TV. But there was also a ceremony on Twitter. Which started much earlier than that ceremony on TV. The calves were already falling from the sky while we were still watching the news. We listed the celebration. From half past two, Friday afternoon. [View the story " Calvert tweets from Utrecht.... 

Beat the jury: decide who wins the Golden Calves

About the curious omissions from the nominations has already been one and other said. And it does clean up, of course: so many films, and then so few really good ones. Or so. Anyway. Friday 3 October is almost Animal Day and Feast of Sacrifice and therefore a great time for the Golden Calfs. Choose your favourites below. Let's see if it matches the results.

2600 visitors for Supernova, couldn't be better? A tough issue in 7 scenes

Scene 1 - Expectations The main hall of film theatre 't Hoogt was filled with people from the film sector on Wednesday afternoon at the invitation of the Film Fund. The subject of the meeting is the chronically low attendance of more artistic Dutch films. This has been the case for a long time, by the way, and not only in the Netherlands. Should new avenues be explored? Should expectations be... 

'My advice: make the joke earlier.' The speech doctor reviews 3 speech actors

(In Harry Potter, True Detective and Juno, they were better) Actors are like people when they go on a stage as themselves. And just like with ordinary people, I occasionally think 'that could really be better'. Soon we can check it out with the Dutch actors at the Gala of the Dutch Film Festival. With those calves. But first the... 

'Art only exists if it is written about.'

At the presentation at the Netherlands Film Festival of the Louis Hartlooper Prize for Film Journalism will not be handed a Golden Calf, but a Black Mirror. In ancient times a tool for viewing, now a token of appreciation for a contribution to written film culture.

Members of various film trade associations will designate the winner. Some believe there is no such thing,

Paul Ruven only rents himself a venue

Leedvermaak is iets prachtig en diep menselijks. Regisseur, scenarist en filmproducent Paul Ruven – bekend van de ene Neerlandse filmkraker na de andere, zo noemen wij Het Bombardement – kreeg onlangs een imposante bak kritische stront over zich heengestort naar aanleiding van zijn nieuwe baksel De Overgave. Zó veel, dat de Amsterdamse bioscopen zich er niet aan wilden branden.

Toch laat Ruven zich niet kisten.

Robin Williams, loved yet misunderstood

Geliefd was de Amerikaanse acteur Robin Williams zeker. Dat blijkt wel uit de overvloedige reacties na zijn onverwachte overlijden. Extra tragisch dat het vermoedelijk zelfmoord betreft, na geworsteld te hebben met depressie en drank- en drugsproblemen. Maar het is ook wrang dat de zo geliefde Williams sinds 2002 niet meer de kans kreeg om te schitteren in een gedenkwaardige hoofdrol.… 

“Earth? Don’ t enjoy it too much.” Robin Williams’ meesterschap al duidelijk in eerste minuut van carriere

Er is al heel veel gezegd over Robin Williams. En waarom het erg is dat hij dood is. Blijft over het beeld dat de beste humor niet zonder een inktzwarte achtergrond kan bestaan. Humor is dan een ideaal middel om je duistere kant de baas te kunnen. Hoe duisterder, hoe meer humor, dus. Stephen Fry spreekt over de extremiteiten van… 

Worstelen met River of Fundament – grandioze recycle-opera die niet van ophouden weet

Vanaf 2007 werkten videokunstenaar Matthew Barney (The Cremaster Cycle) en componist Jonathan Bepler aan een vrije bewerking van Norman Mailers meest verguisde boek Ancient Evenings. Aan Mailers mythologie uit het oude Egypte voegden zij de even mythische Amerikaanse auto-industrie toe in een ambitieus en operatesk filmproject met een veeleisende lengte van 5 uur 11 minuten.

Vanaf februari is River of Fundament op wereldtournee en het Holland Festival

78 M€ download damage and 6 more things I learned about copyright

78 Million euros is the turnover lost by the film and DVD industry in the Netherlands due to illegal downloading. This was recently revealed in a press release announced. Yesterday, it was also one of the topics at a discussion afternoon organised by Film Producers Netherlands (FPN) on copyright developments.

Bittere tranen, schreeuwende eenzaamheid. Kušej doet Fassbinder @HollandFestival 2014

Lekker ‘ouderwets’ Holland Festival: een bijzondere opstelling die het publiek confronteert met de implicaties van heur eigen positie en kijkgedrag. En dat mag ook wel bij Fassbinder’s ‘Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant’. Melodrama was de Duitse theater- en filmgeweldenaar niet vreemd. De bittere tranen zijn van een modekoningin en haar entourage, klinisch is de setting, flinterdun het verhaal, en toch ongemeen spannend hoe dit damestoneel zich ontwikkelt.

4 faces of Abel Gance, creator of Napoleon

The Holland Festival presents Abel Gance's restored film epic on Sunday Napoleon, with live orchestra. A rare event, for the first time in this form on mainland Europe. In 1927, Gance had performed with Napoleon delivered a groundbreaking and monumental piece of work that made unusual demands on the projection (three canvases) and went out into the world in a variety of severely shortened versions after the first performances.

Napoleon at Ziggo Dome promises to be spectacular, but who was That ambitious loner Abel Gance?

'Are all priests gay?" and six more questions to the director of In The Name Of

In cinemas this week: In the Name of, an old-fashioned solid Polish drama about a priest who tries in vain to escape his homosexuality through celibacy. He works in a village in the province with difficult-to-educate teenagers. "I would like to fuck all those boys," he exclaims

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