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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

The five shows you must see in December

The National Opera, Hänsel und Gretel (opera) It is the best-known fairy tale opera of all time. Not surprisingly, as Humperdinck's adaptation of Hansel and Gretel is overtly rooted in folk music as in almost Wagnerian orchestration. It was bound to be a success. Richard Strauss conducted the world premiere; Amsterdam features International Opera Award Winner Lotte de Beer's version. She moves... 

'Give the people a say in arts policy'

Sinds de financiële crisis en de daaropvolgende bezuinigingen wordt de cultuursector gedwongen zichzelf te legitimeren. Met wetenschappelijk onderzoek moet het maatschappelijk resultaat van kunst en cultuur aan worden getoond. Om de culturele sector daarin bij te staan is het Landelijk Kennisinstituut voor Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst (LKCA)  daarom de zogeheten ‘feitenfabriek’ begonnen, een cijfermatig overzicht van de kerngegevens en ontwikkelingen in de… 

Van Veen (vvd), Pechtold (d66) and Monasch (pvda) during the culture budget debate

Culture budget anno 2015. Not: '13.5 million more', but: 'no 13.5 million off'.

Update 4-12-15: During the plenary discussion of the culture budget on 3 December, Messrs Monasch (PvdA) and Van Veen (VVD) withdrew the controversial amendment. Instead, an amendment was adopted in which a one-off 10 million was released from the additional proceeds of the tax on polluting companies. From this contribution, festivals will be supported, talent development facilitated and... 

Franz Liszt: from virtuoso keyboard lion to ascetic innovator

Franz Liszt (1811-1886) was revered in his own time as a true devil's advocate, whose virtuoso piano playing set many a woman's heart racing. But above all, he was an innovator, whose ambition was to "hurl a spear into the infinite space of the future". The Concertzender highlights life and work for two hours on Wednesday, 2 December 

Orchestra of the East reinstated: HET Symphony Orchestra has 'new' name

From Dutch Symphony Orchestra with international ambitions back to provincial orchestra with as yet nothing at all. Now, except for the ironclad original name. It could be a commercial for Telfort. In between are many lost court cases, the grotesque protest name *****Symphony Orchestra and the equally garish HET Symphony Orchestra. It is the ultimate capitulation of the once by just about everything and everyone... 

Topcollectie Spaanse meesters eindelijk in Nederland

De man heeft de blik naar boven gericht. Hij kijkt verbaasd. Waarom hangt hij nu hier? Hier, in Amsterdam? Hij komt toch uit Spanje? Vervolgens hing hij jarenlang in St. Petersburg. Deze zaal, net zo diep rood en imponerend groot als de ‘’Spanish Hall’’ in de Hermitage, lijkt trouwens verdraaid veel op de zaal waar hij zo lang hing. Overigens… 

Idfa viewing tip 27 November: Perhaps the weirdest and fiercest film of the festival

It doesn't often happen to me that just under 30 years after seeing a film, I still remember in what state I left the theatre. Supreme confusion it was. Was all this real? As a filmmaker, were you allowed to hit your interviewees? Was it staged? It was too horrifying to imagine everything really happening 

IDFA viewing tip 26 November - A Poem is a Naked person

American filmmaker Les Blank stole my heart a long time ago with the short docu he made about Werner Herzog: Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe. And that is exactly what happened in that film. Herzog lost a bet to Errol Morris: he never thought the latter would finish his Gates of Heaven. And so... 

IDFA viewing tip Wednesday 25 November: deadly drug gangs

Today's IDFA viewing tip is directly opposite yesterday's. Yesterday was uplifting and heartwarming. Cartel Land, on the other hand, is hard, raw, unpleasant and brutal. It could hardly be otherwise, as Matthew Heineman's film is about the war on drugs in Mexico and Arizona, which is just north of it. At the risk of... 

IDFA viewing tip 24 November: Tablas take over New York

Today's IDFA viewing tip is the kind of film I normally stay away from: a feel-good film that is stylistically neat, but nowhere innovative. And yet I went flat and with me the whole audience. Why? For the same reason that a group of men with tablas and sitar gets the Jazz at Lincoln Center flat. The combination of western... 

The disaster surrounding the eastern orchestras only intensifies. A reconstruction

A damning report by organisational consultancy Berenschot, the voluntary or involuntary departure of director Harm Mannak, repeated bickering in the State Assembly and panting reports of high salaries for directors and artistic directors, all the way to the national newspapers. It marks the chaos at HET Symfonieorkest and the lack of any form of direction, not only at the orchestra itself,... 

Turn on your livestream and get a pack of tissues ready

Next Friday is the day. Then, speakers in the fields of technology, economy and design will climb the stage in the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam to talk about their 'ideas worth spreading'. This year's theme is 'the perfect trifecta', because if there is anything magical according to founder Jim Stolze, it is the interaction between audience, speakers and performers. Notable... 

A weekend in Brussels: This is our culture too

‘Nou, als we niet heelhuids thuiskomen, weet dan dat we van jullie hielden,’ grapten we tegen onze familie vlak voordat we zaterdag naar Brussel vertrokken. We zouden daar een interview hebben met de Amerikaanse schrijver David Vann, en de dag erna een wandeling maken door Brussel in de voetsporen van de schrijfsters Charlotte en Emily Brontë. Er zou wel wat… 

‘Zonder extra geld zullen ook succesvolle festivals omvallen’

De Tweede Kamer heeft een paar weken terug ernstige problemen veroorzaakt voor de cultuur in Nederland. In een nobele poging om een paar festivals en een jeugdtheater te redden veroorzaakten SP, D66, CDA en PvdA een chaos. Ze namen een motie aan waarin onze minister van Cultuur werd opgedragen alsnog geld te reserveren voor een paar festivals en een extra… 

Conductor Jurjen Hempel: 'The students of Score Collective have an unprecedented technical ability.'

Music students are generally conservative. When I studied musicology in the 1990s, we could go to the concerts in new-music temple the IJsbreker for as little as five guilders. I eagerly used this opportunity to hear the very latest notes by living composers like Pauline Oliveros and Sofia Gubaidoelina for a trifle. I never saw a single fellow student there. Still I am... 

Isabelle Beernaert

Isabelle Beernaert flikt het hem weer in Under My Skin

Als bij een voorpremière de parkeerplaats van het Zuiderstrandtheater vol staat weet je dat er binnen iets spannends gebeurt. En dat klopt: Isabelle Beernaert en haar ensemble presenteren de nieuwe productie Under My Skin. Dans als een Instagram-account: populair, fotogeniek en kortstondig. Vrouw Eigenlijk is het dans als een Pinterest-account. Want dat schijnt vooral voor vrouwen te zijn. En er is veel… 

Welcome to the Jungle: a catastrophic clusterfuck at the Channel Tunnel

Maaike Engels (video artist and filmmaker) and Teun Voeten (war photographer and cultural anthropologist) made Welcome to the Jungle. A documentary about the utter chaos in the makeshift migrant camp near the canal tunnel in Calais, where some 6,000 people are now waiting in harsh misery for their chance to travel clandestinely to England. Welcome to the Jungle is a painful and bij... 

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