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Oud of nieuw, klassiek of modern, minimaal of wereld. Pop. Tonaal en atonaal.

Nerds en muisarmen in het Muziekgebouw. De lat ligt hoog voor de nieuwe bazen van het @hollandfestival

Dan zit er opeens een heel ander publiek in het Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw aan het IJ. Gamers. Of liever gezegd: developers. En hardcore nieuwemuziekaficionados. ‘Ik kom alleen voor Maze’, zei mijn buurman nukkig. Hij kwam voor het muziekensemble. Niet voor de games, dus, niet voor de computergraphics. En misschien ook niet eens voor Claron McFadden. Die beroemde, hyperplooibare operazangeres die in… 

The @Hollandfestival Proms are many, bold and full. Every now and then, that's quite nice

That George Benjamin is this year's Holland Festival court composer makes perfect sense. And I say that as a non-expert. After all: the way contemporary classical music is often written and talked about scares laymen like me. Would I ever have enough knowledge to appreciate those gourmet sounds? On Saturday night, I made my first live acquaintance... 

Bach and Moore, a sublime combination

Johann Sebastian Bach and Kate Moore in one concert programme. With this choice for the fifth episode of her 'Cello 020' series, cellist Lidy Blijdorp once again outdoes herself in originality. And the effect of this choice is phenomenal. Enhanced interaction Not only does she bring together works by two completely different composers, she further enhances the interaction by playing their... 

Hewar en Gurdjieff Ensemble @Hollandfestival: muziek verenigt twee geplaagde volkeren

Na het spetterende slot van Ishtar van Dima Orsho staat het publiek als één man op en barst los in een ovationeel applaus. Ik word bijkans verdoofd door het luide gejoel en gejuich waarmee de leden van Hewar en het Gurdjief Ensemble overstelpt worden. Verbijsterd kijk ik om me heen: er zou toch nóg een nummer komen? Maar nee, daar… 

Gesualdo at the @hollandfestival: a hell of a match made in heaven.

Pizza Napolitana is not going to taste the same again. After all, mozzarella can be anything. We owe this enrichment of our lives to De Warme Winkel, the anarchic theatre company hired by the Nederlands Kamerkoor to enhance their Holland Festival programme. We knew it. And you can go and check that out for yourself, because after that... 

It's up to us to offer Octavia E. Butler's sower fertile ground in the @hollandfestival

First of all, the chairs have to leave the auditorium of the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Then some discomfort, those two hours that Octavia E. Butler's The Parable of The Sower lasts. At least it would make for some shared sorrow, and possibly some awkward swinging. Because the way things were going, that first night of Toshi Reagon's debut at the Holland... 

The real @hollandfestival special #3 about Bowie. And Bausch. How the recent dead keep us alive.

Nothing defines us like our taste. And especially taste in music. We find that music taste defines exactly who we are and can easily distinguish us from people who have distinctly different, and therefore lesser, tastes. Pinkpop, a pop festival with several world-famous headliners, experienced this. Each world star plays to their own audience, which schi... 

How Wiek Hijmans makes the electric guitar socially acceptable

Wiek Hijmans (b. 1967) tirelessly devotes himself to the use of the electric guitar in contemporary composed music. He also likes to be influenced by jazz and rock in his own pieces. On Electric Language, his latest CD, he presents music by eight composers alongside his own Victus. Six pieces were composed especially for him. The disc appeared on the label... 

Podcast: Would the Netherlands ever be ripe for Science Fiction? @Hollandfestival provides context with Octavia E. Butler

Of course, we have Chriet Titulaer. But it kind of ends there. And to say we took those very seriously, back in the day? No. The future, and fantasising about it, is not really a thing in the Netherlands, at least not with the big publishers and broadcasters. A writer dealing with science fiction will never join a big... 

Fritz Lang vs George Benjamin at @hollandfestival: a fresh tired death.

The Holland festival has a tradition of combining film with live music. Whether it's the post-punk band Mogwai at Mark Cousins' Atomic Cinema or a live accompaniment to a silent film, something magical usually happens. That was certainly the case at the screening of Fritz Lang's Der Müde Tod (1921), accompanied by composer in... 

Panic is contagious, sex is not. About my anxious hours during and after Sex and Anxiety at the @hollandfestival.

Panic. On the tram between Leidseplein and Amsterdam Centraal, I suddenly lost the Dutch translation of 'string quartet'. So I typed 'violin quartet' into my facebook update, trying to make a connection between a blow job and Ligeti. Joking, maybe, but there was something much deeper behind it, in that tram, after the music and theatre event 'The String Quartet's... 

Our only unique @hollandfestivalspecial #2: inspiration and constriction in the first week #hf18

Our Thea Derks sat watching a traffic light for a couple of hours on Thursday 7 June and observed that the music was better. It happened during the opening of the 2018 Holland Festival. In the tradition of Ruth Mackenzie, the opening was of mixed reception, and that is actually a good thing. Even at a time when the Amsterdam Arts Council is in a... 

Hyena by Georg Friedrich Haas: how Mollena Williams-Haas kicked off her alcohol addiction #HF18

The Holland Festival presents Hyena, in which Mollena Lee Williams-Haas recounts how she kicked her alcohol addiction. Her husband Georg Friedrich Haas wrote the music to accompany her blood-curdling account. She is accompanied by Klangforum Wien and conductor Bas Wiegers, who also performed the world premiere two years ago. Hyena can be heard once at Muziekgebouw aan het IJ on Wednesday 13 June.... 

Richters Patterns @Hollandfestival: Traffic light jumps to red, traffic light jumps to green

Music and images, it remains a tricky combination. Do you see a picture with music, or do you hear music with a picture? That question was not answered unequivocally at the opening concert of the Holland Festival. The slowly changing colours of Gerhard Richter's canvases were matched by Marcus Schmickler's slowly fading sounds. While Richter's Patterns soon became boring,... 

Ruth Mackenzie's latest Holland Festival promises to be just one of the most exciting

Here it is. The one and only interactive Culture Press Holland Festival Special. A special that has already been deployed over the past few months, and will be added to in the coming month. During the festival, we have regular reviews and reports, and podcasts. A new edition of this Special will appear every week. On Mondays. And then you can also subscribe via... 

A tense conversation about anxiety and sex early Sunday morning: The String Quartet's Guide to Sex and Anxiety @HollandFestival

It feels like a variation on a scene from a farce. On stage: Birmingham REP's public relations officer, a journalist flown in from the Netherlands for the premiere and the director's assistant rushed in. Location: an upmarket hotel in the heart of Birmingham. Time: Sunday morning a little after ten o'clock. The subject: sex and the all-encompassing concept of anxiety. Go! The big absentee is director Calixto... 

Hope for the Metropole Orchestra. Thanks to News Hour.

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven gaat dit najaar ‘iets’ doen voor het Metropole Orkest. Dat heeft zij vandaag in een brief aan de Tweede Kamer laten weten. Letterlijk staat er: ‘Ik zal de oplossing van de problematiek van het Metropole Orkest betrekken bij mijn afweging rond de inzet van de regeerakkoordmiddelen tranche 2019. Mijn overweging daarbij is dat in het regeerakkoord… 

Maya Fridman: Prokofiev's Fire Angel with hard rock attitude

Russian-Dutch Maya Fridman (Moscow, 1989) plays classical and contemporary music as well as rock, jazz, folk and flamenco. Communication with the audience is now her main aim. So why limit yourself to a particular style or genre? The Cello Biennale website rightly describes her as a 'musical jack-of-all-trades'. She scored highly in 2016 at this... 

Gesualdo project at @hollandfestival by De Warme Winkel: 'We want to anoint and flog the ears' #HF18

Say 'Carlo Gesualdo' and you say 'heavenly music', and 'cruel disposition'. This Renaissance composer's name is inextricably linked to the gruesome double murder he committed on his wife and lover when he found them in flagrante delicto. Who else but The Warm Shop could make an appealing performance of this thought Tido Visser, artistic director of the Netherlands Chamber Choir. So. 

Film concert featuring West Side Story, Bernstein's indictment of discrimination

Leonard Bernstein would have turned 100 this year. The AVROTROS Friday Concert puts his most popular piece, West Side Story, on the programme on Saturday (!) 26 May. The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra will play the thrilling music full of ecstatic melodies and vital dances live at the integral screening of the original 1961 film. The whole thing is conducted by the young American conductor 

Composer Marijn Simons: 'Everything is about timing'

Although the press picks it up only sparsely, not only the NTRZaterdagMatinee pays much attention to Dutch composers. Indeed, they are also well represented in the AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert (formerly De Vrijdag van Vredenburg). In 2014, for instance, Joey Roukens wrote The building of the temple to mark the reopening of TivoliVredenburg. Two years later, the season opened with Atlantis by Robin... 

Everyone is welcome at Pitfest. 'Bands playing at our place should be especially hard, or dirty and grimy.'

Het Drentse dorp Erica werd in het laatste weekend van april opgeschud door het knusse herriefestival Pitfest. En dat trok een bonte mix mensen. Ik liep er een dag rond.  Een golfkar zoemt over de rotonde van het 4-sterrenresort in het buitengebied van het Drentse plaatsje Erica. Rechts van het asfalt liggen strak gemaaide golfbanen, links is een kaveltje land… 

Merlijn Twaalfhoven on SPOT-Live: 'Outside the Randstad lies a huge source of inspiration'

'I have knocked on the door of the Congres Podiumkunsten a few times in recent years on my own initiative, really from the idea that we can do much more as venues in the Netherlands. But then, every time I was there, people got enthusiastic, but does it stick?' Composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven is happy that he now serves as 'curator' of SPOT Live, the new... 

A fertile repertoire landscape.

Performing arts policy greatly determines what can be seen and heard on Dutch stages. It underpins government funding of theatre and music. This policy pays a lot of attention to the quality of performances, but it hardly discusses the choice of pieces played, let alone what kind of repertoire landscape... 

Annelies van Parys: ‘Geen mooier symbool voor de liefde dan een bloem’

In 2014 componeerde Annelies van Parys (1975) haar eerste opera, Private View, voor Asko|Schönberg en Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart. Deze werd kort daarna onderscheiden met de FEDORA – Rolf Liebermann Prize for Opera. De Stuttgarter zangers vroegen haar subiet een nieuw stuk voor hen te componeren. Songs of Love and War/An Archive of Love gaat 20 mei in première tijdens Operadagen… 

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