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Oud of nieuw, klassiek of modern, minimaal of wereld. Pop. Tonaal en atonaal.

Plein Theater and Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam present a new season of contemporary chamber music concerts from May to December 2022!

Plein Theater en Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam presenteren een nieuw seizoen hedendaagse kamermuziekconcerten van mei t/m december 2022! Bij het eerstvolgende concert in Plein Theater op zondag 29 mei is de Griekse violiste Tania Sikelianou te gast ter ere van de 100e geboortedag van de Griekse componist Iannis Xenakis. Op zondag 19 juni speelt Trio Napolov, Fridman, Sandee op de piano,… 

Asko|Schönberg concert en voorstellingen in mei 

The Underground NITE, 5 t/m 22 mei; IJzingwekkende natuurbeelden Zaterdagmatinee, 14 mei The Underground The Underground is een gruizige, geestige en tragische voorstelling door regisseur Guy Weizman en het NITE ensemble (NNT, Club Guy & Roni, Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag). De voorstelling is geïnspireerd op Aantekeningen uit het ondergrondse van Fjodor Dostojevski; een monoloog van een man die veel klappen heeft… 

Asko|Schönberg opens cultural season 2022/2023 with festival Words & Music

  cut-ups & fuck-ups, Berio & Burroughs Saturday 3 September With Words & Music, Asko|Schönberg serves you an afternoon and evening full of cut-ups & fuck-ups. A rush of sensations; fantastic, grim, absurd, disruptive and with humour. A festival full of cut-up, cut-up and brand-new performances, installations, film and more, inspired by the cut-up techniques of composer Berio and writer Burroughs. After the... 

Stairway to Music: Double Dutch | World premiere Robin de Raaff

Saturday 23 April, 2.15pm and 4pm: Stairway to Music by Asko|Schönberg and the Muziekgebouw is an intimate 40-minute listening experience on the steps of Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Stairway to Music is inspired by a story told at the farewell gathering of conductor/pianist Reinbert de Leeuw, who died in 2020. When Reinbert played the piano in his flat, people would take... 

Asko|Schönberg presents overview of programmes first half new season

The programming for next season is largely known and ticket sales have started. Below is the overview of the programmes from September to December 2022. Asko|Schönberg opens season 2022/2023 on Saturday 3 September with festival Words & Music, a day full of cut-ups and fuck-ups inspired by Berio and Burroughs. Also many new works by Richard Ayres, Jan van de Putte, Arnold... 

Kwatta bids impressive farewell with beautiful 'Metamorphoses'

We always want to do the best, but usually fail horribly. Whether this is our habitual way of thinking, or whether we owe that idea to Ovid, we will never know. We can, however, say that the literary work 'Metamorphoses', published by Roman Ovid in the first year of our era, is the single most influential book of the... 

TivoliVredenburg and Rabobank revamp Rabo Open Stage - Stage for up-and-coming talent reopens on Saturday 19 March

Met weliswaar het kleinste aantal vierkante meters van alle podia in TivoliVredenburg, doet de Rabo Open Stage in de centrale hal niet onder voor de rest: sinds 2014 betreden jaarlijks ruim 300 lokale artiesten het podium, bestemd voor aanstormend talent. Na acht jaar intensief gebruik is het podium volledig vernieuwd. Rabo Open Stage biedt de toekomst een podium. Meermaals per… 

Asko|Schönberg brings Inhabit_inhibit: Crushing sound experience

Belgian composer Stefan Prins rattles the conventions of musical practice with his innovative approach. His brand new inhabit_inhibit is a visionary work, based on the ideas of Timothy Morton, in which man's loss of control over his environment is made audible and tangible in a penetrating way. To do so, Prins uses spatially arranged instruments, electronics and feedback loops. Follow the news,... 

Club Gewalt shows depth but not feeling in 'Anthropocene the musical'

Sometimes I dream of a subsidy system where artists can actually carry out their wild plans all the way, to the extreme. Or, indeed, are obliged to do so. That, for example, if you make a musical, you actually have to put a live band on stage, and are not allowed to use a studio recording. And that you then have to pay money for that... 

Legend David Bowie guarantees perpetual exploitation

In honour of David Bowie's 75th birthday on 8 January 2022, the long-awaited album "TOY" will be released on 6×10-inch vinyl, cassettes and a 3 CD set a day before. In fact, this previously unheard album is part of the Brilliant Adventure boxset, which fans have been able to buy for 150 euros since November 2021. Is this a long-awaited sign from the afterlife, or... 

Fear and trembling in the cultural sector: the dark side of the 'trickle down'

Pure panic and existential angst: that's the picture you get when you approach makers in the arts personally about the effects of trickle down (the trickle down of corona funding from the government to those makers). The Creative Coalition may be making a fist for them, talking to the minister about it, the institutes debating it, but the makers are silent.... 

Words & Music: cut-ups & fuck ups, Berio & Burroughs at Asko|Schönberg

Asko|Schönberg organiseert voor de tweede keer Words & Music, een festival vol cut-ups & fuck ups. Een rush aan sensaties: fantastisch, grimmig, absurd, ontregelend en mét humor. Een dag met verknipte, versneden en gloednieuwe performances in Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ en de Tolhuistuin. Na de succesvolle eerste editie in 2020 brengt Asko|Schönberg opnieuw makers uit verschillende disciplines op unieke manieren… 

November Music successfully launched with Bosch Requiem and highlights until 14 November 2021

November Music 2021 ging op vrijdag 5 november van start met een uitverkocht Bosch Requiem dat dit keer werd gecomponeerd door Hawar Tawfiq. Het startweekend kende uiteenlopende concerten waaronder de elektronische muziekavonden van FAQ en de prachtige popsongs van Dez Mona met barokorkest B.O.X. November Music duurt nog tot 14 november. In het verschiet liggen nog zo’n 55 concerten op… 

De les die we moeten leren van de verkoop van Primephonic – en wat de Raad voor Cultuur daarmee te maken heeft

The Every (Het Alles) is de naam van een succesvol en alom geliefd bedrijf, de grootste combinatie ter wereld van een tech-reus en een commerciële gigant. Dave Eggers beschrijft dit in zijn nieuwste roman “The Every”, opvolger van bestseller The Circle. Vanaf half november 2021 te koop bij de Amazons en de Bol.Coms, maar wie het eerder wilde kon al… 

'I'm much happier than I was three years ago.' Singer Sam Bettens on his transition and new, 'revealing' music video

Vrienden noemen hem brother. Zijn kinderen zeggen papa. Ooit hoop hij opa te worden. Sam Bettens (49) was wereldwijd bekend als zangeres van de Belgische band K’s Choice toen hij besloot in transitie te gaan. En nu loopt hij in zwembroek over het strand: ‘Ik wil mezelf nooit meer verbergen.’ Tomboy Als jong meisje was Sam Bettens een tomboy en droeg hij de… 

With Odysseus, Calliope and Awoiska confront us with the consequences of our human actions in the here and now.

A stormy journey full of virtuosity and drama marks the new work Odysseus by two Dutch artists: Calliope Tsoupaki (Composer of the Fatherland) and Awoiska van der Molen (visual artist/photographer).Odysseus confronts us with the consequences of our human actions. Odysseus - by Calliope Tsoupaki, premiere. - 10 Nov to 2 Dec What happens when we are in danger of losing control, when an action leads to irreversible... 

November Music presents Children's Art Music Route on Sunday 7 November 2021

Thinking up your own music, directing a group of musicians or playing with colourful synthesizers? There is also plenty to do for younger audiences during the November Music 2021 festival! Visit the very first edition of the KinderKunstmuziekRoute in 's-Hertogenbosch on Sunday 7 November 2021 and create your own music! The presentation of "So You Think You can Write a String Quartet?!" is on Wednesday 10 November. Or drop by for the... 

Podcast on the accordion's orchestral power: Blood Chorale by Toeac at November Music 2021.

The link between the Orpheus myth and Arnhem potenrammers is more obvious than you might think. At least, if your name is Peer Wittenbols and you are one of the country's best playwrights. That you can also think of accordions as part of that is, in turn, extraordinary. Still, Blood Coral, a performance by accordion duo Toeac, with a lead role for Jack Wouterse on a text that promises... 

Jan-Bas Bollen on November Music: 'I experience music as a purely sonic event. I can enjoy a metal band immensely, but also drum 'n bass.'

His life is a strange journey through time, a giant leap forward from one musical culture to another. His mother was a composer and singer, his father accompanied a relay of famous song singers as a pianist. And Jan-Bas Bollen (1961) took to the stage early on as a promising violin talent. In 1970, a child of nine, he played at the Oscar Back Violin Competition, and... 

Composer Morris Kliphuis on High Dive with Lucky Fonz III: 'Every composer is a little dictator' #novembermusic

The Bossche sounds in November are contemporary. Since '93, the city has acted as a sounding board for today's music under festival name November Music. I talked to Morris Kliphuis (composer) and lyricist Otto Wichers (Lucky Fonz III), about their musical piece High Dive. The song cycle will premiere 11 November at the Verkadefabriek, performed by singer Pitou and ensemble stargaze.... 

Stille Nacht Am Silbersee is a unique musical sound poem: 'A single word can evoke a world.' #novembermusic

'Every time I go to a beach, I see the sea through a filter of all the texts written about it.' Writer Joachim Robbrecht, at the request of Romain Bisschoff and together with writer brother Artun Alaska Arasli, created a sound poem for Ensemble Silbersee. During November Music, the work will finally premiere, after it had been a year... 

Jan-Peter De Graaff composes Parallax: 'I show how much effort people put into creating their own world' #novembermusic

Jan-Peter de Graaff (b. 1992) is and thinks big. As an islander, raised on Terschelling as a child of musicians, he also perhaps perceives things a little differently from the peripheral city. The height of the sky, the nothingness of a strip of land surrounded by the movement and power of water; they suggest infinity and the mystery of higher powers. That perspective... 

Waanzee: Grunge theatre by Ko van den Bosch and Rosa could be a bit angrier

Ko van den Bosch once founded the ruthless theatre company Alex d'Electrique and theatre would change permanently because of him. They made punk theatre and because there was very little video anyway, the myths about trays of shit and actors attacking each other with chainsaws are more numerous than it actually occurred. I have long thought that in a... 

Jolanda Spoel seamlessly forges hip-hop and classical together in Melomaniac. And that is quite difficult

'They come from two worlds, but work together towards something that is one. Jolanda Spoel has done that perfectly'. Katinka Reinders, head of education at the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, is enthusiastic after one of the first play-in performances of Melomaniac at Maas Theatre & Dance. Just now, a room full of somewhat timid secondary school students turned into a churning group of lovers of... 

Hawar Tawfiq composes Bosch Requiem 2021 - To be heard exclusively during November Music 2021 and in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

Geen standaard dodenmis, maar een lofzang op het leven. De Iraaks-Nederlandse componist Hawar Tawfiq componeert in opdracht van festival November Music en Ammodo Fonds een gloednieuwe Bosch Requiem waarin hij kiest voor een heel eigen muzikale benadering. Met zijn Requiem des fleurs et des nuages voegt Tawfiq zich in het rijtje met eerdere Bosch Requiem-componisten als Kate Moore, Calliope Tsoupaki en Seung-Won… 

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