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With text, movement, actors, sets.

These five shows you really want to see in December

I tell you here why you should go to see Parsifal, and not even just because of the object by Anish Kapoor that plays a part in it. And you could also go to theatre one day, by the way. With The Girls. Fel theatre by our very best theatre company (according to Americans). The National Opera, Parsifal (opera) Four years ago, I attended Pierre Audi's... 

5 reasons to avoid (or not) Theatre Kikker's Winter Collection

From 6 December, theatre Kikker will show a week-long anthology of talented and diverse young theatre makers. We looked ahead to this Winter Collection. Hannah Roelofs, herself just over 30, issues five warnings for people over 29. 1. Twenty-somethings! 'This is the generation that's losing his or her... 

Meg Stuart throws very ordinary bodies into the fray

Meg Stuart's two-hour heroic epic Until Our Hearts Stop, showing at the Rotterdam Schouwburg this week, does not engage in dramatic construction according to the rules of Aristotle's Poetics. We don't know who those people are there on stage. Nor do they seem to have been given any special assignment, although they are clearly being... 

'Holy F': nimble grappling with feminism is overpowering

The show Holy F opens with an audition. Two young women present themselves to a director - a man. They pronounce their phrases impeccably simultaneous, with the sweet tone men like to hear. Their confusion grows. Do they really understand what the director wants from them? Can they handle the role they aspire to? Playing a strong woman: is... 

Hall view of Zvizdal. Photo: Frederik Buyckx

Unique theatre documentary 'Zvizdal' to be seen only a few times in the Netherlands

Zvizdal, the documentary theatre portrait of Pétro and Nadia filmed by Berlin between 2011 and 2016, is not only in Paris, Ghent and Athens. This moving story can also be seen in the Netherlands until 11 November 2016. Near the place where an atomic experiment failed in 1986, Berlin and Zvizdal tell a moving story about an old peasant couple. They remained as... 

Alum learned the trade in the pub, the best place for any theatre talent

Theatre group Aluin celebrates its 25th anniversary. The company, which originated at the Utrecht acting school, celebrated at the place where it all started: Utrecht's Theatercafé De Bastaard. On Sunday 23 October, they reprised their first ever performance, a play entitled 'It', based on the novella The Beast in the Jungle by Henry James. About a man who thinks he is destined... 

Our actors are burnt out, audiences have lost their way. Save the theatre!

This play is going to cost me a lot of friends, but it needs to get out. After all, the theatre industry is doing badly. And I can see more and more clearly where that is due to. And for once it's not Halbe Zijlstra. Or the VVD, or the population, or the Netherlands in general, or the zeitgeist. And it's not because of Netflix either... 

'Eyes Wide Shut': Film and book battle on stage, and music wins

'Let me lament my fate in tears. And let me long for freedom.' What would my preference be: book, film or play? That question fascinated me when it turned out that Toneelgroep Maastricht had adapted Arthur Schnitzler's book Droomnovelle and Stanley Kubrick's film Eyes Wide Shut based on it into a new play. Actually, it was not a fair... 

Ariadne auf Naxos by the Nederlandse Reisopera is making history.

Many a director is at a loss when it comes to Strauss' Ariadne auf Naxos. This is not surprising. In the prologue, about three quarters of an hour long, the composer is told, via the 'Haushoffmeister' of Vienna's richest man, that he is supposed to perform his opera buffa simultaneously with the opera seria of the commedia dell'arte-like dance troupe of Zerbinetta.... 

AFK - Amsterdam Fund for the Arts

Wanted: Advisors one-off grants - Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK)

Vacancy: Advisors one-off grants - Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) From 1 March 2017 The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) invests in art that enriches life in the city. The AFK provides grants to artists and cultural organisations, drives innovation and stimulates the quality, dynamism and pluriformity of Amsterdam art. The AFK supports both experiment... 

AFK - Amsterdam Fund for the Arts

Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) seeks Supervisory Board member

Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) seeks a member for the Supervisory Board from 1-1-2017 The AFK invests in art that enriches life in the city. The AFK provides subsidies to artists and cultural organisations, drives innovation and stimulates the quality, dynamism and pluriformity of Amsterdam art. The AFK supports both experimentation and proven quality,... 

Vijf legendarische voorstellingen die je moet zien in september

September, de maand van het Nederlands Theaterfestival en het Fringe Festival vol met oude en nieuwe voorstellingen die je moet zien. Maar ook in de rest van het land gebeurt aan het begin van het nieuwe theaterseizoen erg veel. Vijf aanraders. Toneelgroep Maastricht, Eyes wide shut (toneel) ‘De nieuwe Shakespeare’ is hij al genoemd, ik noemde hem al ‘duivelskunstenaar’. Feit… 

Servé Hermans: 'This version of "Eyes wide shut" is a modern-day Odyssey'

First there was Arthur Schnitzler's book. Then Stanley Kubrick's film. And now the play. From 27 August, Toneelgroep Maastricht plays Eyes wide shut. After his wife confesses her sexual fantasies, a man searches feverishly for his own deepest hidden desires against the backdrop of carnival celebrations. "I always wanted to make psychologised drama once," says Servé Hermans, artistic director of... 

Back, to The Cherry Garden 2 - ©Willem Popelier

Nottrot's Cherry Garden: fascinating evening of philosophy on Greek cottage

What is a memory worth? A first kiss, for instance: how much poorer are you if it is forgotten? In hard euros. Such questions Greg Nottrot likes to ask his audience, and we, his grateful listeners, gladly join in his money thought experiments. The man who, with Oscar Kocken, came up with the revolutionary concept of the live talk show Order of the Day, now makes,... 

Boulevard. Scenic photo Piknik Horrific Laika. Photo : Kathleen Michiels

Stop de eenzaamheid van de theaterbezoeker. 5 lessen van Boulevard

10 dagen festival Boulevard. Ik heb me erin gestort. Ik heb 14 voorstellingen gezien, een boel hoeken van Den Bosch (en Tilburg) van dichtbij gezien en meer verschillend theater meegemaakt dan gewoonlijk in een half jaar. Ik heb ook meer friet gegeten dan goed voor me is, meer bier gedronken dan doorgaans en genoten van het afluisteren van gesprekken van… 

Being different: Theatre Sonnevanck's house brand on #tfboulevard

The hero who does not know his own strength (Wildman); a mad scientist who goes too fast for everyone (Galileo); a dream empress who gives thanks for the fairy-tale wedding and steps out of her role (Sisi); guinea pigs who rebel against the popularity contest they are caught up in (Guinea pig!) and an ugly duckling who accepts the chaos, but doubts that the chaos... 

Jetse Batelaan (Artemis) is a great innovator of theatre #tfboulevard

Jetse Batelaan is one of the greatest theatre innovators of this still young century. His star rose in 2003, with a show in which five unique actors made reality theatre, and vice versa. Now, 13 years later, Batelaan has been the boss of one of the country's best youth theatre companies for some time, pushing the boundaries of that industry once again. And that... 

Een paar opmerkingen over blote borsten (m/v) op #tfboulevard

Laten we het eens over borsten (m/v) hebben. Of, als dat iets te confronterend is: de neiging van jonge aanstormende acteertalenten om op het toneel uit de kleren te gaan. En vervolgens iets met sapjes te doen. Van fruit meestal, of gewoon water, of olie en glittertjes. Op festival Boulevard had ik gisteren voor de derde keer in een week… 

André Manuel and Ben Duke: craftsmanship of the highest order on #tfboulevard

Being the best at your craft, and then not in one craft, but in three or so. That, too, is what makes an artist an artist. Ben Duke is a great artist. He is a gifted dancer, a phenomenal actor and a cum laude graduate in English literature. It is therefore logical that he wrote the greatest poem in British history, the... 

Publiciteitsbeeld Eyes Wide Shut door Toneelgroep Maastricht, Foto: Stefan van Fleteren

Eyes Wide Shut: waarom Schnitzlers ‘Droomnovelle’ nog best te lezen is.

Eind deze maand komt Toneelgroep Maastricht met ‘Eyes wide shut’. Het toneelstuk is een bewerking van de gelijknamige film van Stanley Kubrick. Die werd op zijn beurt geïnspireerd door ‘Droomnovelle’ van Arthur Schnitzler. Het boek verscheen negentig jaar geleden en zorgde voor een boel ophef. Seksuele lading In de loop der jaren zijn heel wat literatuurstudies aan Droomnovelle gewijd. Maar wat heeft… 

Lotte van den Berg's 'Time Loop': timelessly intimate with perfect strangers #tfboulevard

Vrijdagmiddag 5 augustus 2016. Het is lekker weer. In de intercity naar Den Bosch lees ik een boek dat ik op vakantie niet uit kreeg. Ook nu lukt het me niet: Den Bosch is altijd dichterbij dan je denkt. De wandeling van het station naar het Josephkwartier duurt ook al weer minder lang dan Google Maps me aangaf. Dat kwam… 

The Back Door, publicity image. Photo: Jan Dirk van der Burg

'Return Turkey': brave confession from a gutmensch on #tfboulevard

The world is changing quite a bit and it's nice when artists do something with it. Festival Boulevard gives Lizzy Timmers the opportunity to make an attempt. That attempt, performed in a somewhat run-down cultural centre in a real Bossche power district, is quite something. Backurk is the name of this semi-documentary performance. Timmers has immersed herself in young, well-educated, well-integrated Turks who have come to the Netherlands... 

Griet Op de Beeck's MONA will blow you away at Festival Boulevard #TFBoulevard

No, these sentences are not in Griet Op de Beeck's theatre monologue Mona, but nicely sum up the bestseller Come Here That I Kiss You (28 printings in just under two years). Op de Beeck adapted the first part into one of Festival Boulevard's most impressive performances. We do see nine-year-old Mona's sentence as a backdrop, complete... 

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