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Kenneth Herdigein, Vastert van Aardenne, Urmie Plein, Reinier Bulder in Race by David Mamet.

Discussion on colour should also rage in theatre

At Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg, Hans Kesting will once again play the title role of Shakespeare's Othello, in a legendary version by top director Ivo van Hove, already 12 years ago. A stone's throw away, at De Balie, is the equally impressive actor Kenneth Herdigein in David Mamet's play Race. Why connect the two? Hans Kesting, the... 

#Reinbertbio one year on: biographer looks back

There once was a celebrity (pianist, composer and conductor Reinbert de Leeuw), a biographer (Thea Derks) and a riot. De Leeuw was against the publication of his biography Reinbert de Leeuw: man or melody and made no secret of it. In the TV programme Zomergasten (Summer guests), he even dismissed the dissertation-like standard work as an almost endearing puff piece. Meanwhile... 

The five shows you must see in May

Nederlandse Reisopera, Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice (opera), 1 May to 6 June Dazzling debut by director Floris Visser at the Nederlandse Reisopera. Rather than showing a centuries-old opera about an even much older myth, he exposes the core of Gluck's opera. It results in a heartbreaking performance about mourning and the inability to accept that your loved one is no longer there.... 

Hoe data de muziek redde (en de overige kunsten kan helpen)!

De kracht van data De kunstensector is in zijn algemeenheid weinig ‘tech savvy’. Natuurlijk, niemand kan zonder een website en een Twitter-account zal ook nauwelijks meer ontbreken. Maar er zijn weinig voorbeelden van groepen, theaters of kunstenaars die de kracht van digitaal optimaal benutten. Een goed ‘client relations managent-systeem’ (crm) met profielen van alle bezoekers of kopers opzetten, om die… 

Navigating between art and politics, an intermediate view

Woensdag was de openingsavond van de driedaagse conferentie What’s Art Got To Do With It? Over kunst, politiek, en Israel/Palestina. Hoe open je een conferentie over een beladen onderwerp waar iedereen, zeker vanaf de zijlijn, een mening over heeft? Met muziek. Want hoe kun je daar tegen zijn? De avond begon gemoedelijk met een kort optreden van het Amsterdams Andalusisch… 

Chapman for president- a film without images.

Is that possible? Picture-less film? Sure, just see-or better-listen to Chapman for President by the Eef van Breen Group on 2 May during LISFE: a cinematic sound project based on a personal story. A meeting with political refugee Chapman gave trumpeter, singer & composer Eef van Breen new eyes, ears and the idea for this film without images.... 

Orfeo ed Euridice: opera aller opera’s

Vanavond brengt de Nederlandse Reisopera de première van een nieuwe enscenering van Orfeo ed Euridice van Gluck, opera aller opera’s. Met dit meesterwerk maakte de Duitse componist in 1762 een eind aan de wanpraktijken uit de Barok. Niet alleen was er aan de libretti geen touw meer vast te knopen door de eindeloze reeksen subplots, maar ook werd de zaak danig… 

Seven things that make Ghosts so special

1. Intimacy That the atmosphere in a packed hall becomes intimate enough for a girl in the audience to ask legendary American rapper-poet Black Ice the question: If poetry equals love, as he had just proclaimed, did it ever break your heart? Black Ice, the man who strings his associations together faster than Halbe Zijlstra strings his stupidities,... 

Solness - the National Theatre - Mark Rietman, Anna Raadsveld - photo Kurt Van der Elst

Ibsen in a bubble - Boermans' grippingly austere Solness

A girl stands waving and around her a rain of soap bubbles descends, so many that it almost seems as if the girl is taking off. She stands swaying and her ecstasy and tears of joy slowly turn to deep despair and disbelief. What she sees cannot, cannot be true, because it destroys everything she is - to what she... 

Theatres to merge, but otherwise Amersfoort cultural organisations remain unaffected

Relief for Amersfoort's cultural organisations. In the proposal for the multi-annual budget 2015-2018 (presented last night by the college to the city council), they remain largely unaffected when it comes to cuts. Only theatres De Flint and De Lieve Vrouw have to make cuts. It is possible they will merge in 2017. Recently, there has been a lot of unrest in the cultural world. The... 

Enschede plays library and museum against each other

Everything comes together in Enschede. Revenue models that appear to be based on air, but are defended to the hilt by administrators. Jubilant reports on rising museum visits, but smaller museums are going under. Aldermen acting out of cultural interests, but then playing residents against each other to make draconian decisions. All this to disguise the ruins of Rutte I. A quick recap:... 

A vital and pitiful procession: William Kentridge at EYE

With its latest retrospective If We Ever Get To Heaven, EYE again convincingly and confidently presents itself as a museum that looks beyond film history. Previous exhibitions such as Expanded Cinema, which showcased visual artists working at the intersection of film and art, already demonstrated this. Now William Kentridge has been given the honour of... 

Top talent in final Princess Christina Competition

On Sunday afternoon 26 April, I was a member of the press jury at the final of the Prinses Christina Competition in Lucent Danstheater in The Hague. Definitely not a punishment, as all six finalists performed at top level, no matter how young and inexperienced they were. Time and again, the organisation proves that all the gloom about the future of classical music is nonsense: this year too, there were... 

John Engels 80 years: tireless behind the drum kit

Only those who live in a locked hut on the moors will have missed the fact that jazz drummer John Engels will soon turn 80. He has been a guest on television programmes like VPRO Vrije Geluiden and the special jazz edition of De Wereld Draait Door, and will be honoured on his birthday 13 May with a celebratory concert at the Bimhuis. Also published was the small-scale biography... 

Mea culpa! - Forgot to check the facts

Mea culpa and action 'It only happens when you fall on your face.' This quote by artist Job Koelewijn in De Volkskrant has hung on my toilet door for years. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a journalist is not checking facts. And OuiJAYes that mistake I have thus made: this writing creative did not check the facts.... 

VVD strikes: Amsterdam art world put on the block

Hatred of dependents runs deep in the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy. The political game the party plays nationally and locally cannot be explained otherwise. Amsterdam is now experiencing the latest example of how the party has launched its publicity attack on dependents: while the cut in cultural subsidies of four years ago was... 

Proceeds from 30 years of Art and Kitsch, or too the rare pen candlestick that served as a toilet roll holder

In the end, homo calculus - and who isn't, a "calculating man" - turns out to be primarily concerned with the monetary value of art objects, and only then - sometimes a long time later - with their beauty, artistic value or rarity. Every episode of the television programme Between Art and Kitsch demonstrates this. It also applies... 

Amersfoort library realignment a success

Libraries are mostly negative in the news. Branches have to close, members walk away and there is an ongoing debate about their right to exist. But in Amersfoort, the library is on the rise. Over the past year, visitor numbers have risen sharply. An advance confession: I am a nostalgic library visitor. As a little boy, I used to borrow The Shipboys of Bontekoe, Eagle's Eye and... 

Bibliotheek Delft

Beste Annemarie van Gaal, in de bibliotheek hebben ze geen tijd voor borrelpraat.

Het interessante aan de verhalen van Financieel Dagblad-columniste Annemarie van Gaal is dat je het totaal niet eens hoeft te zijn met haar tekst, maar er toch van kunt genieten. In haar column in de krant van 13 april 2014 is er echter wat anders aan de hand. Hier laat het geweten van financieel en zakelijk Nederland een zeer groot gebrek aan… 

Radical vulnerability and listening with eyes open - Vanrunxt stages Morton Feldman

Festival Rumor 80, an irregular regular in Utrecht at three different locations each time, will show choreographer Marc Vanrunxt's new work Real, So Real this Friday at Theater Kikker. Starting point is Three Voices, a 1982 composition by Morton Feldman. A wonderful Flemish collaboration by Kunst/Werk and ChampdAction. Dancer Marie De Corte and singer Els Mondelaers shine in Real, So Real. The... 

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