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'Get well.' Grief therapist Julia Samuel on 'Grief work'

Hoe moet je rouwen? Is er wel een manier om te rouwen, of ben je aan het noodlot overgeleverd? Hoe ga je om met iemand in de rouw? Rouwtherapeute Julia Samuel helpt al 25 jaar mensen die een dierbare verloren hebben. Ze weet inmiddels hoe het wel en vooral niet moet. In maart van dit jaar, een paar dagen voordat… 

(Farida & The Iraqi Maqam Ensemble - Foto: Melanie Marsman)

5 Redenen waarom Le Guess Who? het beste festival van de hele wereld is

Tijdens de elfde editie van het Utrechtse festival Le Guess Who? (LGW) vonden in een lang weekend meer dan 150 acts uit 34 landen een thuis in de Domstad. Verbroedering in luisteren beheerst LGW dat definitief de boeken in mag gaan als het beste festival van de hele wereld. En wel om deze vijf redenen. 1. De hele wereld komt… 

Films at ADE: The rock doc as an IKEA package.

In de marge van Amsterdam Dance Event zag ik twee muziekdocumentaires die blootleggen waarom dit genre vaak problematisch is voor de cinefiel. Beide films hebben zo hun mooie momenten, maar voldoen uiteindelijk niet voor wie meer wenst dan louter informatieoverdracht in televisieformat. Een sympathieke Goth Are ‘friends’ electric? is titel en grote hit (1979) van de Britse synthesizerpoppionier Gary Numan,… 

Majid Karrouch: bloemen, Dutch Design en de Berberse hijab

Zijn werk is wereldwijd te zien in gerenommeerde modemagazines. Majid Karrouch is momenteel een van onze internationale visitekaartjes in de creatieve Industrie. Ik zocht hem op in zijn atelier, dat al even bijzonder is als de beelden die hij maakt. SCENE 1: #Ontmoeting Een tijdje geleden maakte ik via Instagram voor het eerst kennis met het uitzonderlijke werk van een verborgen Marokkaans-Nederlands modetalent.… 

5 Bargains the cockerels left behind at major auction houses

It was ball again just before summer at Christie's, Sotheby's, Phillips and Bonhams. Contemporary art auctions are the showpieces of see-and-be-seen. And the place to throw loads of money. For the happy few, in other words. Or better: a pissing contest for men (mostly - really - men) who get the measure of hedge funds and mega-corporations. Score-driving, in other words;... 

Anna Woltz: ‘Ik vind normale mensen saai’

Op woensdag 21 juni worden de Zilveren Griffels, Zilveren Penselen en Paletten en de Vlag en Wimpels uitgereikt – de opmaat voor de de uitreiking van Het Gouden Penseel en Het Gulden Palet in september en de Gouden Griffel in oktober. Interview met de Gouden Griffel-winnares van vorig jaar, Anna Woltz, over schrijven, volwassen worden en de Griffels natuurlijk. Door Tijmen… 

FLEXN. Photo: Hayim Heron.

Great dancers from Brooklyn in unclear direction by Peter Sellars #HF17

Flexing is a street dance style from Brooklyn, New York. Thirteen men, three women strong is the formation that has caused a furore in America in various guises (HyperActive, MainEventt, Ringmasters), from the local talent show Flex in Brooklyn to America's Best Dance Crew. Now the crew, led by pioneer Reggie (Regg Roc) Gray, is on a world tour with a show, which they will perform with the... 

Karlheinz Stockhausen vaart ten hemel met Pinksteren

Vorig jaar barstte een kleine rel los toen het Holland Festival bekendmaakte in 2019 een grootschalig project op te tuigen rond de opera Licht van Karlheinz Stockhausen. Modernemuziekhaters schreeuwden moord en brand, want wie zit er nou te wachten op de akelige piepknor van de Duitse notensmid? Toch ontstond er meteen een run op de kaarten. Ook na zijn dood… 

On being Jewish, acceptance and ambition: 8 life questions to Jonathan Safran Foer

He finds himself lazy and under-ambitious, and struggles with acceptance - of himself, of others, of the world. Because his grandparents had experienced the Holocaust, there was a taboo on being unhappy in his youth. Eight life questions to Jewish-American writer Jonathan Safran Foer. 'Between what I could do and actually do, there is a big gap.' 1.... 

Mira Feticu interviews Mircea Cărtărescu: 'My readers deserve a medal'

Earlier this year, Mircea Cărtărescu, Romania's greatest writer, was a guest at the Winternachten festival. Writer Mira Feticu, who was born and grew up in Romania and even received lectures from Cărtărescu as a student, interviewed her former compatriot and professor for A Quattro Mani. A beautiful conversation about their homeland, truth, literature and poetry. 'My books are... 

Culture outside the Randstad: Amersfoort's struggle

Displaced paintings by Armando. Artists fleeing the city. A tinpot that brought financial disaster and summer festivals that attract tens of thousands of visitors every year. And you thought Amersfoort was boring? A footnote along the A1 motorway? Forget it. Let me tell you about this city struggling with its cultural identity. A story in eighteen impressions. Guilty landscape In his youth... 

Opera The New Prince: pretentious bombast

It is not easy to visit an opera presented as a stunning piece of contemporary social criticism without fear. Especially when it evokes such totally different reactions. Some call The New Prince 'an opera on the vein of our own time' (Mischa Spel, NRC), while others give it 'a fat fail' (Erik Voermans, Het Parool). Another needs more... 

Eef van Breen for President (why politicians should not miss this concert)

Shimmering. Wondrous, ferocious. Poetic, powerful. Creative and humorous. Musical. Engaging. Layered. Spirited. A few days after my concert visit, words like these keep bubbling to the surface. And even though the Eef van Breen Group (EvBG) with Chapman for President is a typical case of 'especially go there', 'hear for yourself' and 'cannot be described', I'll make an effort. In the beginning My... 

Conductor Alan Gilbert makes Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra shine

Alan Gilbert conducted the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra for the fifth time on Wednesday 8 February. Until the end of this season, he is chief of the New York Philharmonic, exuberantly expressing his love for contemporary music. He proved to be the ideal conductor to premiere Joey Roukens' new work, aptly leading the musicians through the exhilarating... 

Exit pursued by a bear

Farewell performance Arthur Rosenfeld is about one person. Ana Teixido.

Choreographer Arthur Rosenfeld bid farewell (for now) to a long dance career on 5 February 2017. One that relies mostly on his wife, dancer Ana Teixido. Such a farewell does not go without a fight with Rosenfeld. Leaving the field for another, who really wants that? Exit pursued by a bear, based on an eccentric directorial cue from Shakespeare, continues until the... 

Hymn to St. Cecilia by Britten: state dangerous (c)ode?

On Friday 10 February in Utrecht, the Nederlands Kamerkoor will kick off its concert series Sacred and Profane, based on Benjamin Britten's choral work of the same name. The programme also includes his popular cycle Hymn to St Cecilia, which he composed during World War II. The score was confiscated by the US Customs Service in 1942 because it allegedly contained codes that were dangerous to the state. The American fear of a... 

Writer Annelies Verbeke: 'There is an apocalyptic atmosphere about my collection'

Belgian writer Annelies Verbeke cleverly combines seriousness and absurdism in her new collection of short stories Halleluja. The collection once again makes clear why the Belgian writer has sometimes been called the 'diva of the short story'. Like all her work, the new collection Halleluja contains, in addition to a more serious touch, plenty of funny, absurdist and sometimes even surrealistic situations and... 

Kris kras door Amerika met Richard Rijnvos

Richard Rijnvos (1964) is sinds 2011 huiscomponist van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest. Dat leverde tot nu toe twee nieuwe stukken op: Antarctique, het slotdeel van zijn cyclus Grand Atlas (2011) en fuoco e fumo uit de reeks la Serenissima (2013). Donderdag 2 en vrijdag 3 februari leidt dirigent Gustavo Gimeno het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest in zijn derde opdrachtwerk, Amérique du Nord. Het… 

My 2016, and why it scared me to death. (A list)

Five art experiences will always stick to this bizarre year for me. And one thing really scared me. Whether the worst is now behind us? At least the most extraordinary is still on view until 5 February 2017. A chronological overview of what was unbelievable, unthinkable, inconceivable, unbelievable and perhaps untrue. Much of it, by the way, will be in 2017... 

New chance for two magnificent stories that stood the test of time

Two of the finest stories in world literature have recently been reissued. The Dead (1914) by James Joyce and The Clerk Bartleby (1853) by Herman Melville have effortlessly stood the test of time. They are still wonderful reads. 'His soul slowly ebbed away as he heard it gently snowing through the universe and gently snowing in the... 

Zo dicht mogelijk bij Marilyn Monroe

‘Happy Birthday Marilyn’ heet de nieuwe tentoonstelling in de Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Al direct bij binnenkomst begint de heiligenverering, met een metershoge afbeelding van Marilyn Monroe in de beroemde opwaaiende jurk. Tot hoog in de nok van de zijbeuk. De toon is gezet: De Nieuwe Kerk biedt een podium om het icoon van de jaren vijftig, een eeuwig mooie… 

distributed content the desk magazine media cafe

'Distributed content': "Everyone is trying their best to reach you".

At the Magazine Media Café at the Amsterdam debating centre De Balie, journalists, publishers and freelancers discussed the phenomenon of distributed content. What is it and what can you do with it? Distributed content: a new online phenomenon Distributed content is actually reverse publishing. You offer content (stories, photos, video) where the reader is, instead of the reader... 

Due to success re-runs: Conversations with my Mother

In 2013, production group Diamantfabriek and ensemble Nieuw Amsterdams Peil presented the full-length performance Conversations with my Mother. Director Matthias Mooij (1976-2014) and composer Benedict Weisser (1967) asked seven male authors to write a fictional telephone conversation with their mother. At the heart of the piece is the fundamental inequality of communication between mother and son. 'I advise all mothers and... 

Don't wait for the masses and determine the start of your cultural season yourself

Retrospectively, I proclaim last Monday night, 15/8, as the opening of my cultural season. Viavia I ended up, in fine company, at the Crazy Goat. A music cafe that might as well have been in New York, Paris or Berlin. This is in The Hague: an ini-mini stage in a building where the money is not spent on chipped-up old school benches,... 

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