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Hitler on Hacking habitat (Roy Villevoye)

Hacking Habitat: battle for total digital power impressively depicted

In the corridor leading to the airspace, a shabby man stands leaning against the wall. Exhausted, cold, untouchable. It is a young Adolf Hitler, portrayed by Roy Villevoye as the homeless, failed artist he once was. Now he is at Hacking Habitat and full of potential, according to the caption. The art manifestation that has taken possession under that title in... 

'TV has lost touch with reality'

"Let's have a Magna Carta of British Broadcasting." With those words, celebrated actor Idris Elba (Luther, The Wire) began his closing remarks in the British Parliament. For the past half hour, he has been speaking to the Lords and Ladies kindly yet persuasively about the need and opportunities for diversity in British television. The timing of this speech was perfect because... 

connie palms

A Saturday night with Connie Palmen, Adriaan van Dis and Socrates. #wu16, #wn16

Next time, there will be 10 people queuing for a hotseat, 100 online viewers and dozens of live spectators in the foyer. At least I hope so, because only then will experimenting with new forms, apps and devices make sense, of course. At the second Winternachten night, Saturday 16 January at the Theater aan het Spui, we had slightly fewer viewers than...

Forget Jinek. The conversation about art can go to a new dimension: at #wu16

On Friday 15 January, we conducted a first experiment with the platform ''. During festival Winternachten, we reported live, via the internet. We did so in English, because most of the viewers we had were English-speaking. We could see that. That is already the most striking difference between something like, and ordinary television. in the Netherlands is still... 

winter nights on blab

On the sofa with The Signature Hunter, The Translator and Abdelkader Benali

Three and a half hours of streaming video from a seating area at The Hague's Winternachten festival. I won't blame you if you didn't follow everything. I wasn't quite there myself at the end. Still, it was a success. If only because it hasn't been done here in the country before. Blab is so new that... 

Honderd kunstenaars exposeren met kunst voor lage prijzen in Enschede

De wereld van de kunstkopers is de wereld van de ‘wat oudere kopers’. Het landelijke kunstinitiatief We Like Art – een website die informeert over het kopen van kunst – wil daar verandering in brengen en probeert een ander publiek te bereiken. Het wil jongere kunstkopers te interesseren voor het kopen van kunst. Omdat veel mensen wel kunst willen kopen,… 

Blackstar van David Bowie: Popmuziek wordt hoge kunst

Achter de beste en de ergste dingen in het leven zit meestal geen ‘masterplan’. Natuurlijk, de ‘come-back’ van de 25-jarige Adele is zorgvuldig georkestreerd, van de voorzichtige release, tot de titel van het eerste nummer, de golf van spontane covers overal ter wereld en de aankondiging om niet op spotify te gaan (voorlopig). De orkestratie is zelfs zo duidelijk dat… 

Liesbeth Gritter maakt ‘doorgecomponeerde’ popmusical op basis van Top 2000

“It’s all right.” in hoeveel liedjes van de Top 2000 komt die zin voor? Te veel om op te noemen. Dan nu dus de opdracht al die verschillende “It’s allright”’s te zingen in de melodie waarin elk publiek ze zal herkennen. De vier spelers in ‘Total Eclipse of The Heart’ van Theatergroep Kassys vullen op die manier een dik uur… 

Porn turns out to be the secret weapon against attrition

Three years ago, the suspicion was already expressed in America; now it is also penetrating Europe. People are reading far more than bookshops and publishers think. And this is not even due to the illegal downloading of bestsellers that everyone is so worried about. Logical, because what people are reading so fanatically is not the book you find in a bookshop,... 

One Lulu is not the other

Eye organised a Lulu Marathon as part of the William Kentridge exhibition at the Holland Festival. Kentridge directed Alban Berg's opera Lulu. As part of that, Eye screened the two main Lulu films that inspired him. The first was Leopold Jessner's Erdgeist (1923) and the second was G.W. Pabst's Die Büchse der Pandora (1929). Two iconic Weimar... 

The Book of Sand: ongekende rekensnelheid onzichtbaar achter zingende vrouw in lagen

Geïnspireerd door verhalen van Borges, wiens weduwe bij de lancering van het online interactieve muziekstuk tijdens het Holland Festival aanwezig was, heeft The Book of Sand toch nog het meeste weg van een uitgebreide, hele chique videoclip. Is dat erg? “Neither the book nor sand possess a beginning or an end.” Het verhaal van Borges, waarnaar de titel verwijst, gaat… 

Turkish toppers play the roof off Carré: fresh wind through Holland Festival #hf2015

Stars, we don't really do that in the Netherlands. Our ground level does not allow diva behaviour. In our lowlands, you get a plus if you have stayed so nicely ordinary despite your success. Even if you stand in the Arena with your songs, like the Toppers, this weekend. How different it is in Istanbul. There, you are allowed to be shamelessly famous. Like. 

Movie theatres get extra room online

Summer at home. Six film theatres are experimenting with an extra room online from 4 June. Here's how it works. Suppose you'd like to see Summer. The modest but atmospheric coming-of-age drama that earned Sigrid ten Napel a Golden Calf best actress nomination. About a summer in which, for a 16-year-old village girl, everything changes. But you are unlucky. Your favourite film theatre does show Summer, but just not on that night... 

Music missionary looks back: "That King's Day concert is indefinite!"

Yep, ik loop achter, want zag zojuist (in delen) eindelijk het Koninsdagconcert! Maar hee, goeie muziek kent geen houdbaarheidsdatum en voorlopig staat dit concert nog wel even online. Wat een feest zeg! Een aantal van mijn favoriete muzikanten deed mee. Trouwe lezers van  Cultuurpers weten dat violist en componist Oene van Geel daar zeker toe behoort. Hij bracht Zapp4 mee… 

La Re-sentida (Chile) charges against leftist church in Holland Festival 2015

The 1970s have for some time been the target of what we shall conveniently call the up-and-coming generation. And so we are talking about the 1970s as the glory years of hippy-dom, the jubilant times of the left-wing church and everything else that, with today's knowledge, is dirty and dirty. They were the years when... 

Bibliotheek Delft

Beste Annemarie van Gaal, in de bibliotheek hebben ze geen tijd voor borrelpraat.

Het interessante aan de verhalen van Financieel Dagblad-columniste Annemarie van Gaal is dat je het totaal niet eens hoeft te zijn met haar tekst, maar er toch van kunt genieten. In haar column in de krant van 13 april 2014 is er echter wat anders aan de hand. Hier laat het geweten van financieel en zakelijk Nederland een zeer groot gebrek aan… 

Encounters with Matisse at successful exhibition at Stedelijk

With 'The oasis of Matisse', the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam has put on a magnificent exhibition. Sixty years after there was last a major retrospective of Matisse in the Netherlands, his work is back on display in all its glory. So alongside 'Late Rembrandt' at the Rijksmuseum, there is another blockbuster in the capital. The thousands of visitors who attended the... 

Grand Theatre disaster update: Performing Arts Fund saves creators from bankruptcy

The misery in Groningen is a bit bigger than we thought. Meanwhile, the Grand Theatre appears to be at least 250,000 in the red. And counting. Money that the theatre subsidised by the city of Groningen owes mainly to artists. Choreographer Dunja Djocic, for instance, had received €90,000 in subsidies to create performances at the Grand for 2 years. Theatre-maker Andreas Denk had received... 


World art trade grows 7% to 51 billion euros

The crisis is over. Especially if you are in the fine art business. In 2014, the global art market grew by 7% from the peak year of 2013. In total, the art trade turned over a value of 51 billion euros last year, making that market almost as big as the economy of Uzbekistan. The internationally authoritative website artnet reports that today 

Hero Brinkman: Facts are for the elite, it's all about the tone

Classical music is elitist, most conductors and orchestra members don't have a clue what they are doing and audiences have absolutely no clue. Subsidised art should be both accessible to a large audience and socially engaged. I also believe that The Joshua Tree is perhaps the best album ever. Signed, Hero Brinkman... 

Minister Bussemaker bij Introdans. Foto: EvaBroekema

Prijzenregen voor Introdans in bijzijn minister Bussemaker

De minister was erbij. Natuurlijk omdat Introdans een belangrijk gezelschap is, maar het was mooi meegenomen dat er bij deze avond met drie wereldpremières ook twee prijzen konden worden uitgereikt. En dat dat dan een ministerieel tintje kreeg. Trots op. Roel Voorintholt, artistiek leider van Introdans was door het publiek verkozen als winnaar van de Oeuvreprijs voor zijn werk met… 

World Broadcasting Archive next victim of cuts

Radio Netherlands World Broadcasting no longer exists. The subsidy was withdrawn because no one in the VVD knew what it was: shortwave. And because the PVV, which was also in government at the time, finds everything scary that contains the word 'world'. Bad for those who miss calls from the ANWB emergency centre at breakfast for the Alpenkreuzer, even worse for... 

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