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Paradiso kondigt reorganisatie aan, 60 banen verdwijnen dit jaar

Gisteravond ontvingen we het volgende persbericht, met het verzoek het pas om 06 uur te plaatsen, uit piëteit met de mensen die het betreft. We plaatsen dit, ook al is Paradiso geen lid, vanwege het maatschappelijk belang. volgt hier de tekst van het persbericht Door de aanhoudende coronacrisis en de beperkte mogelijkheden die een 1,5 metersamenleving de komende periode biedt… 

Cultural big earners: jump through your karma for once

My story about cultural big earners turned out to be the talk of the town in the cultural sector. Not publicly, i.e. mainly behind the scenes, I was approached. One of the few people who did speak out publicly was Henk Scholten. On Facebook, he responded to a column by journalist Aukje van Roessel about the questions raised by The Hague city council 

#Corona-classics 4 Hannes Minnaar: ‘Ik rolde in het frame van klassiek-romantische pianovirtuoos’

Hannes Minnaar valt met zijn neus in de boter. Zijn #coronatournee met de Goldbergvariaties van Bach start op 1 juli, precies de dag waarop het maximum aantal concertbezoekers wordt losgelaten. – Mits 1,5 meter afstand et cetera. Hoewel de Grote Kerk in Zwolle aanzienlijk meer dan honderd personen kan toelaten is het concert al helemaal uitverkocht. De gelukkigen die een… 

‘We zijn voor nu even klaar met Zoomen’. Holland Festival kijkt met gemengde gevoelens terug op editie 2020 (met geluid)

Ze zijn voor het eerst sinds de lockdown op 13 maart weer gedrieën op het kantoor bij elkaar. Het interview, waarin directeur Emily Ansenk, muziekprogrammeur Jochem Valkenburg en theaterprogrammeur Annemieke Keurentjes  de balans opmaken van de eerste – en hopelijk enige – online editie van ’s lands meest prestigieuze podiumkunstenfestival, vindt een dag na de afsluiting plaats. Er was geen… 


The Holland Festival 2020 had an exceptional year; due to the corona pandemic, it did not physically go ahead for the first time in its history. Instead, it was given an online programme as its fulfilment. Holland Festival online programme 2.0-2.0 was the 73rd edition of the festival and the second to work with an associate artist. This year, that was choreographer, director,... 

'Living with others is hard.' French writer Leïla Slimani on identity, roots and the feeling of not belonging anywhere

Following the publication of social science books such as In the Garden of the Beast, Sex and Lies and the Prix Goncourt-winning novel A Soft Hand, French-Moroccan writer Leïla Slimani (39) has become an important voice in French literature in recent years. She was appointed ambassador of French language and culture by President Macron and by the... 

'Only now do I have a fairly comforting life.' Frank conversation with Hans Dorrestijn

Cabaret artist Hans Dorrestijn is known as a gloom and professional grumbler. But in recent years, Holland's blackest joker has less and less to complain about: he has had great success with his nature books and his cabaret shows, and won several awards. This week he turns 80, but he does not want to stop - his new book Wensvogels has just been published. In nine candid questions 

Sound designer Richard Jansen created a very special soundtrack for hallucinatory German Three Sisters

'We did get quite a kick out of spectators at the beginning: "How dare you treat the actors like that? First you put a mask on them, then you steal their voices and make them playback!'' Richard Jansen couldn't care less. He is part of the creative team as sound designer 

Love & Revenge wil de Arabische wereld een nieuw gezicht geven

Je neemt filmklassiekers als Dracula en Star Wars, speurt hun Arabische remakes op, en edit deze fragmenten op een live soundtrack waarin de Arabische popgeschiedenis samensmelt met elektronische muziek van nu. Dit, in het kort, is het recept van de dynamische samenwerking tussen muzikant Rayes Bek en videoartiest Randa Mirza, beter bekend als Love & Revenge. Met hun meeslepende show… 

Bart Rutten: we need to keep a close eye on parents in the Miffy museum in particular

'The spontaneous breeze should be planned at least 15 minutes in advance. After all, you have to buy tickets for a block of time. When you enter our venue, you immediately see all the security measures we have taken to protect staff and visitors. There are huge screens to separate the flow of visitors. There's a chance you won't get lost in... this time. 

That's why concert halls need to reopen as soon as possible. By any means necessary.

What an incredible bucket of guts Lucie Horsch has. Twenty years old. Quite world-famous by now, admittedly. But you just have to dare, in your acceptance speech for the prestigious Dutch Music Prize, to throw the minister's just-expressed words back in her face. Because that is what Lucie Horsch did, with a controlled fury that made a deep impression even from 25 metres away. The... 

When art is offered at such a high level, you can also expect value to be placed on it.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me to receive the Dutch Music Prize here today. Not only all the people who have helped me during the years of my trajectory and given me so much inspiration and motivation, but also everyone who has supported me from an early age in my... 


From 11 to 21 June, the Holland Festival will present an online programme as close as possible to the core and essence of the original programme, which was cancelled due to the corona crisis. Together with artists from around the world who were due to perform in the 2020 festival, an alternative online programme has been put together. The festival theme, suggested by... 

Mattijs van der Woerd hopes to sing again one day, but is especially happy that Splendor is making music again

Musicians' society Splendor has survived the corona crisis so far, despite the fact that the two halls could not be used, rehearsal rooms fell and the bar could not open. Mattijs van der Woerd, baritone, talks about it in our podcast/video. How is it possible, such a small concert hall standing so strong? The secret, which also keeps Culture Press afloat, and which this month also... 

Why the art world, subsidised and commercial, must stop campaigning NOW

A few months ago, I reported via this site that Eurovision Song Contest wanted an orchestra to perform, for less than no money. The post, including follow-ups, was read just under a hundred thousand times, so can be assumed somewhat familiar. Yesterday, I received a press release from a rather expensive public relations agency, which the culture world took action on... 

Greg Nottrot is energised by the corona crisis: 'Let's enjoy the fact that there is finally room for experimentation again.'

'I did get startled at first by being so laconic under the lockdown. I thought: don't I care enough to step over it so lightly? I also fully understand that people are very sad that it's all off, but apparently I'm a bit more fatalistic about that.' Greg Nottrot, playwright and enigma maker,... 

Museum Het Schip shows visitors around virtually: 'Let's do what is possible'

Five days after the opening of the exhibition Bruno Taut: beyond imagination, museum Het Schip had to close. Alice Roegholt, director of this museum dedicated to the Amsterdam School, saw two years of preparation go up in smoke. But after only a few days she thought: 'Let's turn it around and look at what is possible.'.... 

Culture podcorocastnapers (22): Surely some form of gathering should be possible again in the autumn? ISH will be awarded Holland's biggest culture prize on 23 November.

'We would have actually been presented with the award last week at the premiere of Grimm. That was our big production this season that was to play 30 times. But after the second rehearsal, we were able to stop. It seriously looks like we won't be seen in theatres this year. When in autumn the... 


It is with great regret that the Holland Festival is forced to cancel the 73rd edition, which was to take place from 4 to 28 June 2020. The corona pandemic's persistent, domestic and foreign restrictions and uncertainties make it impossible for the international performing arts festival to take place. The ongoing, restrictive measures that the central government had to announce 21 April last,... 

J'Accuse - is Polanski's latest film about the Dreyfus case or the creator himself?

It is 1895. Colonel Georges Picquart (Jean Dujardin) has just been promoted, to his own surprise, to head the French army's intelligence service. To get rid of the sewer smell there, literally and figuratively, he frantically yanks on the window in the musty office. It won't open. A touching image in J'Accuse, one of the most talked-about films of this... 

Ministers, enable 'cultural ANBIs' to lend a helping hand to performing artists!

Earlier this week, Minister Van Engelshoven appealed to the public to start donating en masse "to your favourite (cultural) institution". She also hinted at her willingness to explore within the cabinet the extent to which donations to cultural institutions can be made extra attractive as an income tax deduction at this very moment. Meanwhile, however, within... 

Coronapodcast (15): Koop lokaal, koop meer en stap op de fiets. Boekverkoper Lot Douze en schrijver Jeroen Thijssen over lezen in Coranatijd

Lot Douze bezorgt aan huis. Op de fiets. Met haar Boekhandel Over Het Water richt ze zich heel specifiek op haar wijk, Amsterdam Noord. Nu iedereen zoveel mogelijk thuis moet blijven vanwege de coronatoestand ervaart zij een toename in de vraag. Online weten de klanten in Amsterdam Noord haar inmiddels ook goed te vinden. Ze heeft door haar klantgerichtheid een… 

Cultural press in times of Coronapodcast (13): Whether to be considerate of the downstairs neighbours at ICK Amsterdam's dance training. (Or let them join in)

'Exercising at home is very nice to do. In your own living room, you have no shame.' Dereck Cayla is associated with ICK Amsterdam, the capital's urban dance company. Now that all performances are down and he can no longer train with the company's dancers in the studio, he offers his lessons online. For ICK's own professionals,... 

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