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‘We zijn voor nu even klaar met Zoomen’. Holland Festival kijkt met gemengde gevoelens terug op editie 2020 (met geluid)

Ze zijn voor het eerst sinds de lockdown op 13 maart weer gedrieën op het kantoor bij elkaar. Het interview, waarin directeur Emily Ansenk, muziekprogrammeur Jochem Valkenburg en theaterprogrammeur Annemieke Keurentjes  de balans opmaken van de eerste – en hopelijk enige – online editie van ’s lands meest prestigieuze podiumkunstenfestival, vindt een dag na de afsluiting plaats. Er was geen… 


The Holland Festival 2020 had an exceptional year; due to the corona pandemic, it did not physically go ahead for the first time in its history. Instead, it was given an online programme as its fulfilment. Holland Festival online programme 2.0-2.0 was the 73rd edition of the festival and the second to work with an associate artist. This year, that was choreographer, director,... 

The Platform for Freelance Musicians in action

29 June is an important day for culture: the Lower House will then debate emergency support for the sector. Our message to politicians: "300 million euros of emergency support that OCW has available for the cultural sector is nowhere near enough to keep the sector afloat. Adopt the motion of PvDA, GroenLinks and SP!" In... 

#metoo and me

In the Theatererkrant, 445 theatre makers posted an open letter addressed to Toneelgroep Oostpool, calling on creators and players to stop being afraid and report abuses to Summary of the foregoing: there were several complaints of sexual harassment by Oostpool's artistic director Marcus Azzini. An investigation ensued and Azzini... 

Holland Festival opens online with Memories of my body. About the body as a battlefield

In the pre-corona world, Garin Nugroho would open the Holland Festival with his performance The Planet - A Lament. It would no doubt have been as impressive an experience as his Setan Jawa staged in 2017. We would be enchanted by his dancers and purified by the story. In the stripped-down online version of the Holland... 

That's why concert halls need to reopen as soon as possible. By any means necessary.

What an incredible bucket of guts Lucie Horsch has. Twenty years old. Quite world-famous by now, admittedly. But you just have to dare, in your acceptance speech for the prestigious Dutch Music Prize, to throw the minister's just-expressed words back in her face. Because that is what Lucie Horsch did, with a controlled fury that made a deep impression even from 25 metres away. The... 


From 11 to 21 June, the Holland Festival will present an online programme as close as possible to the core and essence of the original programme, which was cancelled due to the corona crisis. Together with artists from around the world who were due to perform in the 2020 festival, an alternative online programme has been put together. The festival theme, suggested by... 

The sneaky demolition of the National Theatre in Tirana during Corona is just the beginning

The sneaky demolition of the National Theatre during Corona: This is just the beginning.

Albania's National Theatre, recently declared a protected monument by Europa Nostra, was unexpectedly destroyed on Sunday, 17 May, after two years of protests. Early in the morning, when it was still dark, the bulldozers came. A sudden wave of policemen wearing mouth caps chased activists and artists out of the theatre and formed a cordon around the audience.... 

Greg Nottrot is energised by the corona crisis: 'Let's enjoy the fact that there is finally room for experimentation again.'

'I did get startled at first by being so laconic under the lockdown. I thought: don't I care enough to step over it so lightly? I also fully understand that people are very sad that it's all off, but apparently I'm a bit more fatalistic about that.' Greg Nottrot, playwright and enigma maker,... 

#Corona-classics I: Le Dernier sorcier Pauline Viardot

When corona measures were declared on Thursday 12 March, it felt surreal at first. The next day, the world premiere of Willem Jeths' opera Ritratto fell through. I had been looking forward to this immensely, just like all the other productions in the Opera Forward Festival. Besides, I was in the midst of preparations for numerous introductions the next... 

The Encounter, Complicit / Simon McBurney, photo: Alex Aitchison

Why you should listen to Simon McBurney with headphones on between 15 and 22 May

We are fairly bombarded to death with online theatre experiences. Frankly, I avoid them. I always thought theatre was something to be experienced live. Bobbing shoes are terrible, visible consumption when speaking is something I can't stand at the moment and the sound is always mediocre. I want live theatre, and nothing else. Leave TV to the TV makers, they have studied for that. Still... 

Audience, you have an asset!

Dankzij de informele tamtam ziet deze muziekverteller een megakans. Trio De grote drie. Daar wil ik het over hebben. Waarbij ik de Vlamingen Damiaan Denys, Paul Verhaeghe en Dirk de Wachter nu eens niet bedoel. Schrijvers Harry, Gerard en Willem F. laat ik ook links liggen. Vraag het de luisteraars van deze Muziekverteller en ze weten je vast te helpen:… 

OFF Projects photo Milena Twiehaus

Three well-known dance companies get nothing more in The Hague's new arts plan

The Advisory Multi-Year Policy Plan Arts and Culture 2021-2024 for The Hague was presented online on Friday 24 April. What stands out for dance in this City of Dance? Inclusion and diversity What at least stands out is that in the plan, the word 'inclusion' appears 110 times and 'diversity' 96 times. Then you know what time it is. Yet the Advisory Committee also gives... 

Culture Press podcastcorona (21) - Oscar Kocken: 'Not being allowed to perform your work for six months is pretty gross.'

'Yes, of course it was something we already saw coming in every way. That made me mentally prepared. But then when you actually hear about it... It's just SO sour. It's every time - I don't blame anyone, to be clear - but every time you get bad news, you try... 


It is with great regret that the Holland Festival is forced to cancel the 73rd edition, which was to take place from 4 to 28 June 2020. The corona pandemic's persistent, domestic and foreign restrictions and uncertainties make it impossible for the international performing arts festival to take place. The ongoing, restrictive measures that the central government had to announce 21 April last,... 

Hoe is het mogelijk dat de overheid de ZZP’er in de culturele sector die wederom o, zo belangrijk blijkt te zijn voor onze samenleving, in z’n hempie laat staan?

Ik houd van de passie en de liefde waarmee iedereen in de culturele sector werkt. Er zit een overtuiging achter en een doorzettingsvermogen die je kan vergelijken met een geloof. Het geloof dat kunst essentieel is voor de samenleving. Gedreven door een oergevoel bijten we ons erin vast en laten niet meer los. Maar werden we niet met z’n allen… 

Film tip this week: Festival of short film Go Short goes online

The short film is the poetry of cinema. This statement by a Berlinale programmer is cited with approval by Go Short. This internationally highly regarded festival for short films - stepping stone for the Oscar and other awards - was supposed to have taken place in Nijmegen in early April. But, unsurprisingly, corona drew a line under it.... 

Dancing in times of Corona: all you need is yourself and a chair and a closet.

We are now a good month after the start of the intelligent lockdown. Slowly, a new normal is beginning to emerge, where we are no longer exclusively fanatically following all the tweets about corona. The concerns are still there and certainly where the cultural sector is concerned. The entire sector, nationally and internationally, is engaged in the titanic task of keeping the public... 

J'Accuse - is Polanski's latest film about the Dreyfus case or the creator himself?

It is 1895. Colonel Georges Picquart (Jean Dujardin) has just been promoted, to his own surprise, to head the French army's intelligence service. To get rid of the sewer smell there, literally and figuratively, he frantically yanks on the window in the musty office. It won't open. A touching image in J'Accuse, one of the most talked-about films of this... 

'We all get rid of our camera fears' - Stephanie Hermes of the Hague Theatre House is looking for bright spots (Culture Press Coronapodcast no 18)

'When the lockdown came, we actually decided right away to continue, but online. So we opened digital studios.' Like so many others, the Hague Theatre House also entered the digital world of Zoom, the app with which Culture Press also records podcasts remotely. 'People rehearse for presentations and performances. We have created a talent environment for that. An online place with films,... 

Culture Press corona podcast in times of (17): Why the disaster for the culture sector is much worse. (With Cobie de Vos, Alum and Dorine Schoon)

We always try to look for a bright spot anyway, but sometimes you just have to let it go. On Monday 6 April 2020, we brought you a post on how the corona crisis is having long after-effects, which have been casting their shadow for at least a year. Today, we talk to Victorine Plante and Erik Snel of Alum, the bringer of that first post. In the... 

Podcast cultuupers tijdens Corona: blijf langer dan drie seconden stilstaan bij het werk van Emile Waagenaar. Plek zat.

(Volume podcast gecorrigeerd) Deze crisis zal het verdwijnen van kleine winkels, gerund door kleine zelfstandigen, versnellen. Al zou het mooi zijn wanneer acties om juist dáár je boodschappen te doen iets uitmaken, de concurrentie met het gigantische aanbod van de grote online ketens is bijna niet te doen. Daarom moeten we ze koesteren zolang ze er nog zijn. En niet… 

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