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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

31st edition Netherlands Film Festival - Cinema or iconoclasm

Will classic cinema survive the digital iconoclasm of the future? The question is not new, but it comes to mind again upon seeing the programme of the Netherlands Film Festival, which opens tonight with André van Duren's De bende van Oss. Put that opening film next to Iconoclasm, the festival's main theme, and you see what... 

Rebellion and resignation hand in hand during beautiful opening weekend The International Choice at Rotterdam Theatre #hechoice

Opinion pollsters take note: "People give the moderate answer to most questions they are asked in life. The characters in 'This is not a love story' are very ordinary, very average. In that, it clicks between those two. It's an ending where you feel an enormous satisfaction." Enthusiasm prevails after the opening weekend of The International Choice of the... 

Budget note: We put together the cultural haircut percentages

Laten we maar weer eens beginnen met de zoveelste slordigheid van het kabinet Rutte: die vermaledijde BTW-maatregel op de kunsten, die als enige naar het ‘normale’ tarief van 19% worden gebonjourd. VVD vindt het niks, CDA is er niet blij mee, maar omdat gedoogspecialist Martin Bosma ooit een keertje een rode paddenstoel moest spelen in het schooltoneelstuk heeft hij eeuwig… 

Die Zeit comes up with text from porn poem Frederick the Great. But we are earlier.

Update: the poem in question was not meant to convince Voltaire of the Prussian thrust, but an Italian, Francesco Alegerotti. A scrabeus poem by Frederick the Great has surfaced. A poem, whose existence but content was unknown. Until now, that is. Today, the German quality magazine Die Zeit comes out with the full text. And Bild Zeitung has... 

Superbly performed opera by Rimsky Korsakoff provisional highlight of changeable opening weekend Gergiev Festival

"My commitment to the city (Rotterdam) and the orchestra knows no end," Valeri Gergyev spoke on the occasion of the Gergyev Festival taking place in Rotterdam this week. This is good news, as the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the former principal conductor still get along well. And to be backed by this global top-five conductor is... 

Jacob Derwig and Elsie de Brauw receive 2011's top drama awards

On Sunday evening 11 September, the VSCD Drama Awards, the VSCD Mime Prize, the VSCD Youth Theatre Awards and the AVRO Toneel Publieksprijs 2011 were presented at the Gala van het Nederlands Theater. And that you then know that VSCD stands for the Association of Theatre and Concert Hall Directors and AVRO for General Free Radio Broadcasting. The award for the best male lead of the past... 

Hot and sunny weekend at Soesterberg airbase: time for new experiment with The Dodo

With temperatures above 25 degrees, it will be a sweltering but also unique summer day, that 10th September. The Cultural Press Agency will be present that day and Sunday with four journalists at the former Soesterberg Air Base to report on festival De Basis. When you get there, you will make lots of nature, even more impressive war history and a theatre performance or two... 

Royishment threatens Gouds Museum over sale of Dumas painting to unknown party

Ok. It is not Victory Boogie Woogie, the Mondrian painting that, in a distant and then cultural past, embarrassed ministry and municipality of Hilversum, because of the planned sale of the canvas to pay for the renovation of the town hall. Still. 'Schoolboys' by Marlene Dumas is also a canvas by a cherished painter, and you don't sell that either 

New Culture Council president? 'Van Klink creates a crisis himself so he can then solve it'

Pim van Klink is his name. He has been popping up everywhere lately. Especially when the malicious subsidy orientation of the cultural sector needs to be pointed out, every medium calls Van Klink first. Last week, he once again threw his hobbyhorse into the henhouse in the NRC and was invited to join Buitenhof. And according to our trench-coat-clad... 

Kick off subsidy addiction requires greater government effort than Zijlstra wants

Kunstinstellingen zijn subsidieverslaafd en dus trekken we de subsidies in. De insteek van de VVD is helder. Over het precieze hoe, daar blijken ze langer over na te moeten denken, nu er zoveel tegenstand uit het land komt. Cold Turkey, de behandeling die gedoogpartner (leuk woord in dit verband) PVV voorstelt, zou wel eens doden tot gevolg kunnen hebben. Om… 

Almost had Halbe Zijlstra praising a drummer as a figurehead of our literature

Nice, that secretary of state of hard rock and Tom Clancy. Mr Halbe Zijlstra-san has once again lived up to his change manager name in China. But in a slightly different way. In the land of eternally sealed mouths, he opened the Dutch stand at the book fair there, with a speech that once again rammed Dutch values into the Chinese. Anyway... 

Finally answers pressing questions from theatre history

Ever known that 'The Wedding of Kloris and Roosje' was first performed in 1707, and that it is the forerunner of today's New Year's Eve conference? Thanks to the theatre encyclopaedia, which will be available online from 1 September, these and many more facts can be found. The Theaterinstituut Nederland (TIN) is the initiator and provides much of the content of... 

Absent presence as substitute for stolen image

Every disadvantage has its advantage: Whoever steals a sculpture from a public garden frees up space for a new work of art. Residents of Utrecht's Willem de Zwijgerplantsoen looked at an empty pedestal for a year because 'their' sculpture 'Homo Ludens' had been stolen by bronze thieves. As no one expected the sculpture to be returned yet, the municipality organised a competition for a replacement sculpture.... 

It's final: the format for arts subsidies until 2016 is with the chamber

We have another letter from the secretary of state for culture. Halbe Zijlstra has sent it to parliament, to make it official that from 2013 a very bleak wind is going to blow in arts land. That makes cuts of 200 million final, still excluding the probably 150 million in so-called friction costs that the ministry also has to get from somewhere (u... 

'Conceptual thundering won't get you far in London': guest column Teunkie v.d. Sluijs

"I can fire anyone here. Except the actors." Sam Walters, artistic director of London production house the Orange Tree Theatre does not mince words. "Everyone in the office could leave. The directors too. But without actors no performance." The actor is unequivocally central to this theatre. As a director, you only prove yourself here when you get top performances out of your... 

Rutte cabinet answers chamber questions on 'unsupported' VAT measure

That's going to be fodder for chambers exegetes, though the question is whether it will make any difference. But Halbe Zijlstra says he did not say that the VAT measure "was not the most accomplished measure in the coalition agreement. Although that is what that interview with him in NRC Handelsblad of 8 July 2011. At the time, everyone thought that was a funny

Unofficial, self-appointed 'City of Amsterdam playwright' still needs 7500 euros

The ANP brought it and all newspapers typed it up: 'Amsterdam gets a City playwright'. Big news, of course. After all: the theatre is rather under pressure as an expensive leftist hobby, so it would be nice if the Amsterdam city council had decided, together with the theatre world, to establish a city playwright, alongside the city poet and the poet of the fatherland, An honorary title, would... 

This is how pop music 'matures': British group Bitter Ruin reaches Opera charts US.

Vorige week bereikten ze de Amerikaanse toplijsten. Leuk voor een Britse popgroep die uit de anonimiteit wil komen via een gerichte facebookactie. Opmerkelijk wel is dat de popgroep niet de ‘gewone’ top aan het bereiken is. Met het nummer ‘Trust’ staat Bitter Ruin namelijk in de operalijst. Maar het is minder verbazingwekkend dan het lijkt. Bij Amazon valt de band… 

Mini festival 'The National Theatre Week' abuses Home Shopping Guarantee logo

National Theatre Week is new and very small. And, oddly for a small festival, advertises big on its site with the logo for the Home Shopping Guarantee. This raised questions. Because clicking on the logo for the guarantee produces a very different result. Criminal is not, by the way, if you use the logo of Thuiswinkel-waarborg without... 

Smart idea by theatre Bellevue Amsterdam: babysitting for the kids

It's so simple that you think: why didn't we think of this before? After all, expensive inner-city restaurants already park your car in front of you and hang up your coat. So why just also arrange a babysitter for the stay-at-home kids? For now, Amsterdam's Theater Bellevue has the scoop. When ordering a kart (on pre-sale, of course), you can take the theatre... 

Grassroots Arts Centre in Lucas

Small arts initiatives in the US are going to have a very hard time

Opponents of government support for arts and culture quite often cite the United States of America as an example of how things can be done differently. There, according to these people, no tax money goes to art and culture, and art is there despite this. Others point out that America does have government support for art, and that much of the top art in the US is partly... 

Delft opens with fewer chamber music surprises than other years

For another 15 years, the Delft Chamber Music Festival, so named to reflect its international character, has encompassed 15 years. Violinist Isabelle van Keulen handled the chamber music festival's programming for the first ten years, Lisa Ferschtmann - also a violinist - took over from her five years ago. But even this already successful festival fears the upcoming budget cuts. A pity, because what... 

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