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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Maxima opens new home for youth opera house Holland Opera on 3 October

Indeed, the name Xynix was somewhat outdated. And since, thanks to the efforts of its own company and Yo! Opera, which started as a youth opera festival, opera nowadays turns out to be suitable for young people too, a more adult name is appropriate: Holland Opera. The company settled in Amersfoort in a former company building near the railway station: De Verensmederij. The building, after a renovation, is... 

The Dodo spreads its wings in dire times for subsidised art

Then you just have to have Twan Huys. The presenter of Nova who managed to kill all Job Cohen's election ambitions in a few schoolmaster questions. He will be able to pull the same trick on Sunday 29 August with a few left-wing politicians and arts bobos in the traditional Uitmarkt debate in Paradiso.

Museum Belvedere: 'Floods in Pakistan, forest fires in Moscow, a cabinet tolerated by Wilders. How lousy can a landscape be?'

'In this museum, we so often extol the landscape, that for once we wanted to show the destruction, upheaval and impending change of the landscape.' According to Han Steenbruggen, director of Museum Belvedere in Heerenveen-Oranjewoud, it was time for an exhibition that shows what war, natural disasters and climate change do to the landscape: 'With this exhibition, we reflect and respond to... 

Museums' first global Twitter action: The Cultural Press Agency is there and reports

1 September is 'Askacurator day'. Already more than 100 museums in now 14 countries are putting their curators at the computer on that day to answer questions from internet users. It is a first. Never before has such an askacurator day been available worldwide, and never before have internet users been given access to the people behind museums such as the Tate Modern, Van... 

'What is that turd doing on your plinth?' Museums again take lead on social networks with 'ask a curator'

Paul McCarthy - Shit pile (2007)

Back in February this year, you could add museums worldwide to your Twitter lists thanks to #followamueum, and now they have come up with another new thing. It's unprecedented, and very simple. On 1 September next, anyone, anywhere in the world, can ask questions to people who know about art. Only condition: that you are on twitter sits and knows where the 'hashtag' button is. Because with the 'hashtag' #askacurator ask your question to a museum conductor or exhibition maker, and by using the search function on the twitter website, or in a twitter program like Tweetdeck, searching for that same #askacurator, you can follow anyone with such a question, and also keep track of their answers.

Spectacle group Vis à Vis gives every space to the imagination and outdoes itself in dream show Silo8

Flying nurses. We don't look up to that anymore. We have all seen Mary Poppins. The fact that at Vis a Vis, near Almere beach, instead of invisible strings they deploy a 50-metre-high construction crane for such a special turnout is spectacular and fun then, but nothing more. Matter of money and resources. The next show does have... 

Uncle Boonmee at festival World Cinema Amsterdam

By Leo Bankersen

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, this year's surprise Golden Palm winner, will get its first Dutch screening at the new festival World Cinema Amsterdam next weekend. The Cannes jury had caused some noise with this choice even among critics. After all, was this ghost story by the Thai filmmaker with the unpronounceable name now a dull and obscure film, or rather a cinematic masterpiece?

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