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Alles waarvoor mensen een podium betreden.

13th edition Delft Fringe Festival in full swing

Be surprised, entertained, moved and stimulate your brain at the Delft Fringe Festival Delft, Tuesday 5 March 2024 - This year's Delft Fringe Festival will take place from 28 May to 9 June. It is the 13th time the festival has been organised in Delft. From 410 applications, 28 makers have been selected to be seen this summer... 

Ksenia speelt Oscar en Oma Rozerood in Leiden (pr-beeld)

Ksenia Marasanova speelt kwartet theatervoortellingen in Leiden 

De in oost-Oekraïne geboren actrice Ksenia Marasanova toert al jaren met solotheatervoorstellingen door Nederland. Medio maart doet ze Leiden aan. In het imperium Theater speelt ze 3 solovoorstellingen en één voorstelling in een gezelschap. Ksenia maakt spraakmakend theater dat je echt raakt.  Het kwartet opent op 14 maart met de anti-oorlog voorstelling Zij zagen Oorlog. Zes mensen hebben met elkaar… 

image from macacos by Julieta Bacchin

Intersections, encounters and coming home in Holland Festival 2024

The 77th edition of the Holland Festival presents innovative international performing arts with more than 40 productions and over 380 artists at 21 different venues in Amsterdam. The opening takes place on Thursday 6 June with a special programme in the Gashouder, where Stravinsky's iconic Sacre du printemps will be accompanied by a film by Evangelia Kranioti, and Caroline Shaw's Music in... 

Blue Hour by Matzer, pr image by Karin Jonkers

Liliane Brakema directs Alejandra Theus in musical performance Blue Hour

From 29 February to 29 May 2024, Blue Hour tours the country. A woman searches for a way through a nearly devastated world with her baby. Liliane Brakema directs Alejandra Theus in a musical theatre performance inspired by Cormac McCarthy's Pullitzer Prize-winning novel The Road. The premiere of this co-production by MATZER Theatre Production and &Brakema Productions is Friday, March 1,... 

still from the teaser for Stuntkont.

The best shit show in years comes from Rotterdam

It seems that at the inset performances of Maas Theatre&Dans' latest, 'Stuntkont', a few schools have already complained. Classes even walked out. Logical perhaps, at least for adult school teachers who can't take poop-and-pee jokes. Children from 6 to 106 can only laugh really hard at them. So poop-and-pee jokes turn out to be more amusing than I myself expected. At least when they are made... 

ZID Theatre puts 'Change/Change' centre stage at ExploreZ Festival 2024

Twaalf dagen vol inspiratie, verbinding, diversiteit en reuring voor een breed publiek Amsterdam, 15 februari 2024 – ZID Theater presenteert de negende editie van het multidisciplinaire en internationale ExploreZ Festival in Amsterdam. Van 7 t/m 18 mei 2024 kunnen bezoekers twaalf dagen lang genieten van een rijke mix van theater, muziek, dans, workshops en artist talks, met als thema ‘Verandering/Change’.… 

Arin Keshishi & the Marmoucha Orchestra

Be taken on an extraordinary journey. Arin Keshishi, the virtuoso bassist and artistic director of the renowned Marmoucha Orchestra, unveils "Self-Reflection: The Live Experience" Self-reflection of masterful bassist and artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra. In this edition, we highlight Arin Keshishi, an exceptionally talented bassist and the new artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra. His... 

After the End

A performance by Marmoucha featuring the dynamic duo of The Pig Factory, Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni. In a world of shadows and contrasts, Christiaan and Ali, each coloured by their own beliefs, are diametrically opposed. Their life experiences and circumstances have shaped their views and behaviour. Theatre-makers Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni take on a refreshingly outspoken and entertaining... 

Drie voorstellingen van en bij ZID Theater in de Amsterdamse Kolenkitbuurttijdens het Nationaal Theaterweekend op 26, 27 en 28 januari 2024

ZID Theater maakt multidisciplinaire voorstellingen met heel diverse talenten, en is tegelijkertijd ookeen podium voor deze voorstellingen en voor producties van andere, gelijkgestemde makers. Wehebben daarom besloten om voor de tweede keer onze deuren te openen voor het landelijkeNationaal Theaterweekend. Wat kunt u bij ZID zien? Op vrijdag 26 januari (20.00 uur): de première van twee voorstellingen: Circles van Issam… 

Cinedans FEST '24

Cinedans bestaat 20 jaar! De jubileumeditie Cinedans FEST ’24 vindt plaats van 20 tot en met 24 maart in Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam én online van 20 tot en 31 maart op Cinedans WEB.Vijf dagen lang staat Eye in het teken van de internationale dansfilm met bijzondere highlights en premières, waaronder de komst van special guest Celia Rowlson-Hall die een… 

ICK: We, The Eyes, Maubeuge Alex Avgud

Dutch tour WE, the EYES

In the compelling performance WE, the EYES, dancers, together with virtuoso percussionists and experimental hip-hop/soul/jazz artist Pink Oculus, search for a new way of seeing. In a force field of mesmerising projections, seductive vocals, rousing beats and inspired dance, a new perspective is emerging. The performers start from the dark, forcing them to engage other senses.... 

scene photo the Silence, photo by Hans Gerristen

Back to the time when you explored the world with an open mind - The Silence

Blikvangers - performance for children aged 1 to 6 In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity did not suffer from fear or anger. Like the open gaze of one who looked at the world, so pristine was it.The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless.Discovery was a breeze. Every touch... 

Utrecht Arts Education embroiled in fighting divorce

It was a chilly Thursday evening before Christmas 2023 and a grim atmosphere hung in the wedding hall of the old Utrecht city hall. Where during the day countless Utrechters were saying yes to each other, two partners were now facing each other. They no longer looked at each other, each had gathered their own supporters. Angry words rang out from one, bewildered words from the other. Members... 

Cross-border behaviour still a major problem in music industry

Nieuws uit de sector. De muzieksector moet veiliger en inclusiever. Die conclusie trekt de industrie zelf na onderzoek van Movisie onder bijna 1.000 muziekprofessionals. Daarin zegt meer dan 50% van de respondenten dat zij te maken hebben gehad met grensoverschrijdend gedrag tijdens hun werk in de vorm van discriminatie, agressie of seksueel misbruik. Tijdens Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen lanceert Taskforce… 

Edition: All Photography: Cees Elzenga/ CE20221018

Reisopera seeks new director. And an artistic colourist.

'Nina Hiddema and the supervisory board have concluded that this is a natural time for Nina to step down.' Nice sentence in the press release that appeared in the mailbox on 15 January. De Reisopera, the Enschede-based opera company that performs operas especially for everything outside Amsterdam and Maastricht, is bidding farewell to director Nina Hiddema after two years. Whether it... 

PR image asko|schönberg

Asko|Schönberg, Katrien Baerts, David Kweksilber in Roots & Grooves: 25 January - Muziekgebouw

Asko|Schönberg, with expressive soprano Katrien Baerts and versatile clarinettist David Kweksilber, brings music from the streets to the concert hall. On Thursday 25 January, four different pieces will be featured during Roots & Grooves. Folk music served as inspiration for John Adams' clarinet concerto. So did Leoš Janáček/Tim Mulleman's Moravian folk songs. For the spectacular Gougalōn, Unsuk Chin was inspired by the... 

Boulevard on the Parade

Boulevard theatre festival returns to city centre for good with 40th edition

In August, Theatre Festival Boulevard returns to the city centre of 's-Hertogenbosch. After three wonderful years in the Zuiderpark, the festival heart returns to the Parade. For the past three years, Boulevard built its festival heart in the Zuiderpark, with an annex on the Parade and performances right across the city. The renovation of Theater aan de Parade and the, by the... 

WAKA - Shonen / Éric Minh Cuong Castaign

Company Shonen & Waka Starz present:WAKA

Op 9 februari komt de grensverleggende voorstelling WAKA naar Nederland. WAKA biedt een levendig portret van de Oegandese jongeren van “Waka Starz” die vastbesloten zijn om deel uit te maken van de opmars van de wereld. Tijdens de voorstelling word je meegenomen naar Wakaliga, een arme buurt in de hoofdstad van Oeganda, waar de Waka Starz opgroeiden. Racheal M, rijzende… 

Afterword in TR8 foyer. Flnr: Brecht de Backer, Samuel D. Hunter and Erik Whien. photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Samuel D. Hunter's Proof of God at Theatre Rotterdam: "Since I'm a father, I have to be hopeful, I can't be cynical anymore."

"In America, when you put two guys on stage, the audience expects them to beat each other up, or fuck each other. In this play, neither happens, but in the theatre it's almost always about two men fighting or fucking." Legendary words from Samuel D. Hunter. He wrote the play 'A Case for the Existence... 

The sacred must of Andrea Voets: "I really am the most difficult client of my own work"

The sacred must of Andrea Voets: "I really am the very hardest customer of my own work" by Cultural Press Agency A good conversation with composer, harpist, electronic music maker and podcaster Andrea Voets. Read on Substack "I never thought just playing music was enough." Andrea Voets (34) is a rising star in the arts, but can't be pigeonholed into a... 

Ann Eysermans at Dropa House, photo by Dropa House

Why Antwerp is ahead of Dutch culture: Dropa House

The recording studio and residency site of Antwerp's Sound In Motion/SIM under construction is why the Belgian cultural sector is miles ahead of that of the Netherlands in one important respect. Magic word is: residency. Do It Yourself From Antwerp, the couple Christel and Koen, both marinated in the DIY ideology of punk, have long been bombarding city and world with concerts... 

scene photo by Sanne Peper

Reinout Bussemaker is the dream JP in Aluin's 'This is ours'

Je zal maar witte man zijn van zekere leeftijd. Sommigen van ons zijn het zo zat overal de schuld van te krijgen dat ze uit pure wanhoop PVV of erger hebben gestemd bij de laatste verkiezingen. Daarom is het goed dat toneelschrijver Erik Snel, zelf witte man van zekere leeftijd, een stuk heeft geschreven over het archetype van de Nederlandse… 

image Headwinds

Premiere dance performance Tegenwind van de Stilte with Artvark saxophone quartet in Chassé theatre Breda

On Sunday 14 January at 3pm, the dance and music performance Tegenwind will premiere at the Chassé theatre in Breda, a family performance for everyone aged 7 and above. Tegenwind is the sequel to the successful collaboration of dance company de Stilte and Artvark saxophone quartet in the production Bosch in Bed. Anyone listening to Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan will hear a song... 


Festivals full of theatre, dance and music from the comfort of your own living room

ITA, HOLLAND FESTIVAL AND NDT PRESENT BIBERATING PROGRAMS ONLINE, IN DIGITAL THEATER International Theatre Amsterdam, Holland Festival and Nederlands Dans Theater will present groundbreaking programmes online, in the Digital Theatre, during the Christmas holidays. In order to connect makers, companies and (inter)national visitors, the initiators choose a programme during the Christmas holidays. The ideal period to be together, to feel... 

pr image Alum

Theatre group Alum creates show about Jan Pieterszoon Coen's legacy

Premiere: 23 December 2023, Theater Kikker, Utrecht Utrecht - After the success of 'Ik zeg toch Sorry' (selected for the Dutch Theatre Festival), Aluin will present a zeitgeist comedy this Christmas. In theatre group Aluin's new show Dit is van Ons, the deeds of J.P. Coen and all his influences are denounced again, anno 2023. This performance... 

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