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‘The President’ eindelijk te zien in Nederland

Movies that Matter organiseert op 10 januari een vertoning van Mohsen Makhmalbafs ‘The President’ met als speciale gast -schrijver en journalist- Alexander Münninghoff (De Stamhouder). In ‘The President’ wordt een afgezette dictator in een Oost-Europees land geconfronteerd met zijn daden nadat hij zich schuil moet houden met zijn kleinzoon. In Mohsen Makhmalbafs satire zijn de rollen even omgedraaid en daarmee… 

Susan Neiman chief guest at Winternachten 2016: Why the atomic bomb really fell on Hiroshima

Propaganda is not just something that occurs in, say, Russia, but also in the West - more so than we ourselves realise. For example, is it widely believed today that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to capitulate and thus end World War II, nothing could be further from the truth. In that respect, Germany goes... 

Vijf redenen waarom de Nederlandse Reisopera Amahl and the Night Visitors ieder jaar moet uitvoeren

Alleen Maastricht, Den Bosch en Enschede konden genieten van Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors. Veel te weinig voor een opera die slechts tweemaal eerder in ons land te zien was (in 1988 en 1965) maar alles in zich heeft om een jong publiek voor het genre te winnen én de decemberopera bij uitstek is. Zeker als de mini-opera zo… 

Van Veen (vvd), Pechtold (d66) and Monasch (pvda) during the culture budget debate

We were read in 2015: 300,000 visitors, a total of 10,000 hours of reading time.

Time for our success list. In 2015, we attracted 60,000 more visitors than in 2014. That's something to be proud of. A website that focuses on the stories that existing media find the small, and then figures like that. That we attracted those 300,000 visitors is one, that they spent an average of 2 and a half minutes per story,... 

What to do with the VVD?

Those working in the cultural sector should not expect much from the VVD. Lately, however, the party has been trying to show a different face. Indeed, only recently, the new culture spokesperson of the right-wing liberals tabled a motion in which the VVD actually gave back 10 million of the more than 250 million the national government took from the arts.... 

Violinist Daniel Rowland: 'One spontaneous action can change the world'

The healing power of music, some firmly believe in it - in 2013, it was even the premise of the City of London Festival. Believing that music can connect people and have a healing effect on conflictual societies, festival director Ian Ritchie asked the Brodsky Quartet to commission a composition around this theme. Thus was born the by... 

Bowie expo in Groningen more compact than the British original, but well worth seeing

Cultural philosopher Ad Verbrugge has never had very much with David Bowie. He told that at the beginning of his lecture, Friday night 18 December, as a special attraction of the David Bowie Late Night at the Groninger Museum. That was the first disappointment for the assembled fans. More were to follow. Indeed, Ad Verbrugge had not quite prepared for his... 

'So Anyway'. A political Christmas column

But then. A day before Christmas, the prime minister experiences a sleepless night. He has no appetite for the Glühwein provided by the housekeeping service. The Christmas pastry, delivered by a friendly VVD baker, remains untouched. The security guards see their object sitting upright in his bed... Read and shudder That summer evening, Michelle de Kat sits smugly in a corner of the blood-hot studio 

Legendary alto Aafje Heynis died

'So, that one is hanging again', the alto Aafje Heynis is said to have exclaimed after a performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion. The statement is probably apocryphal and is also attributed to the soprano Jo Vincent, but fits perfectly with her typically Dutch sobriety*, which was diametrically opposed to her lived performances of very diverse music. In 1983, she quit until... 

Firma Mes - BOT (photo by Joris Jan Bos)

BOT by Firma MES: delightful drama for laughers and thinkers

'KUT TONEEL' has been spray-painted over BOT's poster. Another features penises and a clown's nose. Does Firma MES' new show arouse so much aggression? In any case, the young theatre company from The Hague promises us a play about "unkind people". But that doesn't quite pan out. On the flat floor of Theater aan... 

Welcome back to Amsterdam Huang Ruo!

Saturday 13 December, the NTR Saturday matinee presents the world premiere of Unscrolled for piano and orchestra by Chinese-American composer Huang Ruo (Hainan, 1976), with pianist Emanuele Arciuli and the Residentie Orkest conducted by Emilio Pomàrico. This kicks off his three-month stay as composer in residence of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Ruo is the first to receive this honour,... 

Good Grief! The Charlie Brown Christmas special turned 50!

Whole generations of children have grown up with Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy and their friends. The universe in which adults are conspicuous by their absence, but children's emotions are remarkably complex. And that is probably also the appeal of the television cartoon A Charlie Brown Christmas, which first aired exactly 50 years ago. Charlie Brown has no sense at all of... 

Nederlandse Reisopera, Orkest van het Oosten, Consensus Vocalis ánd 600 sing-alongs give lessons in the capital: connecting is how you do it!

Tight and razor-sharp? No. But that's not what this afternoon is about at all. Here the feast of singing together is celebrated, the end result being a performance of Handel's oratorio that you wouldn't want on CD, but which is of a surprisingly high standard and, above all, one you wouldn't have wanted to miss for the world. Much has been written about the problems... 

Pierre Boulez turns 90 yet again

This year was a celebration of two composers from two seemingly completely different planets. The Estonian Arvo Pärt (b 1935) turned eighty, the Frenchman Pierre Boulez (b 1925) ninety. One is unparalleled among a wide audience for his eloquent 'tintinnabulist style', the other is applauded by a select group of insiders for his avant-garde compositions, which the general public, however, experiences as incomprehensible... 

Theatre sector: "Municipalities, stop building theatres!"

Always nice when someone sets up a committee to solve all the problems. The Dutch theatre sector did just that a few months ago. Led by former minister Guusje Ter Horst, Rinda den Besten (former Utrecht alderman), Sadik Harchaoui (Forum) and Ryclef Rienstra (VandenEnde Foundation) examined what could be better in the relationship between theatre and the... 

The five shows you must see in December

The National Opera, Hänsel und Gretel (opera) It is the best-known fairy tale opera of all time. Not surprisingly, as Humperdinck's adaptation of Hansel and Gretel is overtly rooted in folk music as in almost Wagnerian orchestration. It was bound to be a success. Richard Strauss conducted the world premiere; Amsterdam features International Opera Award Winner Lotte de Beer's version. She moves... 

The IDFA is almost over. Time to take stock.

With one day to go, it's time to look at what stood out about the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam. The picture of the entire festival is diffuse, as befits a fest whose programme booklet is almost three hundred pages thick. There was, as always, a sea of films about abuses and current political issues, but there were... 

Topcollectie Spaanse meesters eindelijk in Nederland

De man heeft de blik naar boven gericht. Hij kijkt verbaasd. Waarom hangt hij nu hier? Hier, in Amsterdam? Hij komt toch uit Spanje? Vervolgens hing hij jarenlang in St. Petersburg. Deze zaal, net zo diep rood en imponerend groot als de ‘’Spanish Hall’’ in de Hermitage, lijkt trouwens verdraaid veel op de zaal waar hij zo lang hing. Overigens… 

Hilversum municipality closes Achterom Theatre

De voorstelling ‘Bed & Breakfast’ van Debby Petter in Theater Achterom in Hilversum was net afgelopen. Directeur Gerlofke Hekelaar sprak het publiek toe, want het was de allerlaatste voorstelling geweest. Na 45 jaar houdt Stichting Theater Achterom op te bestaan. Weer een theater dat ten onder gaat door de bezuinigingen in de culturele sector. Maar is geldgebrek wel de enige… 

IDFA viewing tip 26 November - A Poem is a Naked person

American filmmaker Les Blank stole my heart a long time ago with the short docu he made about Werner Herzog: Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe. And that is exactly what happened in that film. Herzog lost a bet to Errol Morris: he never thought the latter would finish his Gates of Heaven. And so... 

IDFA viewing tip Wednesday 25 November: deadly drug gangs

Today's IDFA viewing tip is directly opposite yesterday's. Yesterday was uplifting and heartwarming. Cartel Land, on the other hand, is hard, raw, unpleasant and brutal. It could hardly be otherwise, as Matthew Heineman's film is about the war on drugs in Mexico and Arizona, which is just north of it. At the risk of... 

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