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halbe zijlstra

Lichtpuntjes: Toneelschuur soort van gered, minder korting op schouwburg Hoorn, maar Bollenstreekse Bieb wordt duurder.

Haarlem – Geld nieuw beleid: landelijke bezuinigingen verzacht (..) [theater, film- en productiehuis] Toneelschuur Producties verliest vanaf 2013 haar Rijkssubsidie. Hiermee dreigt dit unieke productiehuis te verdwijnen. (..) Haarlem is economisch sterk afhankelijk van cultuur. De bezuinigingen leiden daarom niet alleen tot verschraling van ons culturele klimaat, maar ook tot minder werkgelegenheid en een slag voor de creatieve economie in… 

We are going Liveblogging again! Monday, November 21, to be exact.

Maandag 21 november heeft de kamer nog één kans om de woestijnvorming in de Nederlandse cultuur een halt toe te roepen. De onevenredig grote aanslag op de budgetten voor muziekscholen, orkesten, theatergroepen en tekenles wordt dan immers besproken door de kamer. Het gebeurt allemaal in de Groen van Prinstererzaal in het Tweede Kamer-gebouw, en het wordt vanzelfsprekend uitgezonden op het… 

Halbe Zijlstra wilde weten wat kwaliteit was, en kreeg 22 pagina’s vaagheid terug.

Kwaliteit. Het is zo’n mooi ambtelijk-politiek toverwoord. Klinkt goed en niemand kan er tegen zijn. Roep dus als politicus dat je meer kwaliteit wilt en alle hoofdjes gaan druk knikken. Ook staatssecretaris van Cultuurbezuiniging Zijlstra houdt van kwaliteit. Zegt hij. Bijvoorbeeld als het gaat om cultuureducatie. In zijn nota Meer dan kwaliteit zegt hij werk te willen maken van de… 

Even if they quit, Halbe Zijlstra is cracking down on culture clubs

Letters from Culture Secretary Zijlstra are dangerous, especially when they are about figures and schemes. And we haven't seen the latest one for now. So right now, it is about 'friction costs' for the cultural sector. These are the costs that subsidised institutions have to incur when their existence ends due to the subsidy freeze. Think redundancy payments, damages, flower arrangements for funerals of suicides and selling real estate at a loss.

Libraries hope for more digitisation as well as more readers of collection, after TNO study

The joint public libraries in the Netherlands have asked TNO to study the size and costs of digital collections between 2012 and 2016. State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra is consulting with provinces and municipalities on amending library legislation. That law will also determine how much purchasing digital collection (e-books and music) costs. To... 

Arts colleges to cooperate more and get "partly or wholly" the same budget

On 5 July, the HBO Council came out with a sector plan for art education. Following the report of the Dijkgraaf committee and the Brinkman committee, it was concluded that the autonomous fine arts courses will reduce the intake of first-year students by 25%, the conservatoires with direction of classical and jazz by 10%, and the rest by 20%. This is to be achieved in a period... 

Sports sponsor pays top price, culture sponsor sits front row for a pittance and expects no less

The smallest opera company in the Netherlands beats the biggest. Not in visitor numbers, not in subsidy received, but in bringing in sponsorship money. On closer inspection, however, it becomes painfully clear once again that there is no giving culture in the Netherlands and sponsorship is limited to a pittance. A rattling giving law will not change that.

"Battle of the Orchestras" kicks off with name change Orchestra of the East Netherlands Symphony Orchestra

The Netherlands has a new orchestra: the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra. At least, new in name. The Orchestra of the East does not seem to be waiting for possible forced mergers, and is already claiming its position as the national orchestra outside the Randstad by means of this striking name change that was made public today before the start of a concert with the Jussen brothers.

Reply Zijlstra (culture) to question on friction costs confirms chamber did not pay attention in June

It came as a shock that still hasn't quite worked out. Haf September, dozens of arts organisations received a letter from the State Secretary for Culture, informing them that they could start using the subsidy they thought they were getting for projects until 31 December 2012 for redundancy procedures, selling property at a loss and staff lawsuits against... 

Weekers (finance): 'No reason yet to reverse VAT increase' despite dramatic start to season

The story continues. On 1 July the VAT increase came into effect, on 8 July NRC quoted Halbe Zijlstra as saying that 'it was not the most mature scheme' of this cabinet, words he later nuanced during parliamentary questions. In late August, the Berenschot report came out with startling figures: the VAT increase would mainly cost the Netherlands money rather than generate it. Meanwhile, the Music... 

Henk and Ingrid screwed again: Dutch tax advisers burn new Giving Act to the ground

The new Giving Act, the cultural palliative with which the Rutte Cabinet claims to be accommodating the art world, is flawed. We don't say this, because we only know about art, but this is what the Dutch tax consultants say. And they know a lot about your taxes, and little about art. Extremely reliable, in other words. And what virtues... 

Mayor Hoes provides proof: for the VVD, art is only about sport anymore

Anyone who was still left wondering what the vision of the governing VVD party on art is now out. For that vision is simple. Art is sport. According to the VVD. So said the alderman of Rotterdam, so said the spouse of top wrestler Albert Verlinde, the as mayor of Maastricht ancillary runner Onno Hoes. During the opening of the Dutch Dance Days, he gave... 

Letter Zijlstra is just a request for information. But it does include a tickable invitation to suicide

Has state secretary Halbe Zijlstra the Lower House lied or misled in June when he stated that rushing through the culture cuts was necessary to absorb friction costs? Or does it just turn out to be improper governance?

"1 billion loss? There are other figures." Halbe Zijlstra refers Berenschot report to trash.

At the end of August came the figures. And what figures they were. Due to the stacking of extreme cuts by government, provinces and municipalities, the abolition of the successful Work and Income for Artists Act and the equally successful culture card, plus the VAT increase on the arts, the Netherlands' cultural sector would end up missing out on €1 billion in revenue. Berenschot had estimated that in... 

New Culture Council president? 'Van Klink creates a crisis himself so he can then solve it'

Pim van Klink is his name. He has been popping up everywhere lately. Especially when the malign subsidy orientation of the cultural sector needs to be pointed out, every medium calls Van Klink first. Last week, he once again threw his hobbyhorse into the henhouse in the NRC and was invited to join Buitenhof. And according to our trench-coat-clad... 

Kick off subsidy addiction requires greater government effort than Zijlstra wants

Arts organisations are subsidy-addicted and so we are withdrawing subsidies. The VVD's approach is clear. On the exact how, they appear to need to think longer about that, now that there is so much opposition from the country. Cold Turkey, the treatment proposed by tolerance partner (nice word in this context) PVV, could well result in deaths. To... 

Almost had Halbe Zijlstra praising a drummer as a figurehead of our literature

Nice, that secretary of state for hard rock and Tom Clancy. Mr Halbe Zijlstra-san has once again lived up to his change manager name in China. But in a slightly different way. In the land of eternally sealed mouths, he opened the Dutch stand at the book fair there, with a speech that once again rammed Dutch values into the Chinese. Anyway... 

Eindelijk antwoord op prangende vragen uit toneelgeschiedenis

Ooit geweten dat ‘De bruiloft van Kloris en Roosje’ in 1707 voor het eerst werd opgevoerd, en dat dit de voorloper is van de huidige oudejaarsconference? Dankzij de theaterencyclopedie die vanaf 1 september online te vinden is, zijn deze en nog vele wetenswaardigheden te vinden. Het Theaterinstituut Nederland (TIN) is initiatiefnemer en levert een groot deel van de inhoud van… 

It's final: the format for arts subsidies until 2016 is with the chamber

We have another letter from the secretary of state for culture. Halbe Zijlstra has sent it to parliament, to make it official that from 2013 a very bleak wind is going to blow in arts land. That makes cuts of 200 million final, still excluding the probably 150 million in so-called friction costs that the ministry also has to get from somewhere (u... 

Rutte cabinet answers chamber questions on 'unsupported' VAT measure

That's going to be fodder for chambers exegetes, although the question is whether it will make any difference. But Halbe Zijlstra says he did not say that the VAT measure "was not the most accomplished measure in the coalition agreement. Although that is what that interview with him in NRC Handelsblad of 8 July 2011. At the time, everyone thought that was a funny

Theatre Institute Netherlands to continue as museum, perhaps in Arnhem

Slim, natuurlijk, maar ook hachelijk. Al zal er – hangend boven de afgrond – weinig anders opzitten, maar het TIN (Theaterinstituut Nederland) wordt dus een Podiumkunstenmuseum. Per 2013, omdat dan de geldkraan van het ministerie van OC&W dicht gaat. Daarmee zet het instituut een reddingsplan in werking waarmee in ieder gval de collectie kan worden gered. Of daarmee ook de… 

That was him then. The March of Civilisation. And so was the chamber's Culture Committee debate on Halbe Zijlstra's letter.

We waren met een kleine onderbreking voor de broodnodige nachtrust ruim 27 uur actief met een liveblog over de Mars der Beschaving. Hard werken, en in het begin hadden we last van wat opstartproblemen. Immers: het opzetten van zo’n liveblog vereist wat structuur in de aanpak. We hadden een paar zogenaamde #hashtags ingevoerd, zoals #marsderbeschaving, waarmee op twitter mensen hun… 

Stage pollster provides useful figures on the performing arts

Gerard Marlet is aan het uitgroeien tot een ware cijferguru voor de Nederlandse kunstsector. Zijn nieuwste publicatie betreft de “Podiumpeiler”. We hebben hem voor u ingebed. Lezenswaardig, niet alleen voor cijfer- en kunstfreaks. Immers, veel discussies over wel of geen geld naar kunst, wel of geen volle zalen, ze kunnen nu allemaal even goed gebaseerd worden op de feiten. Nuttig,… 

Cultural policy Rutte cabinet advised against by patrons and entrepreneurs; PVV absent from hearing on future of Dutch culture

Eigenlijk was er maar één compliment voor het kabinet, dat bezig is om gemiddeld 30% te korten op een sector die werk geeft aan tienduizenden Nederlanders. Tijdens de hoorzitting die de tweede kamer op maandag 20 juni belegde was alleen cultuursocioloog Arjo Klamer positief over de daadkracht die staatssecretaris Zijlstra aan de dag legde. Dat hij vervolgens wel vond dat… 

“We geven nog altijd honderden miljoenen uit aan cultuur”

Sterker dan ooit is in de laatste jaren de invloed van spindoctors op de politiek te merken. Was het eerst alleen de PVV die in de persoon van Martin Bosma de Amerikaanse methodes van ‘framing’ introduceerde, inmiddels is het ook staand kabinetsbeleid. We kennen allemaal de Henk en Ingrids, de hardwerkende Nederlanders en de kopvoddentaks. En nu is er de… 

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