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7 verwarrende redenen waarom de toneelversie van The Fountainhead rammelt, maar u toch moet gaan.

Weer actueel, nu Toneelgroep Amsterdam de voorstelling herneemt, mijn recensie uit 2014. Deze week ging de toneelbewerking van The Fountainhead in première. Het boek is verschrikkelijk, de voorstelling rammelt, de acteurs winnen maar nipt. De inhoud schept echter nog meer verwarring en dat is de reden waarom ik u niet zal tegenhouden om te gaan kijken. En Hans Kesting natuurlijk. Ik zet het even op een rijtje.

'I did not have sexual relations with that woman', no way: surprising Don Juan at Theaterschip Deventer

In an immaculate virginal white uniform, Don Juan gives a slick press conference for his marriage to Elvira. We hear the famous words with which Bill Clinton denied the Lewinsky affair. Actor Ischa den Blanken's grin speaks volumes when he says: 'These allegations are false.' We know: he is lying.

Greco and Scholten divide attention between CCN Ballet Nationale de Marseille and ICK Amsterdam

Minister Filipetti has given the green light. Emio Greco and Pieter Scholten will be indeed the new artistic directors of CNN Ballet National de Marseille. A company with 30 dancers, 60 employees in total, in a building with 9 studios and a theatre. Who in the Netherlands still gets that done?

5 lessons from a Tilburg riot: superficial newspaper determines superficial cultural politics

Regional newspapers hardly do any real cultural journalism anymore. We know this, because it was the reason why we Culture Press once founded have. How bad things are now, five years later, with art in the region and the way the newspaper handles it, was evident this month in Tilburg.

Show with substance is like good sex with a storyteller

 “Een goed boek is een man die me verleidt, is als seks met een onbekende.” Anne Provoost, de secuur Vlaams pratende essayiste slaagde erin om P.F. Thomése en Hermamn Koch even aan het wankelen te brengen. In een debat tijdens Writers Unlimited hield zij een pleidooi voor het niet-waargebeurde verhaal, en deed dat in een beeldspraak die de fantasie nogal in beweging zette. Ze citeerde haar eigen werk “Fictie en Macht” waarin het lezen inderdaad een nogal fysieke aangelegenheid wordt:

Noreena Herz kukelt van voetstuk op Writers Unlimited

“Luister niet naar de experts, ze hebben het eigenlijk altijd mis.” De kern van ‘Eyes wide open’, het nieuwste boek van Noreena Hertz, is helder. Dat ze zelf deskundige is, en dat haar visie daarom ook gewantrouwd moet worden, is logisch. Dat het gesprek wat ze over dit onderwerp voerde met oud-politica Femke Halsema almaar bizarder werd, was niet zo logisch. Ronduit schokkend was de val die de schrik van alle bankiers ter wereld aan het eind maakte.

‘Dankzij facebook heb ik tijd over’: schrijvers omarmen het sociale netwerk op Writers Unlimited

Fouad Laroui doet niet aan internet. De van oorsprong Marokkaanse auteur en hoogleraar heeft zelfs geen mobiele telefoon. “Ik besef dat ik daarmee behoor tot een kleine elite”, verklaart hij tijdens een debat op Writers Unlimited, “maar ik zie er het nut niet van in.” Zijn tafelgenoten deelden zijn mening niet, en dat is best opmerkelijk. Nog maar een paar jaar geleden beschouwde het merendeel va de internationale schrijverselite de sociale media als iets waarmee zij zich niet hoefde te bemoeien.

‘De uitgerangeerde Marokkaan en de Vlaming mogen het weer uitvechten’ #WU14

In de rijke traditie van schrijvers die elkaars bloed wel kunnen drinken en de ander schuimbekkend met de pen te lijf gaan, orkestreerde Writers Unlimited een ‘polemiek’. Abdelkader Benali verwoordde in dit debat de stem van het volk, en Saskia De Coster die van de elite. Beiden hakten op elkaar in met hulp van moderator Elsbeth Etty. Resultaat: veel onsamenhangend getreiter.

Cinema attendance growth stagnates, Verliefd op Ibiza Dutch frontrunner

Christmas saved the 2013 cinema year. While it seemed to be nothing at the beginning of December in terms of cinema attendance, the last three weeks of the year made up for a lot - thanks to Hobbit 2.

2013 closed with 30.8 million visitors, Wilco Wolfers, president of the Dutch Cinematography Federation announced at the cinema industry's New Year's meeting. Best-attended film

Why the National Ballet should stay and Melle Daamen should become chairman of the Culture Council.

Meanwhile, in NRC Handelsblad reacted somewhat panicked to the opinion of Melle Daamen, whom he calls an impatient entrepreneur: "You can imagine structurally subsidising two instead of four dance companies anymore. The other two could apply for grants for projects from the Performing Arts Fund, which should then get more funding."

Rutte and Bosma don't do vision or substance and bend culture debate to their will

Culture debate 2013: Rutte and PVV shake hands. It was about Caro Emerald. About Zwarte Piet. And the classic: subsidy on opera tickets. And briefly about carnival. And it made all the news. Geenstijl. Radio 1,2,3 and 4. What else was the debate about? Um... no idea.

Lower chamber talked about art. We followed the debate for you

We kept a liveblog. Nice and old-fashioned, from the days when every month there was uproar somewhere about the government's handling of art. Now there is peace in the tent, as the PVV sardonically points out, because 'The Left' is now the bearer of policies devised by the PVV. The PVV predicts a black future for 'The Left' once the PVV comes to power.

Dutch Academy For Film - for a good story about Dutch cinema

The Dutch film world has a new club. Dutch filmmakers can join the Dutch Academy For Film (DAFF). With the aim, in short, of raising the profile of Dutch cinema. The DAFF was founded on 24 June this year following the example of similar academies in, for example, England, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. A press conference at the Netherlands Film Festival

Daan Roosegaarde for president? Alderman? Councillor?

Jet Bussemaker believes in Daan Roosegaarde. She confessed this on Sunday 1 September during the traditional Paradiso debate. She admired his courage to imagine the unthinkable and his drive to come up not with opinions but with proposals. Her message to the arts sector, again almost fully present in Paradiso, was clear: stop complaining, start doing something.

Milestone in sight

We never actually pat ourselves on the back, but so once every few years it is allowed. For instance, when you are 'top story' within an hour on the global twitter story website ''. Of course, we often have a sudden surge in visitors, and certainly last September was a top month with 15000 visitors, but something like this, more than 500 visitors in not even an hour.... 

Bold p***o on the euro note?

There has been another interesting cultural twist to the 'Europe debate'. Someone has called out that it watermark of the new series of euro banknotes will include a picture of 'the rape of Europe' by the Greek supreme god Zeus. The anti-Europe and anti-Greeks in the various timelines need no more to frame the banking mafia's plot against the European citizen.

Halbe Zijlstra: 'nothing to do with local arts policy'

Halbe Zijlstra is proud of his policy, and keen to come and tell it in front of the entire cultural sector. So on Sunday 26 August, he appeared on stage during the annual 'Paradiso Debate' to reiterate how well things had gone with the 200 million cut in the arts sector. He praised the resilience of the affected art world, and would be happy to do the same again.

'Windfall cuts': bricks saved, people sacrificed

The major research and management consulting firm Berenschot has calculated that, on balance, the cuts to the arts turn out to be not too bad. Client of the study, De Volkskrant, then headlined that big. And indeed, it is kind of good news that the pile-up of cuts (the state 24% less, the provinces 20% less and the municipalities only 9 % less) is so low in net terms. We were surprised for a moment, but when we asked around, we found out

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