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'Community Art is Slow Art': Margreet Bouwman and Eugene van Erven on the Community Arts Festival 2013 #vvu

 Young people from Guatemala, nightingales from Northern Ireland and theatre-makers from the interior of Peru. Just some of the guests at the Community Arts Festival to be held in Utrecht in June 2013. Music, film and theatre with ordinary people behind and in front of the scenes, accompanied by professional artists. What else do they have in common?

The Cultural Press Bureau goes full on for ten days with The Dodo at Springdance

 It may be a crisis and the cultural winds may also be blowing from the wrong right corner, but that doesn't stop The Dodo from flying. The festival day newspaper we launched two years ago as a new commercial product is ready for another 10 days of Springdance. We're going to review a lot of performances, and compare even more. And we're going to make a journal. It... 

De Dodo gaat opnieuw Dappere Dansers in de gaten houden

Dit jaar wordt Springdance voor het laatst gehouden. Na bijna 30 jaar werd het tijd voor iets nieuws, al was het alleen maar omdat de wind in Den Haag opeens van rechts komt en dat is bad for business. Als je tenminste vernieuwende kunst wilt laten zien. Daarom fuseert Springdance in de loop van dit jaar met het andere Utrechtse… 

‘Theaterclub’ uit VS gaat het web op.

 Eigenlijk zit je er na 1 keer klikken al helemaal in. Het nieuwste project van New Paradise Laboratories (NPL) uit Philadelphia (VS) neemt de internet-ervaring mee naar een nieuw level. De makers doen niet zomaar iets met een website, maar ze scheppen een virtueel bestaan, dat ze minstens een jaar volhouden. In hun laatste project Extremely Public Displays of Privacy… 

Horror story of theatre show Coast overwhelms its narrators

Exactly how Little Red Riding Hood was eaten by the wicked wolf, the fairy tale does not tell. Fairy-tale-telling parents limit themselves to the before and after. And that the evil wolf is cut open by the hunter, freed from Little Red Riding Hood and filled with stones eventually ends up in a well to die is part of the winding down of the happy ending. Enough... 

Big plus for the writer who can also narrate #wu12

His voice is low, and when he talks, he does so calmly and thoughtfully. He regards his humour - very British - as a side effect that is more accidental than intended. This makes Helon Habila a perfect guest for the opening night of Writers Unlimited, The Hague's literature festival better known as 'Winternachten'. The Nigerian can tell stories, but... 

We will follow the world's writers into their hotel rooms

Writers Unlimited The Dodo is coming back to life. On 19 January already. Then we plunge into the Hague writer's life. The four-day festival Writers Unlimited, formerly known as Winternachten, but thus changed its name because of the weather (not, but nice joke) will have a real dodo, but then again differently. We will LIVE BLOG. That means we'll be there.... 

There is no Facebooking about taste. Harvard: only classical music and jazz preferences are transferable in social networks

Voor sommigen leken sociale media dé oplossing voor de manier waarop bedrijven hun waar aan de man kunnen brengen. Je verkoopt iets aan één persoon, en die persoon vertelt zijn goede ervaringen door in zijn of haar sociale netwerk. Zo zou je met relatief weinig inspanning veel mensen kunnen beïnvloeden. Niet dus. Vriendennetwerken op facebook zijn nauwelijks geïnteresseerd elkaars smaak.… 

One hundred and thirty thousand visitors for the Cultural Press Office in 2011. The bar for 2012 is high.

That frightens us quite a bit ourselves. We knew that the Cultural Press Agency was doing quite well, but we didn't really think a reach of more than 100,000 people was possible. After all, we had done nothing in the way of marketing. Just posting content and not giving away free tickets. And only once something with a bare female breast in it. Enfin.... 

Museums, Boxmeer theatre, IKON, ANP, regional broadcasters, impoverished library

MuseumgoudA not expelled MuseumgoudA may still remain a member of the Dutch Museum Association (NMV). A majority of the members were still of the opinion in September that the museum should be expelled because it had auctioned Marlene Dumas' The Schoolboys at the end of June without consulting other museums. That is against the NMV's rules. It did, however, decide to change the rules for the... 

Region review: chain letters in Rotterdam, only 1 year right to renewal in Zierikzee, and Eindhoven not happy with Chamber Choir

Groningen municipality cuts back on Gezinsbode The municipality is going to cut back 150,000 euros on publishing city notices in the Groninger Gezinsbode. The City Council wants to publish decisions and permits electronically from now on, for example on the municipality's website. (...) The number of pages in the Gezinsbode will be halved. (...) source: OogTV 10 Nov 11 Most councillors expect subsidies to be cut... 

This is how pop music 'matures': British group Bitter Ruin reaches Opera charts US.

Vorige week bereikten ze de Amerikaanse toplijsten. Leuk voor een Britse popgroep die uit de anonimiteit wil komen via een gerichte facebookactie. Opmerkelijk wel is dat de popgroep niet de ‘gewone’ top aan het bereiken is. Met het nummer ‘Trust’ staat Bitter Ruin namelijk in de operalijst. Maar het is minder verbazingwekkend dan het lijkt. Bij Amazon valt de band… 

De Dodo herleeft voor Holland Festival editie 2011 #HF11

Deze week barst het Holland Festival los en wij zijn erbij. We maken met een flink team professionele journalisten een Dodo Festivaldagkrant, zoals we dat eerder ook deden voor bijvoorbeeld Springdance en De Internationale Keuze van de Rotterdamse Schouwburg. We volgen het festival op de voet om nieuws te brengen wanneer het zich voordoet. We gaan voorstellingen zien waar anderen… 

“Dat van de ander die de hel is. Daar kan ik me zo over opwinden”: Laura van Dolron maakt theatraal gehakt van Sartre.

Ze is ‘stand-up filosofe’. Met die zelfbedachte term schiep ze een nieuwe vorm van theater, die het midden houdt tussen cabaret, een lezing en theater. Ze speelt met haar eigen rol, zet acteurs in of het marionetten zijn, maar blijkt uiteindelijk hun speelbal, zo goed als die van het noodlot. Kortom: Laura van Dolron is een geval apart. Ze maakt… 

Ondertussen in Damascus (Syrië): theaterproject Adelheid Roosen uitgesteld ‘wegens studentenprotest’

De Nederlandse theatermaakster Adelheid Roosen, die op dit moment samen met regisseuse Merel de Groot aan een theaterproject werkt met Syrische kunststudenten, ziet haar project gehinderd wegens studentenprotesten, al weten we dat niet helemaal zeker in het totaliteire land, waar we maar zelden nieuws uit ontvangen. De universiteit van Damascus, waar ze aan het project To tell You I call… 

The deeper caverns of an adult film festival. Sven Schlijper on safari during IFFR 2011

The International Film Festival Rotterdam celebrates its fortieth edition with a fitting XL programme. That Roman numeral XL not only indicates respectable age. It also says something about size: this fortieth also bursts with the intiguing programme, with screenings at no less than forty locations throughout the inner city of Rotterdam. Inside the festival walls is... 

US grantmaker wants an art world with more creativity and less money

Now in terms of tax money, they already spend hardly anything on the arts, in America. But many think even that is too much. Earlier, we reported on Facebook and Twitter about Republican America's call to abolish subsidies altogether. Meanwhile, the president of the National American Arts Fund NAE (National Endowment of the Arts) has taken a bat... 

"Characteristic of the book trade remains the endless chatter, but this evening I wouldn't have wanted to miss." All tweets from #evdu, with video.

Interesting things are happening these days. The digital revolution is beginning to have traces of a real revolution. No one has yet set themselves on fire, as in Tunisia, but more and more people are taking to the virtual streets to overthrow the old powers: after the record companies, which let themselves be overwhelmed by people downloading, and the newspapers, which let themselves be overwhelmed by people searching freely for information, it now seems to be the turn of book publishers.

"RutteLeaks": Prime minister and state secretary don't know their own figures: income requirements for arts institutions already met in 2007 and most subsidy already going to successful institutions

We already thought something was wrong when Mark Rutte, in his much applauded show of strength in Buitenhof, spoke of 'all those empty halls with 10 people in the front row'. Ok, he hadn't been there himself for years, but according to his State Secretary Halbe Zijlstra, at least in The Hague, the emptiness was glaring, Rutte knew.... 

Un Prophète, Toy Story 3 and Twilight best films of 2010

According to the Dutch film press, the French prison drama Un Prophète and the Pixar animated film Toy Story 3 were the best films shown in Dutch cinemas this year. Dutch winner is Hanro Smitsman's grim teen drama Schemer, the Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten announced. This result is the result of a survey of 54 film journalists who each... 

Arts budget debated in second chamber: hardly any discussion on 200 million cut to performing arts

We were at a debate day in The Hague that was as inconspicuous as it was historic on 13 December 2010: it was about the budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the (first?) Rutte cabinet, and that was the budget in which, at the request of the supporting party PVV, the amount to be cut in the arts budget was set at 200 million, with heritage and museums having to... 

Art world via Facebook in action against culture cut even before Rutte-Verhagen cabinet installed

It was a pleasantly out-of-control flashmob: according to the police, there were around 3,000 people on The Hague's Malieveld at around noon. Young people, mostly: students from The Hague Art Academy and the Consevatorium. But that is not enough to make the Malieveld feel crowded. From all corners of the country, young art students were... 

Dutch actors relive emotional childhood memories during Shelley Mitchell's Method Acting Masterclass #tf2010

"We are artists. Acting is a vocation. Not everyone understands that. Sometimes it's a lonely existence." Understanding, almost motherly, Shelley Mitchell addresses a group of Dutch actors at De Balie. The American actress and founder of The Actors Centre of San Francisco introduces them to 'method acting' during a three-day master class. Not pretending, but becoming one with your character. A way of acting that has won many famous actors an Oscar. Think of Robert De Niro, Juilette Binoche, Al Pacino and Kate Winslet.

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