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Opinion deputies Culture: 'For Culture, set the navigation a bit more often on Eastern Netherlands!'

The new year often starts with new insights and resolutions. A critical reflection can then help. We were therefore delighted to read the Volkskrant of 2 January, in which columnist and theatre critic Merlijn Kerkhof concludes that in 2020, he wants to enjoy all that the Netherlands has to offer in terms of culture a bit more often outside 020. And that is only right,... 

'Meat sandwich' still most popular at food festivals Festival Atlas sees festivalisation declining

De piek van de festivalisering van Nederland lijkt achter ons te liggen. Het aantal festivals is in twee jaar tijd met ruim 10% teruggelopen. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam naar het festivallandschap in Nederland. Verantwoordelijk lector Harry van Vliet (Crossmedia): “De daling in het aantal muziekfestivals was al zichtbaar in 2017, maar de afname is het… 

M carbunaru [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

All balls to Cuijk. Why it really is a good idea for the Netherlands to have a Capital of Culture every year.

How nice it would be if Zutphen were to be Cultural Capital of the Netherlands next year, proudly representing itself and thanks to a strong impulse from its surrounding area: the province of Gelderland. They could immediately tackle the hopeless situation of the local theatre, the kids from the suburbs could also go to hip-hop in a real hall and everyone in the Netherlands would know... 

NJO Muziekzomer presenteert ‘Drama in Wenen’

Sinds zijn oprichting heeft de NJO Muziekzomer zijn vleugels uitgeslagen. Het begon in 2001 als een zomercursus voor muziekvakstudenten die mochten werken met internationaal gerenommeerde musici, componisten en dirigenten. Inmiddels is de NJO Muziekzomer uitgegroeid tot een niet te missen, publieksvriendelijk festival, dat de gehele provincie Gelderland bestrijkt. Op vrijdag 19 augustus maakt het een stapje over de grens naar Overijssel,… 

Ed Spanjaard is the ideal new leader of the Orchestra of the East

After it was announced in January this year that Jan Willem de Vriend was leaving at the end of the 2016/2017 season, the Orchestra of the East announced that it was in no hurry to find a successor. One would start working with "renowned guest conductors". Just over six months later, a few months before the departure of interim director Bart van Meijl, a successor was still presented. That this successor, Ed Spanjaard, is given the title of 'permanent conductor' seems mainly a semantic issue.

The disaster surrounding the eastern orchestras only intensifies. A reconstruction

A damning report by organisational consultancy Berenschot, the voluntary or involuntary departure of director Harm Mannak, repeated bickering in the State Assembly and panting reports of high salaries for directors and artistic directors, all the way to the national newspapers. It marks the chaos at HET Symfonieorkest and the lack of any form of direction, not only at the orchestra itself,... 

HET Symphony Orchestra won't get its 2016 budget done

THE Symphony Orchestra does not have a balanced budget for 2016. Without additional money from the province, it can no longer perform its core task, nor can it fulfil all the commitments it made earlier. That is the gist of the letter CDA deputy commissioner Hester Maij sent to Provincial Council, ahead of its meeting on 7 October. The subject of the letter: "progress business plan/redemption subsidy HET Symfonieorkest".... 

NJO Music Summer - sparks splashed during closing concert too

Bathed in sweat and applauded by audience and musicians alike, conductor Antony Hermus leaves the stage on Sunday 17 August after the final concert of the NJO Muziekzomer. He has every reason to be pleased, as the performance of Richard Strauss' Ein Heldenleben at Theatre Orpheus in Apeldoorn sparked that it had a nature. The tricky piece jumps into six... 

Arnhem pours millions into bricks and immediately pulls its hands off them

The Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra is getting a new main hall. Questions about exploitation were carelessly brushed aside in the Arnhem city council last night. And so construction-minded Holland is happy. Moreover, Arnhem will save half a million a year on its culture budget by immediately making the yet-to-be-built new hall independent. Another headache file closed. Until huge budget deficits arise at the independent halls.... 

Provincial millions for HET Symphony Orchestra evaporated without results

What happened to the five million Overijssel gave the orchestra in 2011 to 'get more money from the market'? This was also what councillor Van Abbema wondered, and the answers the province gave her mostly raise more questions. What is abundantly clear is that the province wants to keep the orchestra no matter what and of no merger 

Arnhem decides: who takes decisive lead in the battle of the orchestras?

Tonight, the Arnhem city council will take an important decision on the renovation of Musis Sacrum, the monumental concert hall located at a prominent point in the city. But the real news is not in what will be decided tonight, but in the far-reaching consequences. Musis Sacrum dates back to 1847 and is part of the cultural heritage. The venue complex is in dire need of refurbishment and with... 

Crisis at The Symphony Orchestra only gets worse thanks to fact-free politics

HET Symfonieorkest's financial problems have not gone unnoticed. Regional newspaper Tubantia reported last Monday that PvdA MP Jacques Monasch had minister Jet Bussemaker (also PvdA) summoned to the Lower House. In that report, Monasch passes with seven-mile boots advice, applications and decisions that have already been made or are yet to come, and immediately reports that a symphony orchestra will continue beyond 2017... 

Supervisory failure at HET Symphony Orchestra: drama that could have been avoided

The money at HET Symphony Orchestra has run out. Despite all the extra millions from the province and after years of writing off tons of general reserves, the end is in sight. And so the orchestra is scrapping concerts, will be seen less in theatres in Deventer and Zwolle, stops CD recordings and shuns any risky performances. To keep the... 

Overijssel is sweeping away culture. But like everywhere else, it is not an election issue

82% cut in Overijssel's culture budget No, the VVD did not become the largest party in Overijssel in the last provincial elections, the PvdA attracted 1.6% more voters, but if there is a province where Halbe Zijlstra's nationally initiated policy had an effect, it was that province. Residents soon noticed this, but research by consultancy firm 

Reinbert de Leeuw in Zomergasten, not in Muziekzomer

In just over two weeks, the NJO Music Summer, with more than sixty-five concerts performed by young musicians, spread across more and less obvious locations in the province of Gelderland. One hundred and sixty young people flocked from all over the world to show their skills from 1 to 17 August. Anyone staying in Gelderland at that time could not possibly miss their presence.

Volkskrant fails: not 'region' but Randstad suffers

I would like to take a moment to put this one to you. Quote from this morning's volkskrant, where editor Harmen Bockma makes a valiant attempt to list all the figures of culture carnage, but fails a little in doing so. It also remains difficult to identify the breakdown in the basic infrastructure add to the dropout at the fund, but it is proving altogether difficult to discern what

How two orchestras sold an international revenue model as regional

Recap: Er zijn teveel orkesten in Nederland, vindt de regering, en dus moeten er een paar weg. Of samengaan. Nu schijnt dat gedwongen fuseren niet erg van harte te gaan. Maar je kunt er wel geld mee verdienen. In Gelderland en Overijssel leidt dat tot bizarre taferelen. Het zou komisch geweest zijn als het niet zoveel geld had gekost.

Om vijf ton extra binnen te kunnen halen, trekken het Nederlands Symfonie Orkest en het Gelders Orkest één lijn. En met succes: de provinciale overheden van Overijssel en Gelderland vangen de subsidiekorting van het rijk op. Nu blijkt echter dat de plannen waarmee die redding is binnengeharkt, dubieus zijn. De politiek heeft daar nauwelijks naar gekeken. Vragen over het businessplan kwamen in Overijssel vooral van de PVV, maar in Gelderland stemde die zelfde partij na een – opmerkelijk vernietigende – contra-expertise juist enthousiast in met de miljoeneninjectie.

Orchestras in eastern Netherlands go slating

Bijna dertien miljoen vroeg Het Gelders Orkest (HGO) aan de provincie Gelderland. Het kreeg drie-en-een-half. Precies genoeg om de korting op de rijkssubsidie de komende twee jaar op te vangen en toe te werken naar een nieuwe organisatiestructuur en een nieuw verdienmodel, zoals omschreven in een zeer ambitieus businessplan, dat…… wacht even. Hier hebben we toch al over geschreven?

Culture in the Christmas package, Orientalis stops and all of Nijmegen-West without a library

Delightful news from the world of Christmas packages. 1/3 of interviewees said they did want to find a cultural experience in the Christmas package, as they visited a cultural actvity less often than they would like: 43% because of the crisis and 35% because of lack of time. Respondents said they would go more often if they got a discount. The proposed merger of... 

Investing in culture is economically valuable, but not with us ...

A Belgian professor was good enough to compare the own revenues by venues from the US, the UK and Belgium; in all three countries, the companies raise about 42% of their budgets themselves. The innovation professor also reiterated that research shows that investing in culture contributes to economic prosperity ... a wisdom that ... 

Museums, Boxmeer theatre, IKON, ANP, regional broadcasters, impoverished library

MuseumgoudA not expelled MuseumgoudA may still remain a member of the Dutch Museum Association (NMV). A majority of the members were still of the opinion in September that the museum should be expelled because it had auctioned Marlene Dumas' The Schoolboys at the end of June without consulting other museums. That is against the NMV's rules. It did, however, decide to change the rules for the... 

Culture day: not a penny for Oriëntalis, no brake on Amsterdam cutbacks and Vlissinger library unsaleable

State secretary does not give museum park Orientalis a cent (...) Interim director Peter Berns had asked Zijlstra, state secretary for Education, Culture and Science, for a one-off subsidy of six million euros. The province of Gelderland is willing to make a one-off contribution, if necessary, but only if the government also comes over the bridge. So that is not the case now, confirms a disappointed Berns. Source:... 

Regio-overzicht: kettingbrieven in Rotterdam, slechts 1 jaar recht op vernieuwing in Zierikzee, en Eindhoven niet blij met Kamerkoor

Gemeente Groningen bezuinigt op Gezinsbode De gemeente gaat 150.000 euro bezuinigen op het publiceren van stadsberichten in de Groninger Gezinsbode. Het Stadsbestuur wil de besluiten en vergunningen in het vervolg elektronisch bekendmaken, bijvoorbeeld op de website van de gemeente. (..) Het aantal pagina’s in de Gezinsbode wordt gehalveerd. (..) bron: OogTV 10 nov 11   Meeste raadsleden verwachten korten subsidies… 

Noodkreet theaterschool Roosendaal op valreep, Kunstplaats Veenendaal geschrapt. Kortingsnieuws uit alle regio’s

(..) De Jeugdtheaterschool Roosendaal ontving in 2010 en 2011 een projectsubsidie van 36.779 euro van de gemeente. De school vervult ook een regiofunctie. Van de 330 leerlingen komt veertig procent uit de omliggende dorpen. Het voorstel is de subsidie per 1 januari te beëindigen. Pas deze week is dat kennelijk bij de directie van Hofplein doorgedrongen. Die startte meteen een… 

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