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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.

NRC Next only half-checks: concert attendance does decline

It is even worse
Update following audience question. Wilmar de Visser, double bass player with the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, thought he had seen other figures at OCW, but when we checked, those figures turned out to be even worse than we already suspected here. Since it involves a breakdown across the classical and opera genre, here's the answer: "I checked, but you're throwing up your own glasses. The average number of visitors to opera and orchestras together (because you don't break down 2012) fell alarmingly in the Netherlands between 2011 and 2012. Namely from repectively 982 in 2011 to 729 in 2012. That's a drop of almost 25%."

Piano man Kiev inspired by art at Hoog Catharijne

De Pianoman, de jongen die dit weekend viral ging omdat hij piano speelde tegenover een peloton ME in Kiev, kwam in Hoog Catharijne op zijn idee. NRC Handelsblad meldt dat. De 22 jarige Markian Matsech liep deze zomer als zovelen door het Utrechtse winkelhart, net toen daar de kunstmanifestatie Call of the Mall plaatsvond.

Sell! Sell! Sell!", says Gorilla. Four reasons why the culture index is a useless toy

ABN verwijdert tekst.
We hebben de tekst van het ABN/AMRO bericht nog beschikbaar voor wie geïnteresseerd is. Klik op de plus onderaan.

We hebben een culture index. Vandaag werd hij gepresenteerd door de Boekmanstichting, een cultureel onderzoeksbureau. De cultuurindex, eigenlijk een AEX voor cultuur, is bedoeld om inzicht te geven in de stand van de cultuur. Probleem is wel dat de cijfers een beetje oud zijn. Dankzij de index weten we nu dus dat het er in 2011 best aardig voorstond met de cultuur in Nederland. Maar ja. Dat is twee jaar geleden.

Why the National Ballet should stay and Melle Daamen should become chairman of the Culture Council.

Meanwhile, in NRC Handelsblad reacted somewhat panicked to the opinion of Melle Daamen, whom he calls an impatient entrepreneur: "You can imagine structurally subsidising two instead of four dance companies anymore. The other two could apply for grants for projects from the Performing Arts Fund, which should then get more funding."

Erwin Olaf's sets in context, or: why should your visitors come back to your museum?

Erwin Olaf has a thing for wallpaper. The art photographer, known for his hushed and ominous compositions, thinks what is on a wall is at least as important as what is in front of it. The New Institute has now managed to combine that idea beautifully in an exhibition which shows both the sets of Erwin Olaf's most famous works, and a few wallpaper designs from the quivers of great artists.

Co-operation is co-operation: Culture Press after Lost-painters now joins forces with

We were actually still missing a good video event, and the people behind, the online TV channel for XS4all subscribers was still missing a good online presence in the cultural sector. And so that's where we could help each other. We thought. So we try out what we can do together.

More museum visits due to museum annual pass. So money should probably be added.

20 per cent more visits to museums thanks to the museum year card. This will earn museums a sloppy 14 million euros extra this year. The jubilant press release about the study by a renowned agency does not lie. Or does it? After all, six months ago featured in NRC Handelsblad still read that the Museum Card Foundation was in cash trouble.

Lower chamber talked about art. We followed the debate for you

We kept a liveblog. Nice and old-fashioned, from the days when every month there was uproar somewhere about the government's handling of art. Now there is peace in the tent, as the PVV sardonically points out, because 'The Left' is now the bearer of policies devised by the PVV. The PVV predicts a black future for 'The Left' once the PVV comes to power.

Turning back the clock 26 years. Four questions and one answer on Bussemaker's letter

Jet Bussemaker is satisfied. For the next few years, there will be little whining about the subsidies under her regime. She states this in her letter this weekend. After all, the basis of the system is fixed: there are great museums, symphony orchestras, opera and theatre clubs whose subsidies are cast in concrete. Or rather carved from classical marble, because money gets you

Asscher gooit spaarpot flexwerkende kunstenaars in bodemloze put

Een verlaging van de ww-premie besteden aan een regeling om meer mensen aan het werk te houden, gaat niet door omdat er steeds meer mensen werkloos worden, waardoor de premie omhoog moet. Zie hier het positieve effect van bezuinigingen door de regering. Hoe minder je uitgeeft, hoe dieper de problemen, hoe minder je kunt uitgeven, hoe erger het wordt, hoe minder je kunt uitgeven. En de kunst mag dat weer als eerste duidelijk maken.

The National Theatre prevented Stopera from becoming The National Theatre

It would have been so nice: The National Ballet together with The National Opera in The National Theatre, as you have in the capital of any self-respecting country. But so that didn't happen. The home of our National Opera and Ballet clubs is now called 'Nationale Opera en Ballet'. The National Theatre made sure of that, which, like the Nederlands Dans Theater, is not in our capital Amsterdam, but in its residence in The Hague.

‘Zoek het maar uit met je boeken’: Bussemaker doet een Zijlstraatje

Wie de collectie van de bibliotheek dan zo belangrijk vindt, moet maar zien hoe die het behoud ervan financiert. Dat zegt cultuurminister Jet Bussemaker in antwoord op vragen van kamerlid Bergkamp (D66). Bergkamp had deze vragen gesteld naar aanleiding van het bericht dat de collectie van ná 1950 door het ministerie niet tot het erfgoed wordt gerekend, en dus shreddable is.

'Content creators' will unite globally

Er wordt op internet veel geld verdiend met de verspreiding van tekst en muziek, nieuws, foto’s en films. Dat geld komt binnen bij internetproviders, diensten als Apple, Amazon, Netflix en Spotify en bij de grote platenmaatschappijen en filmproducenten, die vrijwel altijd ook aandeelhouder zijn van eerdergenoemde organisaties. Zo goed als niets van dat geld komt terecht bij de mensen die al die films, composities en boeken of artikelen maken.

Collection shuffling, Rutte II's new hobby

The Geldmuseum gaat over een maand dicht, maar de collectie (voor zover belangrijk) gaat naar De Nederlandsche Bank. Het Tropenmuseum is opgeheven, maar de collection wordt elders ondergebracht. De bibliotheek wordt echter maar voor de helft gered: alles van na 1950 is volgens minister Bussemaker niet interessant genoeg om te bewaren. Dit blijkt uit de antwoorden die de minister van Cultuur Bussemaker heeft gegeven op vragen van de SP.

Audience performing arts to low point

Goed nieuws van de VSCD: dit jaar zijn er meer theater- en concertkaarten in de voorverkoop verkocht dan vorig jaar. Het persbericht dat dit meldt, raadt nijvere journalisten echter aan om niet bij het lokale theater te gaan checken of dat klopt. Het gaat volgens de propaganda van de schouwburgdirecties immers om een landelijk gemiddelde, en om ‘dingen die ze horen van hun leden’.

'Museum sector buzzing with collaborative initiatives' but keen to keep doing it themselves

An enthusiastic press release in times of severe headwinds. It calls for further reflection. Last Friday, a survey on the state of cooperation in the Dutch museum world was presented. After all, cooperation should be from Minister Bussemaker and kind of the Council for Culture. So it's nice that things are already going ok. Can we get back to fun things.

BPP Kaputt (6): Alle theaterprijzen en collectieve marketing gestopt

Er gaat geen cent meer naar de jaarlijkse theaterprijzen en ook alle andere collectieve marketingactiviteiten, zoals het congres podiumkunsten, gaan naar 0 euro of heel weinig. Zegt de ene voorzitter tegen de andere directeur, die ook voorzitter is, en eigenlijk dezelfde is. Want zo gaat bij de Vereniging van Schouwburg- en Concertgebouw Directies:


Happy jerk or depressed bacteria? Biodesign is the future, according to William Myers

What idiot could come up with that, wondered one of the attendees: that you can make electrical circuits by combining the DNA of an algae with that of a hamster? Just a question that comes to mind when walking around the exhibition Biodesign, on show in Rotterdam from 27 September to 5 January (2014). And then there's... 

NRC doesn't count right: not 11, but at least 34 groups gone due to cuts

According to NRC Handelsblad Culture cuts became fatal for 'only' 11 theatre institutions. Here they assume groups that actually dissolved themselves. In their overview, however, they overlook the companies that voluntarily dissolved themselves by merging with another company. In addition, there are a number of institutions that disbanded before the new round because it was already clear that they would not receive any money. If we do count those, we come to at least 34 companies. That is already 25% of what was on offer before the cuts.

Oudolf's sturdy sprites replace floating trestles in Rotterdam harbour

Piet Oudolf, the Dutch garden artist who changed the face of New York changed, is best known in the Netherlands as an ennobled plant book author. After many big cities worldwide, Rotterdam is the first city in the Netherlands to have a public garden designed by the now 69-year-old designer. And it immediately becomes clear what we have been missing in our 'public green space' for all these years. Quite right, then, that Oudolf received the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund Prize gets awarded.

Daan Roosegaarde for president? Alderman? Councillor?

Jet Bussemaker believes in Daan Roosegaarde. She confessed this on Sunday 1 September during the traditional Paradiso debate. She admired his courage to imagine the unthinkable and his drive to come up not with opinions but with proposals. Her message to the arts sector, again almost fully present in Paradiso, was clear: stop complaining, start doing something.

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