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Usually without lyrics, often with music, always with movement

La Bronkhorst and very young Van Noten dance Ende der Zukunft: bold initiative with ditto outcome

Danseres en choreografe Truus Bronkhorst instigeerde een samenwerking tussen het Antwerpse Kunst/Werk en het Tilburgse T.R.A.S.H. Het dubbelprogramma en duet combineert choreografiën van Marc Vanrunxt en Kristel van Issum. Ende der Zukunft is een wonderbaarlijke enscenering van gapende kloven geworden: van tijd van leven, van artistieke ervaring, maar vooral ook van artistieke opvatting. Intergenerationaliteit (oui, c’est un mot) betreft verhoudingen die… 


Hoe een danshuis in Amsterdam nu wel lukt

Terwijl Amsterdam jarenlang sukkelde met een plan voor een Danshuis, openen in december de Chassé Dance Studios hun deuren. De voormalige Chassékerk is omgetoverd tot een multifunctioneel centrum met 8 professionele dansstudio’s, 45 hotelkamers, een gymzaal in de nok, en een grand café. Lenny Balkissoon, ex-danser en acteur (Zeg ‘ns Aaa) financierde, ontwierp en organiseert de bouw. Cultureel ondernemerschap in woelige tijden. Het kan.

Plastic Junkies by Antonin Comestaz, photo Robert Benschop

Squeaky plastic and schizophrenia in Here We Live And Now by NDT and Korzo

Among the audience at Korzo theatre in The Hague at the performance 'Here We Live And Now' are a striking number of dancers from Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT). No wonder, as many of their colleagues are involved in this performance. This annual programme featuring young choreographic talent is a co-production of NDT and Korzo. The addition 'The Hague' talent, by the way, may be taken with... 

Google en facebook nemen rol galerieën, uitgeverijen en impresariaten over

Voor de meeste kunstenaars is het een ideaal. Vertegenwoordigd worden door een galerie. Schrijvers hebben hun zinnen gezet op een contract bij een uitgeverij. Muzikanten kijken verlekkerd naar labels en theatermakers staan in de rij voor een impresariaat. Makers hebben een haat-liefde verhouding met zulke bemiddelaars. Want hoewel de gemiddelde creatieve professional wel een teen zou willen missen in ruil… 

Maas Theatre and Dance's Greeks: compelling and bewildering for young and old alike

First story. A naked king crawls at the feet of a woman. She is much taller than him, a goddess. High above him, she holds a bunch of grapes in her hand. Hungry he is! He wants those grapes, all of them. His body is vulnerable. It seems to shiver in the open air. But when it comes to the coveted food, he fetches... 

Four reasons to go to Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun

Na afloop van de wereldpremière van Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun van Seung-Won Oh gisteren in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, stond het publiek als één man op om Slagwerk Den Haag en de solisten toe te juichen. Het was dan ook een magische voorstelling, die herhaald wordt in De Doelen in Rotterdam en in Theater aan de… 

Spectacular slow down in Bruges: Slow (36h) makes 'nothingness' palpable.

We are moving too fast. Politics moves too fast, the news moves too fast, and nobody takes the time anymore to spend a quiet time listening to a piece of music, reading a thick book, or listening and watching slow art for 36 hours at the Concertgebouw in Bruges. So the concert hall in Bruges is organising a festival with... 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (7): 'If the knowledge is lost, so is the heritage.'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'Just one more point. Then we're almost through.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'Continue quietly, we have until half past five.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'We have a problem with real estate. A lot of inner cities are empty. Shop premises are empty, downtown office buildings are unrentable. What do the municipalities say? Put artists in them. Cost nothing, because for free rent they do... 

1967, choreographer Koert Stuyf and dancer Ellen Edinoff

5 reasons for the new Ellen Edinoff and Koert Stuyf Fund

A year ago, one of Holland's most legendary dancers died: Ellen Edinoff. She danced mainly in the 1960s and 1970s but there was always a hint of grandeur and mystery surrounding her and her husband, choreographer Koert Stuyf. Now a fund is being set up at the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund to support young dancers and creators of contemporary dance. 5 reasons why.


The Black Piece. De voorpremière. De nabespreking.

Bij sommige voorstellingen kerm je binnensmonds of het allemaal wel goed komt. Bij andere voorstellingen slaak je een kreun dat het zo goed uitpakt. The Black Piece is dat laatste. De nieuwste productie van Ann Van den Broek is met input van dansers en testpubliek tot stand gekomen. Dan kan het bijna niet mis gaan. De voorvertoning laat een indringende mix zien van versies van het begrip zwart. Alsof je als publiek gedwongen wordt voor een beslagen spiegel te staan waar de wasem langzaam optrekt en iemand zegt: kijk! De choreografe legt na afloop verantwoording af.

Proven: theatre-goers seek intellectual satisfaction and hardly ever read reviews

Drama reviews mainly fill a need among artists and journalists. Newspaper readers hardly use them. In London, this has been studied. Only 36 per cent of theatre-goers say they read reviews. Much more value fans place on tips from friends and family. Last Saturday at Amsterdam's De Balie debate centre, there was a discussion between theatre-makers,... 

5 times 'Yes' for smashing combo of dance and opera in Sasha Waltz' Orfeo

Days after the grand scenic world premiere of Schoenberg's Gurre-Lieder, De Nationale Opera once again comes up with a more than remarkable production of international stature. Everything and everyone dances and sings. (1) So you think you can dance? Sure. The modern opera singer(s) is used to something. Simply stepping forward and singing your aria was outdated decades ago. And. 

'Grandiose' opening Theatre Festival doesn't quite take away the pain

"Grand opening, right?" Jeffrey Meulman, the man who as director of the ailing Theatre Festival gave the word "inspired" a new dimension, was delighted. It was Thursday night, September 4, 2014. Shortly before, I had seriously considered jumping from the 1st balcony of the Stadsschouwburg, rather than applauding Tauerbach, the opening performance of The Theatre Festival. It is... 

The Ballet Orchestra

Holland Symfonia is now THE Ballet Orchestra. National and Dutch at the same time

On the phone, it takes some getting used to. 'Good morning, Holland Symfonia speaking,' you hear as you listen to the orchestra in the Amsterdam Q-factory studios calls. But that's not the orchestra's name at all. In fact, Holland Symfonia has a new name: The Ballet Orchestra.

The world's most beautiful artist foyer is in the Zuiderstrand Theatre

So the building is a bit redundant, well considered. After years of drawing, tug-of-war and plans for a new venue complex in the city centre of The Hague, local politicians blew off the Spui Forum earlier this year. Now, I'm sure there will have been all kinds of criticisms of that building plan, but the consequences of the lokalos blowing it off are not... 

8 enticing words about Festival Boulevard.

It is the most ambitious summer festival in the Netherlands: Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch aims to showcase not only the finest theatre theatre theatre in the low countries, but also the fattest shows, and youngest new creators and the merriest bus drivers. And all that in 10 days, in once tad where the local newspaper does its best to promote culture as scary as possible to make. We briefly summarise it for you in eight enticing words.

Gertrud Leistikow: So are the real roots of modern dance in the Netherlands after all?

In the first half of the 20th century, dance did not represent much in the Netherlands. There was some interest, but it exclusively concerned classical ballet. The successful dance performances all came from abroad.

It has all but disappeared from the history books that a remarkably creative and original dancer and choreographer settled in our country during those years: Gertrud Leistikow (1885 - 1948).

Doesn't 'The Returns' exclude you as much as the art snobs parodied by Forsythe?

When someone speaks in sentences with words that repeatedly rhyme with 'art' or in which the syllable 'art' keeps popping up, you have to adjust to a different logic than that of everyday communication. If it is also a woman dressed in bright red who pronounces those words eloquently and with many mannerisms, suggesting that she is hyper-sensitive to anything to do with art, your thoughts balance between:

BEST RELATED SECRET #1: Susanne Marx, Karin Spaink and Girl Loos in Eastern Bloc

Susanne Marx is at Oostblok, the former Muiderpoort theatre in Amsterdam, for two days with the performance 'Meisje Loos'. You could call 'Meisje Loos' a critical family performance: for young and old, about growing up and playing with compulsory roles, male-female, white-black, dancer-rapper, harp or beatbox. Genderbending as a theme for the whole family, with a fringe programme featuring Karin Spaink, Linda Duits, Machteld Zee, Rickie Edens and Alex Bakker perform and engage in conversation. 

National Ballet performs enchanting Tempest

To make it 450e birth anniversary of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Krzysztof Pastor created a full-length choreography for the National Ballet, loosely based on The Tempest (1611). The performance is part of the Holland Festival. Dramaturge Willem Bruls adapted Shakespeare's last play about the island exiled prince Prospero and his daughter Miranda into a script in which the story is told four times, from as many perspectives. The result is enchanting.

Alain Platel deals firm death blow to traditionalists in #hollandfestival

Talent alone won't get you there. You also need a bit of luck. That luck happened to Alain Platel so often by now that you almost doubt your own wickedness. Still. Those who not only count a composer like Fabrizio Cassol among their friends, but who also gave singing prodigy Serge Kakudji a chance, deserve a bit of luck. What the trio has now achieved with 13 musicians from Kinshasa is downright revolutionary. And a death knell for those who believe that north and south can never really meet. I experienced it on Monday, 16 June. And it still echoes. 

Ragged ritual defies permanent display: Germaine Kruip at the Stedelijk @HollandFestival 2014

"You know ma'am, that big red painting? Turn right before that". A young attendant shows us the way. At first glance, it's nothing. A man in semi-uniform, black trousers, white shirt, slowly turns on his axis. Sol Lewitt's mural, number 1084 from 2003, lends him the necessary decorum. Around the corner hang Barnett Newman and Andy Warhol. Would the man care? In this 'hall of fame' of conceptual art, the man's spinning stands out a little timidly. Some visitors remain standing, leaning against white walls or sinking down on the polished wooden floor. Those who take their time watch the spinning of the man and his fellow dervishes slowly take possession of the Stedelijk.

dance education

Dance course explodes. Sudden vacancy management dance course Royal Conservatoire

The dance course at The Hague Conservatory has exploded. Sort of. Nancy Euverink, director of dance education is in fact stepping down from the Royal Conservatoire (KC). And not only that. Deputy director Tom Bosma is not staying on either. Who will take over after the final performances and in the new season is still unclear. An international vacancy has been posted.


Kylián Festival. 8 ways to stay on top as a choreographer

Jiří Kylián is not at the Holland Festival. He has his own festival. The small Korzo theatre hosted ten days of intimate works by the great choreographer. Varied and still impressive. Next year, Kylián will have been a choreographer for 45 years. How do you keep performing at the world's top for so long? 

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