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Marketeers, toon ons uw ziel

Best lastig, marketing in de cultuursector. Voor een deel werk je in een markt waarvan men tegenwoordig denkt dat wat mooi is, zichzelf wel verkoopt, en voor de rest van de tijd moet je concurreren met een overvloed aan aanbieders. En dat ondanks de pogingen van de regering om het cultuuraanbod drastisch te decimeren. Of misschien wel dankzij. De markt… 

Johan Simons ontvangt 150.000 euro: ‘Ik dacht, dat moet voor Elsie zijn’

De Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs gaat dit jaar naar Johan Simons. Bij de mededeling, in een weiland onder Utrecht, was de regisseur verbaasd: hij vermoedde dat de prijs bedoeld was voor zijn vrouw, Elsie de Brauw, alom beschouwd als een van de beste actrices van Nederland en België.

Strauss evening of unprecedented height: Arabella as vorspiel of Scenes from a marriage

To perhaps the most beautiful music written by Strauss, Arabella descends the stairs and hands Mandryka a glass of water. Their engagement is thus sealed. Behind the love couple, however, an inky black space opens up into which both disappear.

Ziggo and UPC sued. Writers to court because cable billionaires won't pay up

 Just imagine being a screenwriter. Or a journalist for a documentary programme. So you won't get a penny for your work in the Netherlands. Really. The broadcasters are already not generous. But then. Indeed, all the money that cable companies earn from the television viewers of the Netherlands disappears into the pockets of a few US companieswho in turn share it with a few broadcasting bosses, producers and some other big earners. All those bosses have nothing to spare for the people who think up and write all that. This makes it very easy to make a profit.

Read everything everywhere with 1 login. Book industry works on central ebook platform

It's still kind of a secret, but the website is already online. Without reference to the people behind it, but then again, we know that. So we can break the news: it CPNB (that book week club) collaborates with the booksellers and publishers on a revolutionary platform for ebooks. This project, titled 'Leesid' should put an end to the chaos of DRM-shit, lots of different readers and tablets and bizarre ownership rules the Dutch electronic book reader still has to live with.

Culture Council notes total destruction of amateur art. Minister worries.

Over 60 million has disappeared from the coffers of the Netherlands' amateur artists in recent years. That money from your daughter's dance class, the brass band and your son's hip-hop class has been spent by municipalities, which had to compensate for cuts elsewhere, and provinces that suddenly saw no point in amateurs. That the national government additionally took 200 million from professional arts institutions is added to that.

‘Beperkte meting’: minister gooit rapport Berenschot in prullenbak

Minister Bussemaker vindt het nog veel te vroeg om alarm te slaan over de bezuinigingen die gemeentes nog gaan doorvoeren op cultuur. Onderzoeksbureau Berenschot had earlier this year berekend dat er nog vele procenten van het lokale cultuurbudget af zouden gaan. Onze eigen bronnen vertelden dat Berenschot nog aan de zonnige kant zat. Volgens de minister is het onderzoek echter te beperkt: er is maar onder 65 gemeentes gecheckt, en bovendien is het nog veel te vroeg.

Star. Five times. And then Symphony Orchestra.

Five-star Symphony Orchestra. This is how the Dutch Symphony Orchestra will be called next season. The former Orkest van het Oosten tried to become 'Dutch', but faced a lawsuit from the Philharmonic Orchestra, which was already 'Dutch'. 'Politics should get involved in the legal process. Because it can't go on like this. This is costing tons of money.' Says Harm Mannak.

Greco and Scholten divide attention between CCN Ballet Nationale de Marseille and ICK Amsterdam

Minister Filipetti has given the green light. Emio Greco and Pieter Scholten will be indeed the new artistic directors of CNN Ballet National de Marseille. A company with 30 dancers, 60 employees in total, in a building with 9 studios and a theatre. Who in the Netherlands still gets that done?

4 reasons why the arts are going to lose a lot more. Municipal culture congress wrongly optimistic

It was ball in Rotterdam on Thursday, 30 January. At the Municipal Culture Congress, a few hundred officials, local politicians and arts organisations gathered to talk about where they could help each other. It was supposed to be a positive day. There had been long enough complaining and arguing: look ahead, hopeful into the future. Even if the worst is yet to come.

43rd Rotterdam Film Festival celebrates 25 years of Hubert Bals Fund with opening film Qissa

9,000 euros was the amount with which Indian director Anup Singh's Qissa got off the ground a decade ago. That money came from the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) affiliated Hubert Bals Fund (HBF), which has been supporting filmmakers in developing countries for 25 years now. Last night, Qissa opened the 43rd edition of the Rotterdam festival. This makes the port city world capital for independent film for ten days, as business director Janneke Starink stated at the opening in the Doelen.

Schrikbarend voorspelbaar of provocerend goed? De Speler bij De Nederlandse Opera

Prokofjevs De speler is anderhalf uur toneel, waarna het na de pauze écht opera wordt. Dat ligt niet aan de solisten, niet aan de regie of decors en al helemaal niet aan het uitmuntend spelende Residentie Orkest onder leiding van Marc Albrecht. Misschien zijn muziek en libretto wel te vernuftig, was Prokofjev wel te trouw aan het boek van Dostojevski om er een echte opera van te maken. En misschien is Andrea Breth wel een te goede toneelregisseur voor deze opera. “Kijk vooral goed naar de boventiteling,” vertelde ze vlak voor de première, “zodat u niets mist.”

More museum visits due to museum annual pass. So money should probably be added.

20 per cent more visits to museums thanks to the museum year card. This will earn museums a sloppy 14 million euros extra this year. The jubilant press release about the study by a renowned agency does not lie. Or does it? After all, six months ago featured in NRC Handelsblad still read that the Museum Card Foundation was in cash trouble.

Lower chamber talked about art. We followed the debate for you

We kept a liveblog. Nice and old-fashioned, from the days when every month there was uproar somewhere about the government's handling of art. Now there is peace in the tent, as the PVV sardonically points out, because 'The Left' is now the bearer of policies devised by the PVV. The PVV predicts a black future for 'The Left' once the PVV comes to power.

Turning back the clock 26 years. Four questions and one answer on Bussemaker's letter

Jet Bussemaker is satisfied. For the next few years, there will be little whining about the subsidies under her regime. She states this in her letter this weekend. After all, the basis of the system is fixed: there are great museums, symphony orchestras, opera and theatre clubs whose subsidies are cast in concrete. Or rather carved from classical marble, because money gets you

Asscher gooit spaarpot flexwerkende kunstenaars in bodemloze put

Een verlaging van de ww-premie besteden aan een regeling om meer mensen aan het werk te houden, gaat niet door omdat er steeds meer mensen werkloos worden, waardoor de premie omhoog moet. Zie hier het positieve effect van bezuinigingen door de regering. Hoe minder je uitgeeft, hoe dieper de problemen, hoe minder je kunt uitgeven, hoe erger het wordt, hoe minder je kunt uitgeven. En de kunst mag dat weer als eerste duidelijk maken.

For the most convenient overview of our art, visit Schiedam

I see a lot, but an exhibition that gives access to that contemporary art for outsiders is rarely among them. You have the Rijksmuseum with a nice overview of culture through the ages, but from 1900 onwards, the space for it becomes very small. So you don't know what's going on now. For that, you can go to the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, which shows the world's best. If, however, you want a handy overview of what Dutch artists have created, the best place to go is Schiedam.

'Content creators' will unite globally

Er wordt op internet veel geld verdiend met de verspreiding van tekst en muziek, nieuws, foto’s en films. Dat geld komt binnen bij internetproviders, diensten als Apple, Amazon, Netflix en Spotify en bij de grote platenmaatschappijen en filmproducenten, die vrijwel altijd ook aandeelhouder zijn van eerdergenoemde organisaties. Zo goed als niets van dat geld komt terecht bij de mensen die al die films, composities en boeken of artikelen maken.

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