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Disbanded Tilburg dance innovators go into fitness for parkinson's patients

Sat another note in the post. One of many, these weeks. About a club that had only just been set up by the government. With the accompanying millions, which because of the PVV's vindictiveness have now been dumped in the local ditch. Its creators have already found a new purpose for themselves a few months ago: to improve the well-being of Parkinson's patients. But Dance House Station South is now thus a thing of the past. We quote:

Another necro. Sort of: Theatre Institute Netherlands to continue as TIN Foundation

We are just reporting the press release in full. For your information. Every now and then, more news like this comes along. We don't post them all, because that would make the world very bleak. The world as many people knew it, and which they thought was the pride of the Netherlands, is coming to a squeaking halt to make room for. Well. We will report on that in the years to come. Of what comes in its place.

First post Culture Press at Press Group

Developing new models on the internet takes time. We have found that out with the Cultural Press Agency by now. With more than 7,500 followers on Twitter and 400 visitors a day to our website, we have now become a factor of importance in cultural journalism. But we are also very happy that four years after the first plans took shape and one year after the start-up subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science ended, our first publication can be read on the sites of De Persgroep, publisher of Trouw, Volkskrant and Parool.

'In STUT I process what I experience' Community Arts Lab is exciting as well as relaxing. #vvu

STUT is a household name. The neighbourhood theatre group has been putting on performances with and about ordinary people from ordinary Utrecht neighbourhoods since 1977. In 2010, the theatre group gave birth to the Stutkoor, which is now taking part in the exchange project of the community art lab for the Treaty of Utrecht celebrations in 2013.

Theatre tour Eefje de Visser: tears, looks of love and seated dancing

The music of Eefje de Visser comes in. In the silence of the theatre even more than in clubs, where enthusiastic fans sing along to her words out loud. One spotlight and her guitar, that's all this 26-year-old singer-songwriter needs to touch the room. I see tears, gazes of love and attempts at seated dancing during the official premiere of her theatre tour in the Melkweg.

DUS retains grant, leadership leaves

The Netherlands' most remarkable company when it comes to handling grant money has been saved. The Theatre newspaper reports that the central government has agreed to the new adjusted budget, which had to be prepared after earlier this year a loss of over 2 million euros had arisen. So the company keeps the one and a half million euros and artistic director Jos Thie and his business partner Jelle Snijder are chased out of the city with pitch and feathers, where they can join the Supervisory Board that had already turned a little too blind eye. After all, putting in an overpriced production to make up for the deficit from an earlier run of that same overpriced production: no entrepreneur would ever allow that.

41,5 miljoen per jaar voor verbetering cultuuronderwijs

Het ministerie van OCW steekt de komende jaren tijd en geld in verbetering van het cultuuronderwijs op de basisscholen. Via een combinatie van reeds bestaande potjes en geld dat door rijk, gemeentes en provincies wordt bijgedragen komt er in de komende jaren per jaar 41,5 miljoen euro vrij voor de kunsteducatie. En voordat iedere ZZP-ende kunstenaar nu alvast plannen gaat maken: dat geld gaat vooral naar onderzoeken en procedures, waarbij het meest concrete doel is: ‘de ontwikkeling van een leerlijn cultuureducatie’.

NFF - 'The rules of Matthijs' mandatory curriculum for emergency workers

The crop of feature-length documentaries screened at the Netherlands Film Festival is good. They are extraordinary stories, sometimes startling, sometimes penetrating, sometimes fodder for much discussion, and almost all very beautifully filmed. We wish the jury much wisdom. The nominated documentary 'The Rules of Matthijs' is interesting for everyone, but should be compulsory reading for social workers,... 

Milestone in sight

We never actually pat ourselves on the back, but so once every few years it is allowed. For instance, when you are 'top story' within an hour on the global twitter story website ''. Of course, we often have a sudden surge in visitors, and certainly last September was a top month with 15000 visitors, but something like this, more than 500 visitors in not even an hour.... 

'Collective copyright abuse is global problem'

A while back, there was a fuss in the Netherlands about the BUMA, the club that collects copyrights for musicians and publishers. Money had been lost in speculation and a director was engaging in nepotism. These cases do not appear to be isolated. At least, they are also mentioned in an overview of all known cases of abuse of power and corruption at collecting societies worldwide.

Gergiev Festival full of Sunday afternoon music

What could be the matter with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Gergiev Festival - the official name to emphasise its international appeal anyway? As soon as you enter concert hall de Doelen, you immediately get the feeling that you have arrived at an ordinary, weekday concert, even though Valeri Gergiev is on the posters. No decoration of the large rooms... 

Halbe Zijlstra: 'nothing to do with local arts policy'

Halbe Zijlstra is proud of his policy, and keen to come and tell it in front of the entire cultural sector. So on Sunday 26 August, he appeared on stage during the annual 'Paradiso Debate' to reiterate how well things had gone with the 200 million cut in the arts sector. He praised the resilience of the affected art world, and would be happy to do the same again.

Raad voor Cultuur deelt uit in tweede ronde

Toch geld voor de Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, geld voor een orkestenfusie in Zuid Nederland en 4,7 miljoen voor een kennisinstituut voor amateurkunst. De kaalslag van de Nederlandse Cultuursector is dankzij een tweede advies van de Raad voor Cultuur een beetje minder extreem geworden. Naast de genoemde positieve beoordeling is er ook geld voor een kennisinstituut voor de creatieve sector… 

Europese bezuinigingskaart raakt vol

The Guardian, de krant die voorop loopt met crowdsoursing, heeft een interactieve kaart beschikbaar gesteld waarop de bezuinigingen op cultuur zichtbaar zijn die regeringen in heel Europa doorvoeren. Dat Nederland voorop loopt, weten we al, maar in Spanje gaat het ook niet best, zoals we hadden kunnen verwachten. Je kunt zelf meewerken aan de opbouw van de kaart, en dat… 

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