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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Co-operation is co-operation: Culture Press after Lost-painters now joins forces with

We were actually still missing a good video event, and the people behind, the online TV channel for XS4all subscribers was still missing a good online presence in the cultural sector. And so that's where we could help each other. We thought. So we try out what we can do together.

More museum visits due to museum annual pass. So money should probably be added.

20 per cent more visits to museums thanks to the museum year card. This will earn museums a sloppy 14 million euros extra this year. The jubilant press release about the study by a renowned agency does not lie. Or does it? After all, six months ago featured in NRC Handelsblad still read that the Museum Card Foundation was in cash trouble.

Young Talent Performance (Fugaz Floor)

Talent development new buzzword in dance world: 3 encouraging initiatives

Dat je na je afstuderen moeilijk aan een baan komt, is ook in de danswereld bekend. Gezelschappen zetten daarom, mede  op aandringen van de overheid, in op talentontwikkeling. Ze hopen ook op een betere aansluiting met scholen. Jonge dansers staan nu eerder in de frontlinie van ballet: het theater, en dat is goed nieuws voor het publiek. Want de energie is fris en het niveau is flink opgeschoten.

Rutte and Bosma don't do vision or substance and bend culture debate to their will

Culture debate 2013: Rutte and PVV shake hands. It was about Caro Emerald. About Zwarte Piet. And the classic: subsidy on opera tickets. And briefly about carnival. And it made all the news. Geenstijl. Radio 1,2,3 and 4. What else was the debate about? Um... no idea.

Lower chamber talked about art. We followed the debate for you

We kept a liveblog. Nice and old-fashioned, from the days when every month there was uproar somewhere about the government's handling of art. Now there is peace in the tent, as the PVV sardonically points out, because 'The Left' is now the bearer of policies devised by the PVV. The PVV predicts a black future for 'The Left' once the PVV comes to power.

Gergiev under fire. How a silly statement and half-hearted attempt at nuance worries Rotterdam. And exposes a bigger problem.

Protests abound again tonight at a concert conducted by Valery Gergiev, this time at London's Barbican. Many of the protesters are demanding that the orchestra emphatically distance itself from the Russian star conductor and speak out openly against gay legislation in Russia.

Boukje Schweigman's wordless philosophy

Even before she graduated from mime school, Boukje Schweigman swore off language. She worked out a wordless philosophy in her performances. She seeks the mystery of life. However vast and elusive her starting points may be, her performances give the audience the most direct, immediate, skin-tight sensation imaginable in a theatre.

Turning back the clock 26 years. Four questions and one answer on Bussemaker's letter

Jet Bussemaker is satisfied. For the next few years, there will be little whining about the subsidies under her regime. She states this in her letter this weekend. After all, the basis of the system is fixed: there are great museums, symphony orchestras, opera and theatre clubs whose subsidies are cast in concrete. Or rather carved from classical marble, because money gets you

Asscher throws piggy bank of flex-working artists into bottomless pit

A reduction in the ww premium spend on a scheme to keep more people in work is not going ahead because more and more people are becoming unemployed, forcing the premium up. See here the positive effect of austerity by the government. The less you spend, the deeper the problems, the less you can spend, the worse it gets, the less you can spend. And the arts may again be the first to make that clear.

Realistic-optimistic The Rocket wins double award at Cinekid

"Children are the best judges of what makes a good children's film," a member of the Cinekid children's jury spoke confidently. There may be room for improvement on that, but the fact is that at the awards ceremony on the festive closing night of the Cinekid festival, there was remarkable agreement with the adult jury.

Not only did both juries nominate the same film twice

In 1935, the Pieten were black, or were they white after all?

We had still so decided not to say anything about the Black Peters Discussion. But still. Whoever is right, and whatever has been said, written and fantasised about it historically, we now have images. In those images, from 1935, we see Sinterklaas (a starring role by the famous actor and director Eduard Verkade) (thanks Peter van Bokhorst for the info), surrounded by men in some kind of noble costume, on horseback. We thought for a moment

The National Theatre prevented Stopera from becoming The National Theatre

It would have been so nice: The National Ballet together with The National Opera at The National Theatre, like you have in the capital of any self-respecting country. But so that didn't happen. The home of our National Opera and Ballet clubs is now called 'Nationale Opera en Ballet'. The National Theatre made sure of that, which, like the Nederlands Dans Theater, is not in our capital Amsterdam, but in its residence in The Hague.

'Figure it out with your books': Bussemaker does a Silk Road trick

Those who think the library's collection is so important then, should see how they fund its preservation. So says culture minister Jet Bussemaker in response to questions by MP Bergkamp (D66). Bergkamp had asked these questions in response to the message That the post-1950 collection is not considered heritage by the ministry, and therefore shreddable is.

From Dutch to National and vice versa. DNO and NRO give lesson on name change and collaboration

A joint press conference by two companies. In the post-Zijlstra era, that often does not bode well. A merger then seems obvious, especially when it involves the two largest opera companies in our country: De Nederlandse Opera and the Nationale Reisopera. Only now we have to turn that around: the Netherlands Opera will become the National Opera. And the building will be called National Opera and Ballet.

Suddenly controversial photo project on Sotchi gets alternative opening in Moscow

De fotodocumentaire die fotograaf Rob Hornstra heeft gemaakt over de voorbereiding van de Olympische Spelen in Sotchi, is toch in Moskou te zien. Althans, dat hopen we, nu na een eerdere plotselinge afgelasting er een plek gevonden is in het Sacharov-huis in Moskou. Vrijdag aanstaande kunnen de Nederlandse liefhebbers de opening vanuit de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg (zelf bier meenemen) bijwonen. Tenzij

Hospitality and art: not a natural marriage

The Amsterdam City Theatre is looking for a manager for its restaurant. Happens more often, but this time it is news. You see, the Amsterdam City Theatre has a place to reclaim. On the restaurant. When that restaurant opened a few years ago after a major renovation of the 19th-century building on Leidseplein, the Stadsschouwburg had suddenly become sort of untraceable.

'Content creators' will unite globally

Er wordt op internet veel geld verdiend met de verspreiding van tekst en muziek, nieuws, foto’s en films. Dat geld komt binnen bij internetproviders, diensten als Apple, Amazon, Netflix en Spotify en bij de grote platenmaatschappijen en filmproducenten, die vrijwel altijd ook aandeelhouder zijn van eerdergenoemde organisaties. Zo goed als niets van dat geld komt terecht bij de mensen die al die films, composities en boeken of artikelen maken.

Collection shuffling, Rutte II's new hobby

The Money Museum will close in a month, but its collection (as far as important) will go to De Nederlandsche Bank. The Tropenmuseum has been disbanded, but the collection will be housed elsewhere. However, only half of the library will be saved: everything from after 1950 is not interesting enough to preserve, according to minister Bussemaker. This is evident from the answers given by Culture Minister Bussemaker to questions by the SP.

Audience performing arts to low point

Goed nieuws van de VSCD: dit jaar zijn er meer theater- en concertkaarten in de voorverkoop verkocht dan vorig jaar. Het persbericht dat dit meldt, raadt nijvere journalisten echter aan om niet bij het lokale theater te gaan checken of dat klopt. Het gaat volgens de propaganda van de schouwburgdirecties immers om een landelijk gemiddelde, en om ‘dingen die ze horen van hun leden’.

'Museum sector buzzing with collaborative initiatives' but keen to keep doing it themselves

An enthusiastic press release in times of severe headwinds. It calls for further reflection. Last Friday, a survey on the state of cooperation in the Dutch museum world was presented. After all, cooperation should be from Minister Bussemaker and kind of the Council for Culture. So it's nice that things are already going ok. Can we get back to fun things.

Bonnie Doets (photo: Antoinette Mooy)

Modern dance wins prizes at Dutch Dance Days

Tijdens de 16e editie van de Nederlandse Dansdagen zijn diverse dansprijzen uitgereikt: de Prijs Nederlandse Dansdagen 2013, de Zwanen en de Dioraphte Dansprijs. Respectievelijke winnaars zijn choreograaf Giulio D’Anna, danser Medhi Walerski, Club Guy & Roni voor Midnight Rising, danseres Bonnie Doets van Scapino Ballet Rotterdam en Keren Levi met The Dry Piece.

The tough weather in hard numbers - economic research Dutch film industry

Are these the figures that will make it clear to Minister Kamp that incentives for the film industry really need to happen? That hope could be heard during the discussion of a report by Oxford Economics implemented research to the economic position of the Dutch film and av industry.

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