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Investing in culture is economically valuable, but not with us ...

A Belgian professor was good enough to compare the own revenues by venues from the US, the UK and Belgium; in all three countries, the companies raise about 42% of their budgets themselves. The innovation professor also reiterated that research shows that investing in culture contributes to economic prosperity ... a wisdom that ... 

Secretary of State excels in inanity as cultural cuts rumble on

On radio, the State Secretary for Culture and Education once again reiterated his position that when making cuts, it is good not to know one's field of activity . As an example, he did not know who the painter of "The Scream" is (Edvard Munch) and brought up a definition of culture as a "grab bag": "The beauty of culture is, that... 

State Secretary de Krom (Social Affairs) urges 1st chamber to speed up approval of WWIK repeal

That this cabinet does not like the creators of art is well enough known by now. That this klabinet also wants to get rid of complaining artists as soon as possible, too. That is why the cabinet is rushing to end laws that give artists a helping hand, such as the Work and Income for Artists Act (WWIK). That law now regulates that professional artists for... 

Benefit Giving Act, cultural budgets, Brabant, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Eindhoven, Goes, Utrecht et al.

Tax benefits to be gained this year (...) With effect from 2012, under the new Giving Act, there is an additional tax facility for donations (incidental or via periodic donations) to charitable institutions (non-profit organisations) designated as cultural institutions. Those cultural donations may be multiplied by a factor of 125 per cent for the gift deduction. This... 

Slack start to art lottery, production houses don't fire, Krabbedans, Rivierenland Library, MuZIEum et al.

Poor economy hinders new art lottery The business market is not yet warming up to the National Art Lottery launched in July. The organisation is looking for sponsors, but the poor economic climate is playing tricks on the lottery. (...) The number of cultural organisations that applied to supply lottery tickets actually exceeded expectations (...) Only when there are enough sponsors will the... 

US states: dancer gets $150 for performing with tickets up to $100,000 and rebels

Her name is Sara Wookey and she is well known in the international dance world. When this choreographer and dancer with 16 years of experience was offered a chance to audition to perform in a renowned performance by world-renowned artist Marina Abramovich, she naturally seized it. She auditioned and passed the audition with six others, but not then... 

Culture day: not a penny for Oriëntalis, no brake on Amsterdam cutbacks and Vlissinger library unsaleable

State secretary does not give museum park Orientalis a cent (...) Interim director Peter Berns had asked Zijlstra, state secretary for Education, Culture and Science, for a one-off subsidy of six million euros. The province of Gelderland is willing to make a one-off contribution, if necessary, but only if the government also comes over the bridge. So that is not the case now, confirms a disappointed Berns. Source:... 

Daily news: Sale in Rotterdam, protests in Amsterdam and an arts centre closes in the south

Culture sector signs agreement on youth pass Eight umbrella organisations in the culture sector signed a covenant on Wednesday advocating the continued existence, albeit in modified form, of the Culture Card. It should remain free, but will henceforth only give discounts on cultural outings. The 15-euro credit will disappear because the state will no longer provide subsidies. Instead, students in the... 

IDFA screens Tahrir 2011, eyewitness account of Egyptian revolution

A bit alienating it is. Watching at IDFA the eventful account of Egypt's February Tahrir 2011 revolution while at the same time, in Tahrir Square, the second phase of resistance against the dictatorship is in full swing. A kind of 'back to the future' feeling. Tahrir 2011 is a relatively unpolished, but with a sense of urgency in... 

Cuts also take philanthropists too far, and music lessons become unaffordable, Kerkrade retains its theatre

‘Filantropen kunnen bezuinigingen niet opvangen’ (..) “Fondsen zijn steeds minder bereid gewoon een cheque uit te schrijven. De eigenaren willen betrokken zijn, hun expertise inbrengen en effecten meten. Zij vragen naar de doelstelling van de aanvrager, hoe hij die denkt te halen en of dat meetbaar is. (..) “Gemiddeld keert een fonds jaarlijks 4 procent van zijn vermogen uit. Dus… 

IDFA 2011: Ramon Gieling, Frank Scheffer and the magic of music

Coincidence? The two Dutch documentaries in the main competition of the IDFA documentary festival both explore what music can mean to people. Two films that also complement each other perfectly - one starts from the perspective of the listener, the other from the musician. In About Canto, Ramon Gieling outlines the profound influence that Simeon ten Holt's Canto Ostinato... 

Crowdsourcing: Dringend hulp gevraagd bij ingewikkeld juridisch stuk van het ministerie over Nederlands Muziek Instituut

We hebben een eerste reactie binnen van het ministerie op een bezwaar van een weg te bezuinigen instelling. In dit geval het Nederlands Muziek Instituut. Ambtenaar producten en diensten van het minsterie, passend drs Spijker genaamd, veegt het bezwaar van tafel, maar we hebben wel wat vragen bij de precieze juridische indekking van het geheel. En we zijn zelf natuurlijk… 

IDFA 2011 kicks off with Danish documentary stunt work: The Ambassador

The crisis rages on and the Arab world is in flux, but in the documentary world, the time for big stories is over. At least that was the conclusion drawn by festival director Ally Derks at a press conference ahead of the 24th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (16-27 November). Unlike a decade ago, documentary filmmakers now focus... 

Bare-bones news: Give Act turned from monstrosity into monster, Brabant short 30% on performing arts, North Beveland no longer buys art.

House amends gift deduction in cultural sector (...) A majority of the House wants to limit Cabinet plans for tax deductions in the cultural sector. At the same time, it should become more fiscally attractive to make donations to sports and music associations. VVD, CDA and PVV submitted amendment proposals to this effect to the Giving Act of state secretary Frans Weekers (Finance) on Tuesday. (...) The PVV felt that far too... 

Arts Council 020 reacts to alderman for culture's austerity plan: 'don't make cuts!'

Je kunt je kont tegen de krib gooien, als kunstsector, maar je kunt ook iets anders doen, terwijl je met je grote konijnenogen in de koplampen van een aanstormend kaalslagmonster staart. En wat is dat andere dan, vroeg de Amsterdamse kunstraad zich af? Doodknuffelen, was het antwoord. Toen de Amsterdamse wethouder van Cultuur vorige week haar plan ontvouwde voor de… 

Discount news: cut in government websites and action for Metropole orchestra

Donner Zet Mes In Websites Rijksoverheid De ministeries beheren gezamenlijk bijna 400 websites, waarvan het merendeel niet aan officiële eisen van toegankelijkheid voldoet. Minister Donner wil eerst een sanering. (..) De gemeenten, waarvan slechts 2 procent volledig aan de webrichtlijnen voldoet, hebben tot eind 2012 om aan het laagste niveau te voldoen en nog twee jaar daarna om volledig te… 

News summary: Children have nothing to do with free museums and opposition has effects of austerity calculated

Opposition: have arts cuts calculated (...) These are cuts by the state, provinces and municipalities. The aim is to clarify how big the total cuts together are and what exactly the effects will be on supply and employment. (...) "With this request, we want to counter the politics of the short-term agenda. Good policy, including austerity policy, takes into account... 

Halbe Zijlstra wilde weten wat kwaliteit was, en kreeg 22 pagina’s vaagheid terug.

Kwaliteit. Het is zo’n mooi ambtelijk-politiek toverwoord. Klinkt goed en niemand kan er tegen zijn. Roep dus als politicus dat je meer kwaliteit wilt en alle hoofdjes gaan druk knikken. Ook staatssecretaris van Cultuurbezuiniging Zijlstra houdt van kwaliteit. Zegt hij. Bijvoorbeeld als het gaat om cultuureducatie. In zijn nota Meer dan kwaliteit zegt hij werk te willen maken van de… 

"Culture is not a top priority for this college," the Schouwen-Duiveland Labour Party believes.

Gorkum - Culture sector is in dire straits (...) The major austerity exercise will come in spring when the new Culture Policy, among others, is on the table. (...) In the meantime, further consultations are being held with cultural bodies, among others, such as the Toon Foundation and the Nieuwe Doelen theatre on 30 January. "They, like the Gorcums Museum, can come up with innovative, cost-saving plans.... 

Region review: chain letters in Rotterdam, only 1 year right to renewal in Zierikzee, and Eindhoven not happy with Chamber Choir

Groningen municipality cuts back on Gezinsbode The municipality is going to cut back 150,000 euros on publishing city notices in the Groninger Gezinsbode. The City Council wants to publish decisions and permits electronically from now on, for example on the municipality's website. (...) The number of pages in the Gezinsbode will be halved. (...) source: OogTV 10 Nov 11 Most councillors expect subsidies to be cut... 

Concertgebouw juicht over falende aandelenemissie

Het Concertgebouw liet gisteren juichend weten dat de aandelenemissie van september jl een doorslaand succes was. Immers, van de 1000 aandelen van 12.500 € waren er 400 besteld. Bijna 5 miljoen euro van particulieren binnengeharkt. Voorwaar geen geringe prestatie in dit zuinige landje, waarin iedereen klaagt dat mecenaat niets uitricht. De media, waaronder het Amsterdamse Parool, namen het juichbericht even… 

Trouw: Ernst Veen fears big deficits New Church, Holland Symfonia in kicking seat

Trouw's commentary addresses the problems that are now beginning to be felt even at the top of the arts sector: Cultural entrepreneurship can produce great things. Ernst Veen, who brought De Nieuwe Kerk and Hermitage Amsterdam to great fruition as new exhibition spaces in the capital, is a successful example. Yesterday, he complained in Trouw that... 

Orchestra members fired without waiting pay? A new collective agreement could cause that

On Thursday 27 October, FNV KIEM, the Nederlandse Toonkunstenaarsbond (Ntb) and NAPK sector orchestras discussed the terms of employment of musicians employed by the Randstedelijke and Regionale Orkesten that fall under the collective labour agreement Dutch Orchestras. Out of a total of 11 Dutch orchestras, nine are covered by this collective agreement. The orchestras of the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep and the... 

Even if they quit, Halbe Zijlstra is cracking down on culture clubs

Letters from Culture Secretary Zijlstra are dangerous, especially when they are about figures and schemes. And we haven't seen the latest one for now. So right now, it is about 'friction costs' for the cultural sector. These are the costs that subsidised institutions have to incur when their existence ends due to the subsidy freeze. Think redundancy payments, damages, flower arrangements for funerals of suicides and selling real estate at a loss.

Performing Arts Fund announces plans; institutions must perform with performances

Since the decision in June to reduce the BIS, many eyes have focused on the Performing Arts Fund, which has an annual budget of €60 million to give away. However, the Fund is also facing a cut: the budget for the multiannual scheme will be reduced by 40% from 40 to 24.5 million euros. The multiannual scheme is meant for... 

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