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Moving image. To be seen on TV, in a museum, in a cinema. On an iphone.

Movies that Matter on tour: Burden of Peace

The Movies that Matter film festival offers a programme of engaged and socially critical films not only in March. With Movies That Matter On Tour, special films are screened throughout the year throughout the Netherlands. In May, it is the Dutch documentary Burden of Peace. Burden of Peace tells the impressive story of Claudia Paz y Paz, the first woman to... 

Chapman for president- a film without images.

Is that possible? Picture-less film? Sure, just see-or better-listen to Chapman for President by the Eef van Breen Group on 2 May during LISFE: a cinematic sound project based on a personal story. An encounter with political refugee Chapman gave trumpeter, singer & composer Eef van Breen new eyes, ears and the idea for this film without images.... 

A vital and pitiful procession: William Kentridge at EYE

With its latest retrospective If We Ever Get To Heaven, EYE again convincingly and confidently presents itself as a museum that looks beyond film history. This was already evident in previous exhibitions such as Expanded Cinema, which showcased visual artists working at the intersection of film and art. Now William Kentridge has been given the honour of... 

Life is short - watch films, is the motto of Go Short short film festival

Short film lovers rush to Lux in Nijmegen for the seventh edition of Go Short (8 - 12 April). The annual short film festival with European and Dutch competition, alongside this year's surprising work from the Baltic states, a summer in the Balkans, an hour and a half of cat films, and much, much more. Short films offer creators much more freedom... 

Find the 'uncanny valley' at the Imagine Festival

With so many robots and even a robot design master class (Mark Setrakian, 16 April) at the Imagine Festival, it can't hurt to delve into the 'uncanny valley' again. How was that again? A robot needs to look absolutely nothing like a human to still be cute and evoke real emotions. See, for instance, Pixar's rubbish robot Wall-E. And... 

Here come the Robots! Imagine Film Festival 2015

Lately, the media has been flooding you with predictions about the increasing impact of artificial intelligence on our lives. Take for instance Nicholas Carr's book The Glass Cage, which analyses the revolutionary impact of new technology in the workplace. These are developments that have not passed Imagine programmers by. The 31st edition of the film festival, which... 

CinemAsia 2015: a continent of new film

The sixth edition of CinemAsia kicks off on 1 April in Amsterdam. The festival offers a broad and surprising overview of films from Asia. Ranging from anime from Japan to a documentary on Indonesian action films or a contemporary Filipino relationship comedy. Culture Press already dived into the programme. In itself, of course, there is plenty to choose from when you look at all those prolific studios in China, Japan, South Korea,... 

This is a must-see at the STRP Biennial!

Eindhoven is the mecca of experimental electronica for a while every two years with the STRP Biennial. In the Brabant city of lights, you can enjoy no less than nine days of leading dance acts. In addition, experimental performances explore the intersection between film, art and technology. Culture Press makes a preselection. Hypnotic dance swell The British Factory Floor has one foot in the past, but looks musically to the future. Their... 

Movies that Matter 2015

Engagement on the big screen: Movies that Matter 2015

The latest edition of the Movies that Matter festival kicks off in The Hague on Friday 20 March 2015. A fitting location for a festival that occupies a unique position with its focus on human rights and cinema. On Culture Press for a preview of the programme. Movies that Matter, like previous years, offers an interesting mix of documentaries and fiction films that will give you a... 

On the death of a peerless jazz legend: Clark Terry 1920 - 2015

Clark Terry was a legend and is no more. The American jazz trumpeter died on Saturday at the age of 94. He began his musical career with jazz greats Count Basie and Duke Ellington, who soon recognised his extraordinary talent. He said of the two: "Count Basie was college, but Duke Ellington was graduate school." [Tweet ""Count Basie was college, but Duke Ellington was ... 

From Urban to softerotica: The remarkable career of Sam Taylor-Wood/Johnson

The critical commotion that has emerged around the film adaptation of E.L. James's book Fifty Shades of Grey seems to focus mainly on the good-natured tameness of the final product. Something that contrasts with the supposedly edgy nature of the book, where a virginal young woman allows herself to be sexually initiated by a rich SM yuppie. Film critic Antony Lane listed... 

Critics' Choice back at IFFR 2015 with new tools for the film critic

Film and film criticism. Image versus the word. But what happens when the critic starts using visual language too? Well, something like this, for example: Transformers: The Premake, by Kevin B. Lee. Romance or amour fou It seems so obvious in today's digital online world. Is the video essay an answer to the crisis, perceived or otherwise, in art criticism? Film critics... 

Gooische Vrouwen beat Hobbit. Cinematic year 2014, eerily stable, with five caveats

Stable, stable, stable. That refrain sounded again and again at the announcement of the cinema industry's annual figures at the New Year meeting in Tuschinski. Hajo Binsbergen, vice-chairman of the Netherlands Association of Film Distributors, informed that in 2014, with the high number of 30.8 million visitors, the passage to the cinema was almost the same as 2013. The Dutch market share was with again... 

Director Wolfson bids farewell to Film Festival Rotterdam - three puzzles in advance for successor

Today, the International Film Festival Rotterdam announced that director Rutger Wolfson is handing over the baton after the 2015 edition. About his decision, Wolfson says in the press release: "Eight years is a long time to lead an important film festival and with the 44th edition, which will be very strong, I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve. Together with my family, I have... 

They are going to pay. Cable operators on their knees for screenwriters

Tonight many drunk screenwriters on the streets, and in Leiden a few very happy older journalists. Lira, the organisation that has to collect money for them from the big, wealthy, and non-paying guys, has won twice. They already had, of course, but the cable companies didn't want to get rid of the gold plating on their luxury yachts. So they ignored the judge's ruling and... 

Farce around The Interview turns into thriller - Sony succumbs to threat from unknown source

It gets crazier and crazier with The Interview, the US comedy in which the CIA wants to implicate two television journalists in an assassination attempt against the leader of North Korea.

You could almost say that film has once again been overtaken by reality.

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