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The House of Representatives has until Monday 29 June to save the culture (sector).

2.6 billion euros. It is a sum so large that it means nothing to anyone. It is less than the tax support KLM gets, though. Today Kunsten 92, the arts-wide lobbying organisation, in an unprecedented collaboration with all interest groups and industry associations, brought out that that 2.6 billion is the damage to the arts sector caused by the restrictive measures.... 

‘We zijn voor nu even klaar met Zoomen’. Holland Festival kijkt met gemengde gevoelens terug op editie 2020 (met geluid)

Ze zijn voor het eerst sinds de lockdown op 13 maart weer gedrieën op het kantoor bij elkaar. Het interview, waarin directeur Emily Ansenk, muziekprogrammeur Jochem Valkenburg en theaterprogrammeur Annemieke Keurentjes  de balans opmaken van de eerste – en hopelijk enige – online editie van ’s lands meest prestigieuze podiumkunstenfestival, vindt een dag na de afsluiting plaats. Er was geen… 


The Holland Festival 2020 had an exceptional year; due to the corona pandemic, it did not physically go ahead for the first time in its history. Instead, it was given an online programme as its fulfilment. Holland Festival online programme 2.0-2.0 was the 73rd edition of the festival and the second to work with an associate artist. This year, that was choreographer, director,... 

The Platform for Freelance Musicians in action

29 June is an important day for culture: the Lower House will then debate emergency support for the sector. Our message to politicians: "300 million euros of emergency support that OCW has available for the cultural sector is nowhere near enough to keep the sector afloat. Adopt the motion of PvDA, GroenLinks and SP!" In... 

'Living with others is hard.' French writer Leïla Slimani on identity, roots and the feeling of not belonging anywhere

Following the publication of social science books such as In the Garden of the Beast, Sex and Lies and the Prix Goncourt-winning novel A Soft Hand, French-Moroccan writer Leïla Slimani (39) has become an important voice in French literature in recent years. She was appointed ambassador of French language and culture by President Macron and by the... 

Beumer&Drost presents theatre thriller 'Murder on the Wega' (after the recently discovered 1937 book by Marten Toonder)

On 24 to 28 June and 2, 3 and 4 July, at Theater Bouwkunde in Deventer, you will enjoy a unique and intimate theatre experience: While enjoying a drink, seated 1.5 metres away from each other and from the actors, Peter Drost and Paul R. Kooij perform all the roles in this classic whodunit. Peter & Paul 'young men' in front of your eyes,... 

Improper governance? Looks like it. Holland Festival expresses justified anger at Culture Council's arbitrariness (edited to make criticism of Oerol and lobby insightful)

The Council for Culture acted in violation of all policy agreements, its own advice and rules when it reduced the subsidy for the Holland Festival by over five hundred thousand euros. The Holland Festival, which is in serious trouble as a result, is now expressing its anger in a letter that went to the Lower House today. The organisation even speaks of "improper administration": a... 

Sound designer Richard Jansen created a very special soundtrack for hallucinatory German Three Sisters

'We did get quite a kick out of spectators at the beginning: "How dare you treat the actors like that? First you put a mask on them, then you steal their voices and make them playback!'' Richard Jansen couldn't care less. He is part of the creative team as sound designer 

Love & Revenge wil de Arabische wereld een nieuw gezicht geven

Je neemt filmklassiekers als Dracula en Star Wars, speurt hun Arabische remakes op, en edit deze fragmenten op een live soundtrack waarin de Arabische popgeschiedenis samensmelt met elektronische muziek van nu. Dit, in het kort, is het recept van de dynamische samenwerking tussen muzikant Rayes Bek en videoartiest Randa Mirza, beter bekend als Love & Revenge. Met hun meeslepende show… 

Bart Rutten: we need to keep a close eye on parents in the Miffy museum in particular

'The spontaneous breeze should be planned at least 15 minutes in advance. After all, you have to buy tickets for a block of time. When you enter our venue, you immediately see all the security measures we have taken to protect staff and visitors. There are huge screens to separate the flow of visitors. There's a chance you won't get lost in... this time. 

MAAS makes performance at Keti Koti

On Tuesday 30 June and Wednesday 1 July 2020, Aan tafel can be seen at the Maaspodium, Rotterdam, a performance on the history of slavery as part of Keti Koti. It is the third year in a row that Maas is trying to make this painful part of history palpable through theatre. The performance will be made (coronaproof) and performed by Sue-Ann... 

Holland Festival opens online with Memories of my body. About the body as a battlefield

In the pre-corona world, Garin Nugroho would open the Holland Festival with his performance The Planet - A Lament. It would no doubt have been as impressive an experience as his Setan Jawa staged in 2017. We would be enchanted by his dancers and purified by the story. In the stripped-down online version of the Holland... 

Oui-Ja-Yes voor meer Spielerij op de podia. Voor én- vooral nu ook- achter de schermen.

Wat is de overeenkomst tussen blokfluitiste Lucie Horsch, pianiste Nynke Eekhof, hoboïste Dorine Schoon, zanger Tim Akkerman, deze Muziekverteller en nog vele anderen. Wat bindt hen behalve de muziek? Zij doen hun mond open. Geven inzicht in het leven achter de schermen. Door van zich te laten horen in kranten (Eekhof en Akkerman), op platforms, binnen organisaties en via blogs… 

That's why concert halls need to reopen as soon as possible. By any means necessary.

What an incredible bucket of guts Lucie Horsch has. Twenty years old. Quite world-famous by now, admittedly. But you just have to dare, in your acceptance speech for the prestigious Dutch Music Prize, to throw the minister's just-expressed words back in her face. Because that is what Lucie Horsch did, with a controlled fury that made a deep impression even from 25 metres away. The... 

When art is offered at such a high level, you can also expect value to be placed on it.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me to receive the Dutch Music Prize here today. Not only all the people who have helped me during the years of my trajectory and given me so much inspiration and motivation, but also everyone who has supported me from an early age in my... 

The BIS is dead, long live the Puppets

Let's just start with the good news: De Staat is a regular fixture in the Netherlands from now on. And so we are talking about the band De Staat. Who make fantastic music videos these days. They have been promoted from a four-year grant with the Performing Arts Fund to a four-year grant according to the Cultural Basic Infrastructure (BIS). With 55 other newcomers. All weighed... 

The advice is here. What will happen in Dutch subsidised culture over the next four years?

This is the recording of the presentation: And here is the full text of the press release. Explanation follows, but we will read first. More room for innovation and culture outside the Randstad provinces 04-06-2020 | 14:00 | The Hague The Council for Culture advises giving more institutions with innovative cultural offerings and institutions from outside the Randstad provinces the chance to be on... 

'I want to leave my children something substantial'. The eventful life of creative jack-of-all-trades Marc de Hond (1977-2020)

It still came as a shock, the sad news that comedian, presenter and theatre-maker Marc de Hond died yesterday. Around the beginning of corona, we were still in touch briefly about his theatre tour Voortrijdend inzicht, which he made as a legacy for his children. How unfortunate it was that most of the performances now had to be postponed indefinitely. His health situation... 

The Q of figurehead and bassist

I have always found the Q to be a nice fresh thing. Now unfortunately I am not a synesthete, but my imagination tells me today that the Q feels cheeky. Nice and concise sounding. The Q qlaps into my qeel and is punchy blue. Or shiny. Not ordi, but bold. Of shiny metallic seventies leather. The Q in a catsuit. Supple now plays... 


From 11 to 21 June, the Holland Festival will present an online programme as close as possible to the core and essence of the original programme, which was cancelled due to the corona crisis. Together with artists from around the world who were due to perform in the 2020 festival, an alternative online programme has been put together. The festival theme, suggested by... 

On uncertainty, drift and desire for freedom, and yes, sports too: 7 life questions to Wilfried de Jong

Freedom and openness are essential in Wilfried de Jong's life. Don't pin him down on one trait, because then he will get pissy. 'I am not "that guy from sports".' That's right, De Jong is a theatre and television producer and writer, among other things. About sports, for instance. His new book The man and his cycling stories will be in stores from this week,... 

youngNBE supports War Child in campaign Break the silence

The wind players of the jongNBE (young Dutch Wind Ensemble) will support War Child's campaign Doorbreek het zwijgen (Break the Silence) in the coming month. In the Netherlands, everyone has lived in freedom for 75 years, but 149 million children grow up in war zones. With this campaign, War Child wants to raise as much money as possible for these children, so they can enjoy playing together, playing sports... 

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