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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Romeo and Juliet: loose highlights in the Amsterdam Forest

Huge passenger trunks, like those at the airport, are stacked crosswise on the stage in the Amsterdam Forest. This immense rendition forms the backdrop of Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare in the Amsterdam Bostheater's performance. Director Ingejan Ligthart Schenk stages Shakespeare's classic modern, with acrobatics by the Tent Circustheater group and musical input by De Veenfabriek.

Joseph Puglia schittert in muziek Luciano Berio

De Amerikaans-Nederlandse violist Joseph Puglia is een hartstochtelijk pleitbezorger van eigentijdse muziek. Vorig jaar gooide hij hoge ogen met zijn vertolking van het Vioolconcert van Anders Hillborg, samen met de jonge musici van het NJO Symfonieorkest. Hij is eerste violist van Asko|Schönberg, waarmee hij eerder dit jaar de wereldpremière presenteerde van het speciaal voor hem gecomponeerde vioolconcert Roads to Everywhere van Joey Roukens.

Tefer, Itamar Serussi, Balletto di Roma, foto: Matteo Carratoni

Julidans dubbelprogramma met Levi en Serussi roept vooral vragen op

Het is een nieuwe en belangrijke trend binnen de programmering van internationale dans- en performance festivals in Nederland: niet alleen relevant werk van internationale choreografen tonen, maar ook uitdrukkelijk aandacht besteden aan dansmakers verbonden met de Nederlandse danspraktijk. Spring Utrecht opende in mei met Nicole Beutler en sloot af met Jan Martens, terwijl tijdens Julidans Pere Faura de spits mocht afbijten met sin baile no hay paraíso (no dance, no paradise).

Ed Spanjaard is the ideal new leader of the Orchestra of the East

After it was announced in January this year that Jan Willem de Vriend was leaving at the end of the 2016/2017 season, the Orchestra of the East announced that it was in no hurry to find a successor. One would start working with "renowned guest conductors". Just over six months later, a few months before the departure of interim director Bart van Meijl, a successor was still presented. That this successor, Ed Spanjaard, is given the title of 'permanent conductor' seems mainly a semantic issue.

Fernando Botero: 'Almost everything around us is art'

A major retrospective of the work of Fernando Botero (1932) is on show at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam, entitled Botero: Celebrate Life! The rush of opening such an exhibition takes energy out of him, but strangely enough painting never exhausts him, he says in his studio in Monaco. 'I have never experienced anything more fulfilling than painting or sculpting. Painting takes you out of everyday reality. You forget your body - even your existence. It's intense, but while painting I don't feel any fatigue, even after working for seven or eight hours. Whereas at a cocktail party, I am exhausted after only half an hour.'

Theatre festival Boulevard

Theatre Festival Boulevard: Not the Avignon, but the Berlin of the Netherlands?

There are many reasons not to go on holiday. It costs money, you come back more stressed than you went, the food is no good, it costs tons of CO2 and it doesn't increase mutual understanding between countries either. Reason enough, then, to just stay here and enjoy the free time given to you by the boss, or by yourself if you are self-employed. Without being barked at by airport staff.

Jubileumconcert #DNO: onnodig spierballenvertoon

‘Ik voel me bekocht’, zei de man naast mij toen we om tien voor half tien de zaal verlieten. Hij was helemaal uit Tilburg naar de Stopera gekomen voor het concert waarmee het vijftigjarig jubileum van de Nationale Opera woensdag 29 juni werd afgesloten. ‘Ik rij er nog langer over dan het concert heeft geduurd, inclusief pauze’, mopperde hij. Ook over het gebodene zelf was hij weinig te spreken. En dat terwijl rondom ons het publiek op de stoelen stond om de internationaal vermaarde sopraan Eva-Maria Westbroek toe te juichen.

Carolijn Visser en Iris Hannema: ‘Schrijven geeft reizen een doel’

De vakantie staat voor de deur, dus het wordt tijd om de koffers te pakken. Reisschrijfsters Carolijn Visser en Iris Hannema zijn het liefst het hele jaar door op pad. ‘Nederland is heerlijk hoor, maar na een paar maanden thuis begint het alweer te kriebelen: op reis wordt alles op z’n kop gezet; je denkbeelden over de wereld, de ideeën die je hebt over jezelf.’

Screenshot of Nieuwsuur Geert Wilders,

Oy. @geertwilderspvv sets Richard III as an example to the Netherlands

Enfin, helemaal letterlijk was het niet, maar hij refereerde er duidelijk aan: Richard III. Geert Wilders, zelf niet al te cultureel onderlegd, citeert Shakespeare in zijn zoveelste pleidooi om Nederland met potdichte grenzen uit de EU te halen. In de tweede kamer. Ik zag het in Nieuwsuur, en u kunt het terugkijken. Op 39′:49″ minuten in de uitzending is hij in debat met zijn grote vriend, de VVD’er Halbe Zijlstra.

Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis, Joël Pommerat, foto: Elisabeth Carecchio.

Op de rand van Europa trekt Holland Festival 86.000 bezoekers #HF16

Ruth Mackenzie heeft nieuw elan gebracht in het Holland Festival. Niet dat haar voorganger Pierre Audi het slecht deed, maar het Britse organisatietalent heeft wel gezorgd voor actualiteit en urgentie in het programma. Toen zij haar programmathema bedacht, zal ook zij niet hebben kunnen vermoeden dat het begrip ‘Edges of Europe’ zo’n lading zou krijgen. Immers, tegelijk met het laatste weekend van het festival besloot de Engelse bevolking tegen de zin van iedereen behalve de Welsh, de Europese Unie achter zich te laten. Nederland ligt opeens aan de uiterste rand van Europa, met alleen nog zicht op het verre Ierland.

Nicolas Mansfield: Today I feel more European than ever. #Brexit

24th of June, 2016. What a day. I spent it at the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in The Hague. Speaking with civil servants about the achievements, plans, challenges and dreams of the Dutch National Touring Opera. All in the shadow of something I find difficult to process. 

Roaring, pounding big band overwhelms with conspiracies #hf16

Een bigband, een tikkende klok, samenzweringstheorieën en twaalftonigheid. Mix dat in een theatrale setting en het kan gierend uit de bocht vliegen. Toch weet componist Darcy James Argue er een stuwend en enerverend geheel van te maken, met hulp van regisseur Isaac Butler en filmmaker Peter Nigrihi.

Stella actors Oscar Batterham and Richard Cant © Matthew Hargraves

Neil Bartlett's Stella: so perfect it's a bit irritating #HF16

The smallest details speak for themselves. For the second time during this edition of the Holland Festival, the legendary BBC series This Life comes along. Richard Cant, who plays a flawless lead role in Neil Bartlett's play Stella, has previously appeared in This Life, the series that set the standard for the modern docusoap in 1996. So now live, up close, in De Brakke Grond's Red Hall, the man who also played a solid role in Midsomer Murders.

Jan Fabre's gems keep atmosphere of Hieronymus Bosch alive

Calm has returned to the North Brabant Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch. After more than 400,000 people saw the successful and widely acclaimed Hieronymus Bosch exhibition, the halls are now light and quiet again. No more opening hours from early morning to midnight. Just, peace and quiet. Although the Jan Fabre mosaics hanging there now are disturbing. Mosaic Panels 2016 is... 

Bombarie on Bombarie? New festival in Utrecht has broad profile

In onze participatiesamenleving is Community Art ‘hip, hot & happening’. Er zijn dan ook veel projecten en initiatieven die amateurs en professionals samenbrengen. Gelukkig maar, want hoe breder kunstuitoefening en -beleving gedeeld en gedragen worden door zoveel mogelijk mensen, hoe mooier de wereld wordt, vind ik dus.

Pascal Gallois: formidable champion of the bassoon #HF16

Bassoonist Pascal Gallois gets laughs when he tries in vain to insert the flowers he has just received into the tube of his instrument. Also in the now classic Dialogue de l'ombre double by Pierre Boulez, he manages to make the audience chuckle on Sunday 19 June, when he produces a kind of elephant-like trumpet with much misfiring. His performance is part of the action ''Save the bassoon', which will conclude on Sunday 25 June with a concert at the Holland Festival Proms at the Concertgebouw. For this hundreds of (amateur) bassoonists ON. Action successful, in other words.

Grunberg doesn't come out of his hole in The Future of Sex #HF16

Woody Allen made sure in 1972 that his fans could not watch Star Wars with dry eyes years later. The final scene of his film 'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask' shows us the male brain as the bridge of a Star Cruiser where the crew is hard at work to bring a date to a successful conclusion. The spermatozoa in the front are a squabbling gang of take-off runners, heading for an uncertain descent towards beating egg.

Mark Haddon: 'Without death there is no fiction, nor any value in existence'

It came anything but naturally, writing his collection of short stories The Pier Collapses. Mark Haddon, made famous with The Miraculous Incident with the Dog in the Night, novels come a lot easier. 'I've been trying to write short stories for a long time, and I knew I should be able to do it, but I never succeeded. It was like a... 

Courage Conny Janssen Danst

COURAGE by Conny Janssen Danst shows a delicious new world

You don't have to go to Terschelling at all for an atmospheric location performance. COURAGE by Conny Janssen Danst is an exciting experience on a totally, totally neglected place.

In the 1980s, she started choreographing with Djazzex, years later she performed for Obama. Now Conny Janssen (interview here) with her ensemble at the Ferro Dome. A dilapidated venue you wouldn't expect much from the outside. Plans to turn it into a Rotterdam Heineken Music Hall are according to the AD cancelled. It's as if the city of Rotterdam said to Conny: here's a place we can't do anything with, you do something with it. Dut succeeded her wonderfully: thanks to a creative approach, the entire industrial entourage has a underground-appearance.

Though dated, Pina Bausch' Nelken still impresses #HF16

This way from row nine, it is like being knee-deep in carnations yourself. The heads of the audience in front of me merge silently into a forest of stems crowned with pink, through which dancers carefully step back and forth like leggy chickens.

The find is great: Nelken by Pina Bausch depicts paradise as a place where you have to be careful or things will go wrong. The carnations force the dancers to be careful. As a spectator, you go along with them, without all the underlying thoughts immediately coming through to you.

Gardens Speak ©-Tania-El-Khoury-1-

Digging in the earth stays on the surface in Gardens Speak #HF16

There I am. Next to Holland Festival director Ruth Mackenzie, on a grave, as part of the installation Gardens Speak on the stage of the main hall of Theatre Bellevue in Amsterdam. There is nothing to see, little to hear. Tone lights suggest a rising sun after a few minutes. I get up together with the ten other visitors. Quite a shame, because I was actually quite comfortable lying there.

The programme booklet sounded promising:

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