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Members keep the Cultural Press Office running. Therefore, press releases from members have a special place in our offering. In principle, we post them unchanged. So join us with a Large or Small Membership via this link and we will post your press releases on our site and share them through all our social media channels and newsletters.

Oerolhit op tournee door Nederland: Uniform, over het verlangen naar gemeenschappelijkheid

Dansperformance Uniform van maker Nastaran Razawi Khorasani, een groot succes op Oerol 2018, wordt hernomen. De voorstelling wordt her-maakt, gaat in première op zaterdag 15 februari 2020 in het Maaspodium, Rotterdam en toert tot en met 10 april 2020 door Nederland. Uniform is een dansperformance over het verlangen naar gemeenschappelijkheid, een ode aan de meeloper. Uniform Wat is de kracht… 

Netherlands Wind Ensemble plays 9th Beethoven in collaboration with Consensus Vocalis and local choirs: All Together!

From Thursday 23 January, the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble (NBE) will play 9th Beethoven. The tour will take in venues in Amsterdam, Enschede, Tilburg, Wageningen, Drachten, Oss, Utrecht, Heerlen, Haarlem and Arnhem. In this great Beethoven year, the NBE chooses one of his most iconic works: the ninth symphony, with its famous ode Ode to Joy, on lyrics by Friedrich Schiller. In the political turmoil of around 1800, it was clear where Beethoven's sympathies lay: he was... 

A great 2020 with the Holland Festival, vacancies and aus LICHT Opera of the Year

The Holland Festival wishes you a happy 2020! The full programme of the 73rd festival edition will be announced on 11 February. You can already order tickets for the five productions below. Also in this newsletter: vacancies for a head of operations/controller, an employee development and interns for the communication & marketing and production departments; and aus LICHT named Opera of the Year 2019.... 

Small Cultural Membership
175 / 12 Months
For turnover less than 250,000 per year.
Posting press releases yourself
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360 / Year
For cultural organisations
Posting press releases yourself
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50 / Year
For natural persons and self-employed persons.
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